In order to understand the surrounding environment.

After a few flashes, Lu Chen came to the edge of the space, and gently touched the gray substance with his hand, which was as soft as cotton. He wanted to reach out, but found that the more he stretched his hand inside, the more impenetrable it was, like a steel plate. It's just as hard, and it's the same after trying several places in a row.

Angrily, Lu Chen took out Hua Guangyuan's spear Magic Treasures. After Hua Guangyuan was beheaded by him, the spear Magic Treasures was collected by Lu Chen, and he named it "Little Dragon Spear".

At this moment, Lu Chen poured the Spirit Power of the cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period into the "Little Dragon Spear". There was a sound of dragon chant, and a blue light suddenly appeared. Five dragons gathered by Spirit Power rushed towards the gray wall with teeth and claws.

"Boom..." Lu Chen was very satisfied with the effect of his full blow.

However, when all the dust settled, Lu Chen found that the wall made of gray material was still motionless, as if Lu Chen had dropped a boulder into a calm lake, and there was not even a single wave. surprise.

Lu Chen tried a few more places, but the result was the same, and he was so tired that he was out of breath.

After confirming that he was trapped in a closed space, Lu Chen began to calm down.

He remembered that he used Divine Sense in the room to check the golden bead, and the golden bead did not respond after absorbing three hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones, but he appeared in this strange place.

"Could it be...?" Lu Chen made a bold guess.

Immediately, he sat down in Lotus Position, closed his eyes, and carefully looked into the golden bead in Dantian with Divine Sense, thinking "Get out!"

When Lu Chen opened his eyes again, his heart was ecstatic, and at this moment Lu Chen suddenly appeared in the room again.

"Haha... I see, that's right." Lu Chen in the room didn't close his eyes this time, and with a thought, Divine Sense quickly probed towards the golden bead in Dantian, and Lu Chen really appeared again in the next second In that space just now.

With another thought, he reappeared in the room in the next second. After several consecutive attempts, Lu Chen was finally sure that that strange space was the world of golden beads hidden in Lu Chen Dantian.

"It really is a peerless treasure." Lu Chen smiled slightly, and reappeared in the world of golden beads in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the gray space around him, Lu Chen was no longer afraid, but had a sense of intimacy, "This will be my territory from now on, haha..."

Looking at the empty space, Lu Chen had an idea, and appeared in the room the next second.

Lu Chen wanted to see if he could move other things into the world of Jin Zhu, but he put one hand on the table, sat on the stool with his buttocks, and deliberately held the leg of the stool with the other hand, thinking move.

In the next second, the tables and chairs really appeared in the Golden Bead World. After understanding this purpose, Lu Chen was very excited. If he encounters danger in the future, he will have another means to save his life.

The next day, Lu Chen met Gufeng and went to Sect to register for the Sect competition. The registration process was not complicated, and soon Lu Chen got a jade card with two five eights written on it. After saying goodbye to Gufeng, Lu Chen came to Houshan forest.

Lu Chen Divine Sense communicates with the Golden Bead, and an ordinary Magical Item long sword appears in his hand. Now the storage bag on Lu Chen’s body only serves as a deception, and he puts other things in the Golden Bead World for safety. Absolutely no problem.

Spirit Power was poured into the long sword, and the long sword let out a soft sound, under the control of Divine Sense

Shuttle back and forth among the trees, when the long sword flew back to Lu Chen's hand, more than a dozen big trees fell to the ground, and Lu Chen Divine Sense covered these trees and sent them all into the world of Jinzhu.

After doing the same thing several times, a large number of trees were sent to the Golden Pearl World. When Lu Chen felt that it was about the same, he returned to his own residence, and then entered the Golden Pearl World.

Lu Chen planned to use these timbers to build a wooden house, and he could practice in the Closed Door Training in Jinzhu World in the future, so Lu Chen got busy as soon as he said it. Building a wooden house is relatively simple for a cultivator. The Divine Sense control is just like building blocks. The only disadvantage is that it costs Divine Sense.

After a busy day, looking at the space as big as two football fields, suddenly there is an extra wooden house, Lu Chen is very satisfied with own masterpiece.

On the morning of the third day, Lu Chen walked towards the Xuantian Sect training ground like other Qi refining disciples.

At this time, hundreds of people have gathered in the martial arts training field. There are twelve main peaks in Xuantian Sect, and each main peak has about a few hundred people. There are at least one hundred disciples in the Qi refining period, and this time the registrations are all above the sixth floor of the Qi refining period. Therefore, Lu Chen estimates that the number of people who signed up for the competition should be around 300, and the others should be here to join in the fun.

As soon as other disciples arrive at the training ground, they will look for their own camp or familiar senior brothers, but because Hao Nande only accepts him as a disciple, Lu Chen seems a bit lonely.

"Lu Chen! This way!" A shout came.

Lu Chen searched for his reputation, and it turned out that Gu Feng was calling him. There were more than a dozen senior brothers standing beside Gu Feng, including Tong Wei. Lu Chen walked over.

"Gu Feng, this is the Lu Chen you mentioned to me? Why don't you introduce me soon?" asked the Fatty cultivator next to Gu Feng. Base.

"Brother Lu!" Tong Wei greeted.

"Hi Senior Brother Lu! My name is Zhong Tao, and Gu Feng is my brother. He told me about Senior Brother Lu's deeds, and I admire him very much." Zhong Tao took the initiative to make friends with Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, don't mind, Zhong Fatty is familiar like this." Gu Feng said.

"It's okay! You can have more friends, just call me Lu Chen." Lu Chen felt that Zhong Tao had no heart, and he was willing to make friends with him. After chatting for a while, they became acquainted.

"Disciples who have signed up for the Grand Competition, please gather here." A very dignified voice suddenly sounded, and hundreds of disciples in the martial arts training ground fell silent, looking at the old man who was speaking on the high platform.

"It's the three Elders, and it's said to be the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen in the Gold Core period." Someone was discussing in a low voice below.

This third Elder Lu Chen also has the impression that when Lu Chen first arrived in Xuantian Sect, he was severely reprimanded by the third Elder for throwing up all over the floor, but he didn't expect that the old man with white beard at that time was actually a master of Gold Core Dzogchen.

Moments later, more than a hundred disciples gathered in front of the three Elders, which was too different from Lu Chen's guess, and the other cultivators consciously stood in the distance.

Lu Chen looked left and right, all of them were disciples below the ninth floor of the Qi refining period, and none of the Qi refining period had completed the Dzogchen. Ye Rushuang and Liao Wei didn't see it. Isn't there a list of geniuses in Xuantian Sect? Don't they all participate? Lu Chen thought suspiciously.

The three Elders nodded with satisfaction and smiled: "Old man Situ Kong is the chief referee of this big competition. You are all the best in my Xuantian sect. I think everyone should know the rules."

Now, I won’t say much, what I want to say is that in the process of comprehension, one must compete with the heavens and the people. If you don’t compete with others, how can you be immortal? But in the process, I hope you will always be vigilant against your own heart. Although we are only running for 20 spots this time, don’t be discouraged if you haven’t advanced, the future Cultivation World still belongs to you, so let’s get started! "

"Twenty places? Isn't it fifty?" Lu Chen was even more puzzled, so he asked in a low voice a thin-faced disciple at the seventh level of Qi Refining.

The disciple stared at Lu Chen as if looking at a monster, but he couldn't see Lu Chen's Cultivation Base, so he didn't dare to show displeasure, so he explained the reason in a low voice.

It turns out that the Canglan Secret Realm has a quota of 50, but those on the list of geniuses are all Qi-refinement period Dzogchen or Qi-refinement-level nine, so in order to reduce the competition time, Sect specially stipulates that disciples above the nine-level Qi-refinement period can directly For promotion, the rest of the spots will be contested by disciples below the ninth floor in the Qi refining stage, Lu Chen just doesn't know.

After hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly realized, but he is also on the ninth floor of the qi refining stage, why no one told him when he signed up.

This is not to blame for other people, Lu Chen's identity jade card was handled by master Hao Nande, he did not update the information in time after he upgraded the Cultivation Base, so Sect only recorded his Cultivation Base of the fifth level of Qi Refining.

The three Elders were greeted with applause after speaking, and then the brothers in the Foundation Establishment period arranged specific groups and draws.

More than 100 people were divided into five groups, and five Foundation Establishment brothers took them to five areas respectively. It was enough for each group to take the top four. Lu Chen was in the fourth group. Coincidentally, Tong Wei was also in this group.

"Yang Chengbao on the eighth floor of the Qi refining stage vs. Ran Xudong on the seventh floor of the Qi refining stage." A handsome Foundation Establishment senior brother read the result of the lottery, and then the two walked to the center of the group, and the others dispersed.

As a result, Ran Xudong heard that his opponent was Cultivation Base on the eighth floor of the Qi Refining Stage, so he abstained immediately knowing that he was defeated.

In this way, unless luck is good enough to draw the same level in each group, the two will fight to determine the winner, and the rest will directly abstain from the low Cultivation Base Cultivation Base, so the top four in each group will soon be Separated.

"The fifth floor of Lu Chen's Qi refining period versus the seventh floor of Martial King Dahu's Qi refining period." Brother Foundation Establishment of the fourth group read.

"It's unlucky for you to meet me, boy, you'd better admit defeat," Wang Dahu was overjoyed when he heard that his opponent was only at the fifth level of the Qi refining stage, and felt that he was lucky.

"Senior brother! I'm actually already the Cultivation Base on the ninth floor of the Qi refining period, but I haven't had time to update my identity information. If you don't believe me, take a look." Lu Chen knew that the Sect competition was actually such a comparison, so he directly revealed the Cultivation Base in order to save trouble , said to the Foundation Establishment brother.

The senior brother at the Foundation Establishment stage did not make things difficult for Lu Chen, but instead said to Wang Dahu: "Brother Wang Dahu, Lu Chen's Cultivation Base is indeed the ninth floor of the Qi refining stage. Do you think you should give up or continue the game?"

Before Wang Dahu's joy was over, he was poured down with a ladle of cold water, and his heart felt chilled, but the fact was like this, he could only admit that he was unlucky and said: "I admit defeat"

In this way, Lu Chen successfully advanced to the semi-finals of this group and successfully won the place of secret realm. Tong Wei didn't have such luck. The opponent she drew was the eighth-level Qi Refining Stage, and she only had the sixth-level Qi Refining Stage, so Tong Wei was unfortunately eliminated.

Later, Gu Feng and Zhong Tao came to find Lu Chen, and from their happy expressions, they knew that they were also lucky enough to get the quota.

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