Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 12 Departing Canglan

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. During these three days, Lu Chen went to the Cultivation Technique Hall, and almost checked all of Sect's Jade Slip about pill refining. Biqu library

It is a pity that Sect does not have detailed records on how to pill refining. Most of them are records on the basic cognition of Medicine Pill, and some essays and anecdotes about pill refining masters, which are not of substantial help to Lu Chen.

For example, if you read a report about a certain medicine in the newspaper, they wrote about the efficacy of the medicine, the ingredients, and how much it is worth. Can you produce this medicine yourself?

Lu Chen estimates that only the pill refining Elder can master the specific pill recipe.

It is said that Shennongmen is mainly based on Alchemy, which has been passed down for thousands of years. They should have a lot of pill recipes in their hands. The key is whether they will give it to you.

Thinking of Shennongmen, Lu Chen couldn't help thinking of a Miaoman figure, wondering if she will participate in the Canglan secret realm this time.

Today is the day to leave Canglan secret realm, Lu Chen simply packed up and went out to the scheduled meeting place.

The twelve main peaks of Xuantian Sect are tall and straight, the top of the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, the mountain streams are gurgling, and the mountains are covered with green trees. From time to time, someone flies across the sky with a sword, leaving a long rainbow. This is clearly a blessed land of immortals.

At this time, fifty disciples of the Qi refining period were neatly arranged in the square under the main peak in the Cultivation Base from high to low, and Lu Chen was standing in the third row at this moment.

In front of Lu Chen are mostly disciples of the Xuantian Sect genius list, headed by Senior Brother Qin Chuan Qin, the Qi refining period is perfect, Jinmu double Spiritual Roots, the head of Dongli Zhenren's personal disciples, is also ranked first on the genius list, and the combat power is super strong so far No defeat.

Then there is the glamorous goddess Ye Rushuang, the third in the genius list, the upgraded third-level ice Spiritual Roots, who is now also in the Qi refining period, and Lu Chen once met in the back mountain so he recognized it.

Next to Ye Rushuang, there were a few female disciples Lu Chen didn't know, so she just glanced over them.

Lu Chen also saw a familiar face, Liao Wei, who is also in the Qi refining period of Dzogchen, but the other party did not notice Lu Chen.

Except for Gu Feng and Zhong Tao, Lu Chen didn't know anyone else in the team.

"Is everyone here?" Three Elder Situ Kong asked the Foundation Establishment disciple next to him.

"Report to Master Uncle! The identity information of the fifty disciples in the Qi Refining Stage has been checked." The Brother in the Foundation Establishment Stage cupped his hands.

"Okay! Then let's go!" Situ Kong said.

He opened his palm flat, and a palm-sized ship appeared in his hand, and he threw it into the open space next to him, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared.

A huge ship appeared in front of everyone.

"Look, it's a flying ship. It's the first time I've seen it so big." Everyone was amazed, and one of the disciples said.

"It is said that this kind of flying ship needs to consume a lot of high-grade Spirit Stones every time it is activated, and the mid-grade Spirit Stones can't move it at all. I have never seen top-grade Spirit Stones." Another disciple sighed.

Lu Chen was also very shocked when he saw the huge monster appearing in front of him. It almost caught up with the destroyer of the navy in his previous life.

"All disciples obey the order! Board the ship! Pay attention to the order, don't make loud noises, and fight and cause trouble are prohibited, otherwise you will be disqualified from the trial." The senior brother of the Foundation Establishment standing next to Situ Kong shouted.

"Yes! Please abide by the decree of the law!" Everyone shouted in unison, and they all used Movement Technique to jump onto the flying ship, all of them looked excited.

Senior brother Qin Chuan looked indifferent, his body turned into an afterimage, steady

It landed on the flying ship steadily, attracting many people to marvel at the speed of its Movement Technique.

There were also unconvinced disciples who secretly used the Movement Technique with all their strength, and looked around with satisfaction after boarding the ship, but in Lu Chen's opinion, it was far worse after all.

Lu Chen didn't want to be too surprised. When he came to the flying ship, he jumped onto the deck of the flying ship as usual.

The deck is as big as a football field. Fifty people on the deck seem very empty. For every distance around the deck, there will be a Foundation Establishment senior brother standing guard, and most of them are Foundation Establishment middle stages. There are fifteen people around the deck. So much, this should be escorting us with Situkong.

Situ Kong is in the cockpit at the tail of the flying ship. The cockpit consists of three floors of attics, and the carved railings and paintings are very exquisite.

After boarding the ship, other disciples can move around in a small area, or find a place to practice in Lotus Position. No one will disturb the disciples who are practicing.

Most of the disciples are standing on the edge of the deck, chatting happily and watching the scenery. After all, such opportunities are still rare for disciples in the Qi refining period.

When Lu Chen was about to look for Gu Feng and Zhong Tao, his body was bumped suddenly, and he subconsciously said, "I'm sorry!"

After seeing that it was actually Liao Wei, Lu Chen frowned slightly.

As soon as Liao Wei boarded the deck, he looked around for Ye Rushuang, but Ye Rushuang didn't find it, and actually saw Lu Chen. At first, he thought he was wrong, but after a closer look, he confirmed that he was the boy who was judged to be dead by himself. How could he not be shocked to see it here.

"Hehe... It's really surprising! You, a bedbug, are not dead, and you have cultivated to the ninth floor of the Qi Refining Stage." Liao Wei whispered provocatively in Lu Chen's ear. With a perfect Cultivation Base, he still doesn't put Lu Chen To put in one's eyes.

"So it's Senior Brother Liao. I don't need Senior Brother Liao to worry about such a small person. There are some debts that don't have to be repaid, but it's just that the time hasn't come." Lu Chen also replied in a voice that only Liao Wei could hear, with a neither humble nor overbearing expression.

Liao Wei's face darkened immediately when he heard this. He thought that three months ago, this kid was a first-level miscellaneous Spiritual Roots of the eight series. On the ninth floor, this cultivation speed is really fast. If he breakthrough to a higher Realm after a while, wouldn't he seek revenge on himself?

So Liao Wei's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he patted Lu Chen's shoulder pretending to be intimate and laughed in a low voice: "Oh? Really? I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time, I'm waiting for you in the secret realm Ha ha……"

Looking at the back of Liao Wei leaving, Lu Chen didn't care. As for the Divine Sense mark Liao Wei left on his body, Lu Chen didn't care about it. Liao Wei didn't let him go, so why didn't he want to kill him? It's just that everyone has no chance.

At this time, the flying ship had slowly lifted into the sky, and many disciples who had never been on a flying ship came to the edge of the deck one after another, watching the scenery below, and sighing from time to time.

"Lu Chen! So you are here!" Gu Feng and Zhong Tao came.

"Just now I seemed to see Brother Liao talking to you, do you know each other?" Zhong Tao asked.

"It's a little festive, but I can handle it." Lu Chen really didn't take Liao Wei to heart, he killed a few of them during Qi Refining and Perfection.

"Then you have to be careful, I heard that

Liao Wei was a very vicious person, once a disciple offended him because of a trivial matter, and that disciple died within a few days, and it was rumored that Liao Wei did it. "Zhong Tao reminded in a low voice.

"It seems that there is such a thing, and I have heard of it, but there is no proof that Sect will be nothing in the end." Gu Feng echoed in a low voice.

"Look quickly! What is that?" Zhong Tao pointed to the sky and reminded.

I saw two light curtains gradually closing above the flying ship, enveloping the entire flying ship.

"There's nothing to make a fuss about. It's the formation of the flying ship's defense. It looks like it's going to speed up." Zhong Tao's exclamation aroused the dissatisfaction of an eighth-level disciple in the Qi refining period next to him.

Sure enough, the speed of the flying ship was getting faster and faster, and it disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye, but because of the protection of formation, the people in the flying ship did not feel the bumps, but were very stable. Biqu library

Lu Chen called Gu Feng and Zhong Tao to a corner, and the three gathered together, then reached out and pretended to take out two storage bags in his arms, which were actually taken out from the world of Jinzhu, and whispered: "Here Each of you has a good thing, hide it carefully so that no one will find it."

"What? It's so mysterious!" Both Zhong Tao and Gu Feng looked at Lu Chen suspiciously.

Only then did Lu Chen take out the things in his arms and spread his hands out.

"" Zhong Tao almost cried out subconsciously when he saw the storage bag in his hand, but luckily Gu Feng quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

"Damn Fatty! Do you want to die?" Gu Feng scolded in a low voice.

"Oh! Oh! I'm so excited's all my fault! The storage bag! It's for us?" Zhong Tao said in a faint voice, and he couldn't believe it was true. After all, this thing is very expensive in the eyes of disciples in the Qi refining period, and most people really don't have it.

"Hurry up and put it away, don't stretch it." Lu Chen said, and Gu Feng and Zhong Tao hurriedly followed suit.

"Thank you! Hehe... Lu Chen, you are really rich! You actually gave away such a precious thing. You have nothing to say about your friend." Zhong Tao narrowed his happy eyes, took everything, and returned a piece of paper. A very embarrassed expression.

Gu Feng was shocked, because he and Lu Chen went to the Poisonous Mist Swamp to do tasks, and finally met Yin Shou of Tianyanzong, and then he took Tong Wei to escape. He always thought that Lu Chen escaped back.

But when he saw this storage bag, he immediately guessed that Yinshou should be beheaded by Lu Chen. He was amazed by Lu Chen's strength and also impressed by Lu Chen's personality.

"Thank you!" Gu Feng said with deep meaning.

"Didn't I tell you when I was in the Poison Mist Swamp, if I have a chance to give you a storage bag, I happen to have a lot." Lu Chen laughed.

"Look! It should be here soon." A disciple standing by the deck shouted, and then everyone got up and went to the deck to watch.

The flying ship is slowing down and descending, passing through the clouds and fog, the scenery below is clear at a glance.

No one thought that the Canglan secret realm would be in a desert without a trace of green.

"I thought Cang Lan's secret realm would be in the forest, or deep in the mountains. It seems that I was wrong."

"Yes! I thought so at first, too."

"This is Canglan Mountain? Why didn't I see the mountain?"

"Oh! You don't care if he is Canglan Mountain, since he is here, you can stay at ease."

Everyone is discussing with each other.

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