Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 13 The Arrival Of The Seven Sects

There are already many people watching the sky below the flying ship. It is obvious that other Sects have arrived one step ahead of Xuantian Sect. From the perspective of clothing, there should be three different Sects. Sects and Sects are separated by dozens of meters to form three camps. The disciples of each sect only carry out activities within a small range within their own camp.

Soon Xuantian Sect's flying ship slowly landed in the desert under the gaze of everyone, and the ship's defensive formation light curtain slowly opened.

"All disciples are ready to disembark, and follow me to the designated area to gather. It is forbidden to leave the camp without permission, and it is forbidden to provoke troubles. Otherwise, the qualification for the trial will be cancelled. If the circumstances are serious, they will be dealt with according to the rules of the school. Do you understand?" A Foundation Establishment Dzogchen The senior brother said sternly that he is the disciple of the Three Elders named Jianqiu.

"Follow the law!" Everyone shouted with cupped hands.

"Everyone follow me!" Senior brother Jianqiu left the flying ship first, followed by the others.

Elder Situ Kong was the last to fly off the ship. With a single wave of his hand, the huge flying ship returned to the size of a palm, flew into his hand and disappeared into the storage bag in an instant.

"Haha... I haven't seen Brother Situ for sixty years. I miss you very much. The Houtian Lingbao red lotus cloak that you gave me last time in the trial is extremely powerful. I like it very much! Haha... ..." An old man wearing a black robe, with a thin face and shrewd eyes suddenly appeared in the Xuantian Sect camp, and smiled at Situ Kong.

"Hmph! Monster He, you're not dead yet!" Situ Kong said angrily, then turned around, as if he didn't want to pay attention to him.

The person who came was none other than He Geng, the Elder of Xuanqi Pavilion, known as He Laoguai, the Cultivation Base of Gold Core Stage Dzogchen.

"Look at you! Look at you! What kind of attitude is this! The old friend doesn't know how to say hello when he comes, and who is he showing his ugly face?" Old Monster He turned to Situ Kong and said.

Situ Kong turned around again and ignored him.

But Old Monster He followed Situ Kong relentlessly and said, "Isn't it just that I lost an Acquired Spirit Treasure? Why are you like this? I think the batch of disciples you brought this year are not bad, why don't we gamble again?"

"Don't gamble! Don't gamble! If you want to gamble, go to someone." Situ Kong waved his hand and said impatiently.

Sixty years ago, I lost a bet with this Old Freak He, so I gave him the Acquired Spirit Treasure bought by one thousand top-grade Spirit Stones that I had managed so hard to get together. Can't bet anymore.

"Yoyo... See if you can do it. I would like to know what is the reason why our Elder Situ can't even look up to the inner alchemy of the fifth-order Demonic Beasts Fengleibao." He Laoguai Yin & Yang mocked angrily.

Then he took out an inner alchemy the size of a grapefruit from the storage bag. The inner alchemy shone with a light blue brilliance, and there were faint lightning arcs flickering on the surface.

"The inner alchemy of the fifth-order Demonic Beasts Fengleibao?" A flash of light flashed in Situ Kong's eyes, obviously a little moved.

The fighting strength of the fifth-order Demonic Beasts is equivalent to that of a cultivator at the Nascent Soul stage, and the Fenglei Leopard is so fast that it is not so easy to be killed. The value of this inner alchemy is immeasurable.

Seeing Situ Kong's expression, He Laoguai smiled proudly: "Forget it! Forget it! Since people don't like it, I'd better find someone else!"

After saying that, Old Monster He was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait! You can gamble, but I don't have such a valuable thing to gamble with you. Tell me! What do you want from me?" Situ Kong obviously knew

This is Old Freak He's temper.

"Don't worry! I'm at a disadvantage and I won't embarrass you. You just need to take out another Houtian Lingbao. You must know that if you win, you will make a lot of money." He smiled indifferently.

"Okay! That's what you said, and it's still the old rules. Compared with the number of disciples who survived in the end, the number of spiritual herbs, and the level of spiritual herbs, we clap our hands and swear." Situ Kong raised his right palm.

"No problem, everything follows the old rules." Old Monster He smiled, raised his right palm to give Situ Kong a high-five.

"Pa..." An afterimage suddenly appeared, and the palm of his hand hit Old Monster He together.

"Hehe... how can such a fun thing be without me! I also have an Acquired Spirit Treasure." A mature woman in a red dress with a luxurious temperament appeared between the two, speaking in a charming and charming voice.

The person who came is the Elder of the Albizia Sect, who is exterminating love, and the Cultivation Base Gold Core is in full swing.

"Haha... It's lively now, but I don't have any opinion, Mieqing! You'd better ask Situ Kong! This old boy has a bad temper recently." Mr. He pointed at Situ Kong with a strange smile.

Mieqing looked at Situ Kong expectantly, her smile was charming.

"Hmph! You are not afraid, what am I afraid of?" Situ Kong said.

So the three of them reached a consensus by high-fiving again, and there was no need to worry about who would regret it if they lost, after all, everyone's identities were here.

After the two left, Situ Kong said to Lu Chen and the others earnestly: "Maybe you will blame me for betting your lives and achievements, but I want to tell you that this is the Cultivation World. When you choose this path, Everything you face is normal.

The secret realm is extremely dangerous, usually half of the disciples come out alive is already good, so you have to be prepared, of course, don't put too much pressure, I will wait here for your safe return.

I still have to meet up with my old friends, Jianqiu, please tell everyone the rules of the trial. "

Jian Qiu heard that cupped hands bowed and nodded in agreement, very respectful.

"Wow... have you noticed that Senior Brother Jianqiu is so handsome! It would be great if I could form a companion with him."

"You girl, you're being a nympho again, and you don't even know what kind of Cultivation Base you are, can Senior Brother Jianqiu have a crush on you?"

"There's nothing wrong with fantasizing about it."

Lu Chen smiled when he heard the conversation between the two women next to him.

At this time, Senior Brother Jianqiu said seriously: "Everyone listen to me, later on each person will receive two Jade Slips and a storage bag, and fifty light spots will be displayed on one of the Jade Slips, representing the same sect If the disciples of this sect appear nearby, the Jade Slips of both sides will resonate. After entering the secret realm, I hope that you will find the same sect as much as possible, which will be safer.

Another Jade Slip is a map drawn by the brothers based on memory in previous years. It marked the distribution of most Spiritual herbs, which can help you find them faster.

As for the storage bag, I believe everyone understands that the resources obtained in the secret realm need to be handed over to Sect in a unified manner, and rewards will be given after you come out. It is forbidden to hide any resources privately, otherwise it will be dealt with according to the door regulations. "

Afterwards, other accompanying Foundation Establishment brothers distributed Jade Slip and storage bags to everyone one by one.

When most of the disciples got the storage bag, they couldn’t put it down and watched it back and forth. Although they knew that they would return it to Sect in the end, it would be nice to be able to use it for a while.

A kind of capital for bragging in the future.

Lu Chen Divine Sense scanned the map and memorized the contents of the Jade Slip, and then threw the Jade Slip into the world of golden beads.

Lu Chen looked towards the other camps, as if looking for something.

"What are you looking at? If you are so serious, could it be that you are looking for your girlfriend?" Zhong Tao supported Lu Chen's shoulder and said with a wicked smile.

"No way! I'm looking to see which Sect those camps belong to." Lu Chen pushed Zhong Tao's big arm away and said.

"Well! Your reason is really good. There is a word on each Sect's clothing, which represents the Sect it belongs to. You still use such a lame reason to prevaricate me, and say that you are not looking for a date." Zhong Tao Holding his fat chin, he analyzed calmly.

"Uh..." Lu Chen didn't pay attention to this point, but just said it casually. He didn't expect Zhong Tao to find the loophole so quickly.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't speak, Zhong Tao continued to analyze: "At present, there are only four sects here, Tianyanzong, Hehuanzong, Xuanqi Pavilion and ourselves. Since you are looking in that direction, is it Hehuanzong? Your friend is in Hehuanzong. Zong?

No, no, the Hehuan sect practices the method of double rest, and the relationship between men and women in Sect is complicated. I don't even like it, and you can't like it, so is it in Xuanqi Pavilion or Tianyanzong? Am I right? "

"Stop talking nonsense, look!" Lu Chen motioned Zhong Tao to look up into the sky.

In the sunset sky, three huge ships flew from three different directions, and each ship was similar with minor differences.

When the three ships landed in the three camps, the disciples of one camp were particularly eye-catching. From the Elder to the disciples, they were all female disciples, and every disciple was as beautiful as Celestial Immortals. A stunning beauty, the other two camps are Spirit Beast Mountain and Shennongmen.

The disciples of Spirit Beast Mountain all wear clothes made of Demonic Beasts skins, and some even hang the bones of Demonic Beasts around their necks as decorations, so they are easy to distinguish.

Shennongmen Alchemy has been passed down for nearly 10,000 years, and often a Medicine Pill can save the lives of many cultivators, so their sect has a good reputation, and most people will not easily offend it.

"Wow... As expected of the disciples of the Jade Maiden Palace, all of them are beauties, I swear that I will marry a disciple of the Jade Maiden Palace as a companion." Zhong Tao stared at the female disciples of the Jade Maiden Palace with a piggy face, his eyes full of fascination.

"Hey! Dead Fatty! The saliva is coming out. Haha..." Gu Feng ran over and slapped Zhong Tao who was in a daze, making him shiver.

"Gu Feng, you shattered daddy's dream, see if I won't beat you up," Zhong Tao threw himself at Gu Feng, and the two wrestled together.

Lu Chen inspected the disciples in the Shennongmen camp, and sure enough, he saw a familiar face in the corner.

At this moment, the woman was standing quietly in the line, as if she sensed Lu Chen's gaze, Lu Chen quickly turned around and looked away like a thief.

At this time, the Elders of the seven Sects gathered together, namely

Tian Yanzong Elder Ouyang Yang,

Xuantian Sect Elder Situ Kong,

Albizia Sect Elder Extinguishes Love,

Xuan Artifact Pavilion Elder He Laoguai,

Jade Girl Palace Elder Shangguan Yue,

Shennongmen Elder Weng Huayuan.

Beast Mountain Elder Shield Mountain.

"You fellow daoists, you are safe and well!" Shennongmen Elder Weng Huayuan cupped his hands with a smile, and greeted the other six people.

"Old Man, you don't need to be too polite," Shangguan Yue, the Elder of the Jade Maid Palace, smiled back, with a very pleasant voice.

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