Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 14 Entering The Secret Realm

After a few Elders exchanged pleasantries.

Elder Ouyang said with a smile: "Since everyone is here, let's start. After the Canglan secret realm is opened, it's not too late for us to talk about the past."

"That's great!" echoed the others.

Immediately, the seven people took out a special jade pendant one after another, and each jade pendant had a different color.

These seven jade pendants were jointly produced by the seven Sect seniors thousands of years ago.

Every jade pendant is the key to open the secret realm formation barrier, even if one is missing.

At this moment, the seven Elders were standing in a circle, with each person separated by one meter, and the jade pendants were floating in front of each other under the control of Divine Sense.

"Let's begin!" Shouted the Elder Mountain Shield.

Immediately, the seven Elders poured their true essence into the jade pendant at the same time, and the jade pendant radiated beams of light of different colors.

"Om..." and shot straight into the sky.

A strong aura spread from the circle surrounded by the seven Elders.

The disciples of the seven sects felt this strong momentum one after another, and they all stood up and looked towards the sky.

I saw the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple beams of seven-colored light going straight to the sky, as if they wanted to pierce the sky.

"Look!" Someone yelled.

Everyone immediately discovered that there seemed to be a huge light curtain in the sky, which was slowly opening indistinctly.

"It's formation! You can see that the surrounding desert is changing." Lu Chen reminded loudly.

Originally, everyone was still in a desert, with no grass growing within a hundred miles, but now the surrounding area gradually turned into a forest.

"Look, that's Canglan Mountain!" A disciple shouted in surprise.

I saw a high mountain rising from the ground and appearing in front of everyone. On the cliff of the high mountain was written three big characters "Canglan Mountain"

Everyone was amazed and couldn't tell which one was illusion just now or now.

"All disciples obey the order!" The seven camps sounded the order almost at the same time.

Brother Jianqiu from the Xuantian Sect camp shouted again: "After the secret realm opens for a while, everyone follows my command to enter the secret realm, and there must be no mistakes."

"Yes!" Everyone replied enthusiastically.

After the seven Elders worked together to open the formation, the real energy was continuously poured into the jade pendant, and they all turned to face Canglan Mountain at the same time.

I saw the seven-color beam of light piercing the sky, falling directly towards Canglan Mountain, forcibly drawing a space crack in front of Canglan Mountain, the crack stood in front of the mountain like a huge mirror, flashing colorful brilliance, this is It is the entrance to the secret realm.

At this time, the seven Elders withdrew their true essence one after another, but the seven jade pendants were still regularly inlaid around the space crack.

The figures of the seven Elders appeared in front of their respective camps in a flash.

Situ Kong said to Lu Chen and others: "The Canglan secret realm has been opened, and you will have ten days to search for resources. After ten days, if the disciples are still alive, they will be automatically sent back, so I wish you good luck."

The entrance to the secret realm is very large, and after a dozen or so breaths, the remaining six disciples entered the secret realm one after another.

"Be careful in everything. If you really can't, find a place to hide and do things together when you meet your fellow disciples." Lu Chen instructed Gu Feng and Zhong Tao in a low voice.

Both of them nodded and said, "You have to take care too!"

Immediately, Lu Chen followed the other disciples of Xuantian Sect and stepped into the entrance glowing with colorful brilliance.

As soon as Lu Chen entered the secret realm entrance, his body suddenly felt weightless

, There was darkness in front of my eyes, and the subconscious operation of the Spirit Power in my body finally disappeared the uncomfortable feeling.

After a dozen breaths, the soles of his feet felt solid, and Lu Chen appeared in a forest.

"What a strong Spiritual Qi! Huh? That's it?" Lu Chen's gaze was attracted by a plant not far away. The plant was dark red in color and as tall as a leek, and it was particularly conspicuous under the sunlight.

"It's the third-level spiritual herbs Yuanyang grass! Haha... I'm really lucky. There are at least one or two hundred plants here. I've made a fortune! I've made a fortune!" Lu Chen exclaimed happily in his heart.

I have seen a lot of Jade Slip about pill refining in the Cultivation Technique hall before, and he almost recognizes the general Spiritual herbs.

Lu Chen ran over quickly, Divine Sense manipulated the Magical Item iron sword, cut out the area of ​​Yuanyang grass, and moved it together with the soil to the world of Jinzhu.

Ever since he discovered the secret of the Golden Bead World, before coming here, Lu Chen planned to take the resources obtained in the secret realm as his own. As for handing it over, he never thought about it at all.

"Hmm! This tree is not bad, it's just you!" Lu Chen followed the same pattern and transplanted a surrounding tree into the Golden Pearl World.

After finishing everything, Lu Chen ran in a random direction, and found a lot of spiritual herbs along the way. He directly cut up that side of the land and sent them to the world of Jinzhu. He planned to build a piece of spiritual herbs on his own land garden.

So much so that wherever Lu Chen went, he left not only footprints, but countless potholes.

"Ah! Devouring...Gold Devouring Toad." A disciple of the eighth floor of the Qi Refining Stage fell down, his body was pierced by the tongue of the Gold Devouring Toad, and he was almost instantly killed. Judging from the logo on the clothing, he should be a disciple of the Tianyan Sect .

Lu Chen frowned slightly and jumped onto a big tree in a blink of an eye, hiding his figure. The Divine Sense stretched out, and two cultivators on the ninth floor of the refining period came to mind.

"The cubs of the second-order Demonic Beasts devouring golden toads are comparable to the Dzogchen in the Qi refining period." Lu Chen murmured in his heart, this was the first time he saw a cultivator driving a spirit beast to fight.

"Senior Brother Zhou, your idea is really good, you see another unlucky guy has taken the bait."

A disciple wearing the costume of the Divine Beast Mountain smiled, and skillfully took the storage bag from the corpse.

After checking it, Divine Sense continued to be pleasantly surprised: "It seems that this guy is lucky to have collected so many spiritual herbs."

"That goes without saying, this is the fifth-level spiritual herbs Bishenhua, who wouldn't be tempted to see it? This is the fifth one, and it's almost there. It's time for us to reunite with the elder brother and explore the ruins hall together." Brother Zhou smiled proudly, and conveniently put the Bishenhua into the storage bag.

"Come back, baby!" Junior Brother Chen waved to the Gold-eating Toad next to the corpse, and the Gold-eating Toad obediently jumped to Junior Brother Chen's feet before being put into the spirit beast bag.

"Why do you have to go to the ruins hall? It's fine if there is a senior brother and they can go, isn't it good for us two brothers to make a fortune in silence?" Chen Shidi said with some reluctance.

"Don't talk nonsense, in order to get that thing, Sect didn't hesitate to give Lingbao, if I delay Sect's important event, I can't bear the responsibility." Senior Brother Zhou said seriously.

Hearing this, Lu Chen was a little curious.

The two were about to rush to the ruins hall, but found that there was an extra figure in front of them at some point.

Lu Chen smiled and Mimi turned around.

Both of them are cultivators on the ninth floor of the Qi refining stage, seeing that they couldn't see Lu Chen's Cultivation Base, they didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

"This brother! Can you

Let the two of us brothers leave, we are disciples of Shenshou Mountain, this is the resource we just looted, and it can be given to the senior brother as a meeting gift. "Senior Brother Zhou spoke first, and took out the storage bag with a decisive look.

"You two are serious. I'm just curious about what you said about the ruined palace. There's no other meaning." Lu Chen said with a harmless smile.

"I'm sorry! It's about Sect's secrets, so I'm sorry, please forgive me." Brother Zhou said apologetically, and his instinct told him that Lu Chen was not easy to deal with.

"Hmph! Senior brother, what are you talking about with him? At most, he is the Cultivation Base of the Great Consummation of the Qi Refining Period. You and I will be afraid of him if we work together?" Junior Brother Chen manipulated Divine Sense to release the Gold Devouring Toad as he spoke.

The gold-eating toad was dark yellow in color and was about the size of a millstone. Its two bowl-sized eyes stared at Lu Chen. It let out a "croak..." sound at his feet, and then rushed towards Lu Chen like lightning.

"Junior Brother Chen! Don't be impulsive!" Senior Brother Zhou stopped loudly.

But it was too late.

"Is this junior so grumpy?" Lu Chen teased.

With a thought, he held the black turtle shield with his left hand, and the black turtle shield instantly turned into the size of a door panel, easily blocking the attack of the long tongue spit out by the gold-eating toad.

"Magic Treasures! Looks like it's still a fat sheep, brother, give me a helping hand." Brother Chen's eyes showed greed, and Divine Sense communicated with the golden toad to continue attacking.

Senior Brother Zhou is a decisive person, now that the matter has come to an end, he hastened to release own Demonic Beasts "Heaven Knife Praying Mantis", praying in his heart that his own intuition is wrong.

A giant mantis with a green body and a height of more than two meters appeared. It was also a second-order Demonic Beasts. Its two front paws swung back and forth like knives, making a sound of piercing the air. Its eyes as big as watermelons stared at Lu Chen firmly. bluff.

"What a big praying mantis!" Lu Chen exclaimed in surprise. It was the first time he had seen such a huge praying mantis, and he was deeply moved by the mystery of the Cultivation Technique of the Divine Beast Mountain.

Seeing the two Demonic Beasts coming menacingly, Lu Chen did not neglect, and the "Little Dragon Spear" in his right hand let out a dragon chant under the perfusion of Spirit Power.

You must know that after the golden particles transform Meridians and Dantian, Lu Chen Spirit Power at this time is comparable to Foundation Establishment early stage, and Divine Sense is comparable to Foundation Establishment middle stage.

I saw that "Little Dragon Spear" suddenly burst into blue light, condensing five dragon shadows, rushing towards Brother Zhou and Brother Chen and the two Demonic Beasts with their teeth and claws open.

After only one meeting, Senior Brother Chen and Senior Brother Zhou lay on the ground like dead dogs, spitting blood from their mouths.

The two Demonic Beasts were also instantly knocked into the air, and tremblingly returned to their master, not daring to attack again.

" is it possible?" Junior Brother Chen looked at Lu Chen in horror.

"Tuolong Liehun Gun! Did you kill Hua Guangyuan?" Brother Zhou asked in shock. Hua Guangyuan was an outstanding disciple of the Hehuan Sect. He had perfected his Qi refining period. He didn't expect to die in the hands of the other party. At this moment, Senior Brother Zhou regretted making the move. up.

"Tuolong Liehungun? It doesn't sound good. I still like to call it Xiaolonglance. Let's talk about it! What's going on with the ruined palace? Who will come first?" Lu Chen asked with a harmless smile again .

"I said! I said! I hope you can let us go after you finish speaking." Junior Brother Chen flattered him.

"Brother Chen, no... yes!" Brother Zhou wanted to stop him but was knocked out by Lu Chen's palm strike.

"Okay! Tell me, if the news is useful, maybe I'll let you go as soon as I'm happy." Lu Chen smiled.

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