Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 115 Unexpected News

The few people were also taken aback when they heard the words, and almost didn't understand what Lu Chen meant. How come there are still cultivators being robbed these days, and they still catch up and say that the robbers are not big enough.

"Since you said so, then hand over your storage bag! Otherwise, you will be abolished today." The fusion early stage cultivator who reacted first said with a displeased face.

Several other cultivators also carried their true essence, ready to make a move at any time.

"Hehe... I don't have Spirit Stones in my storage bag, but I have some baby flags. If the seniors like it, I will give it to you." Lu Chen raised his mouth slightly, and took it from the storage bag. There are more than 20 small purple flags.

The flag was refined from purple bamboo, the whole body was crystal clear, with a faint purple halo exuding on the surface, it looked extraordinary at first glance.

"Haha...give it to me, hurry up!" The fusion early stage cultivator's eyes were full of greed, and his heart was full of joy. I didn't expect that today I would be really lucky to meet a second fool cultivator.

Several other people also stared excitedly at the purple flag in Lu Chen's hand, imagining that they could have a good time tonight.

"Hehe..." Lu Chen smiled ghostly, because he couldn't find Zixuan, his heart was already on fire, and he was worried that he had nowhere to vent. These people came to find fault, not seeking death.

In the next second, Lu Chen threw the flag in his hand to the early stage cultivator, and quickly formed a seal with both hands.

The cultivator that merged with the early stage was happily reaching out to catch the flag that was thrown towards own. At this moment, the twenty or so flags suddenly turned into dozens of purple brilliance, falling to the surroundings at a high speed, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Boy! You fucking dare to play" However, before he finished speaking, several people were horrified to find that the surrounding scene had changed.

Where is Yaxing Street, several people have appeared in a desert strangely.

"Boss...boss! This...what's the situation?" One of the younger brothers asked in horror. He couldn't figure out how many people suddenly appeared in the desert.

"This is formation! Don't panic, everyone, watch me break the formation," the cultivator who merged with the early stage just finished speaking, a long gun Magic Treasures appeared in his hand, and the robe on his body was automatic without wind.

Under the perfusion of true energy, the spear Magic Treasures grows and grows rapidly like a golden cudgel. In the blink of an eye, it has condensed tens of meters long

The true essence light and shadow, with a compelling momentum.

However, in the face of the boundless desert, the fusion period cultivator couldn't be happy, because he didn't know where to start, but the arrow was on the string, and he had to launch it.

"Boom..." The huge gun shadow slammed into the desert horizontally, and the dust at the landing point was like two fountains, forming two sand curtains.

"Dage! What should we do?" Seeing that the boss frowned, one of the younger brothers stepped forward and asked without making any further moves.

At this time, Lu Chen's figure appeared out of thin air in front of them, looking at them with a smile.

Several younger brothers took out their own weapons and prepared to attack Lu Chen, but in the next second, Lu Chen disappeared out of thin air.

Lu Chen didn't expect to use the formation learned in the endless forest so soon, and it seems that the effect is not bad.

Formation and Lu Chen share the same mind, unless there is a high rank cultivator or a powerful formation master, it will be difficult to break through Lu Chen's formation.

On Yahang Street, there is just a few meters between the two Yaxing shops. At first, several people cornered Lu Chen, but at the moment, there is no one here.

If a pedestrian cultivator on the street does not use Divine Sense to check, it is difficult to find a formation here with the naked eye.

Lu Chen set up a third-level formation with the array flags he had made before, because fighting is prohibited in almost all cultivation cities. In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Lu Chen decided to use the formation to teach a few people a lesson.

The sun was scorching hot in the formation right now, because Lu Chen deliberately punished several people, and specially transported real energy to bless the formation, making the temperature in the formation as high as more than 200 degrees.

"Senior! We have no offense...and please senior hold us high and let us go." The fusion early stage cultivator begged for mercy. He knew that several of them had fallen into each other's formation. Judging by the strength of the formation, he could not break through it. of.

In the formation, just at this moment, the cultivator fused with the early stage was flushed, his lips were chapped, and his forehead was dripping with sweat. If he hadn't used his true energy to resist, he would have been dried by the scorching sun.

The other cultivators in the Foundation Establishment period were even more miserable. Everyone desperately mobilized their true energy to resist, and only then did they realize that they had kicked an iron plate.

Go on like this and wait until the true essence is exhausted, without the other party's action, he and others will undoubtedly die.

"I ask you, who sent you here?

How does it work? "At this moment, Lu Chen's figure reappeared in the formation.

Facing the threat of Death, several people reported their family backgrounds one after another upon hearing the news, and revealed the background of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Lu Chen asked a few more questions, and after getting the answers he wanted, he directly used formation to kill them one by one, and then threw a fireball to destroy the corpses.

On Yaxing Street, Lu Chen removed the formation flag, and the original scene remained unchanged, except for a few pinches of black ash on the ground, and if you don't look carefully, you can't see anything.

Lu Chen dodged away in a hurry.

From a few people, I learned that they are all cultivators of Tianyuan Pavilion, and they are usually responsible for the security work of the tooth shop, which is equivalent to thugs, because Tianyuan Pavilion is standing behind the tooth shop.

They received news that there was a Foundation Establishment period cultivator who only looked at it but didn’t buy it. According to their past practice, they would come out to find fault and ask the other party to pay a price, but who would have thought that Lu Chen was not an ordinary Foundation Establishment period cultivator, and they ended up giving it away for nothing. killed.

Lu Chen inquired about the operation method of the tooth shop and the power situation of Tianyuan Pavilion in Zhongba City, and got two unexpected news from it.

The first news is that the head of the branch hall in Zhongba City has been replaced by Bai Sheng.

The second is that the cultivators sold by Zhongba Chengya Shop are actually captured from other places. If the cultivators were captured near Zhongba City, they will gather them and secretly transport them to Baiyun City.

Then sell it to the whole Qianling Prefecture, that is, to sell it in other places, so as to avoid encountering troubles from people you know who see it.

The most recent group of about 50 female cultivators was transported out a day ago.

That is to say, if Zixuan was caught by the people from Yaxing, she should be among the fifty female cultivators. If Lu Chen rushed to Baiyun City in Qianling Prefecture now, it might be too late.

Regardless of whether Zixuan was caught by the Yamen or not, Lu Chen decided to go to Baiyun City to find out, otherwise there is really no hope.

But Lu Chen doesn't have Spirit Stones, so he has to find a way to earn some Spirit Stones, otherwise he won't even be able to sit in the teleportation array.

Lu Chen randomly found a restaurant, opened a room, entered the room and arranged a formation to isolate the Divine Sense, and then entered the world of golden beads...

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