Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 116 Brothers Meet

"Gufeng! I seem to have seen Lu Chen!" Zhong Tao pointed to a restaurant called "Chef Fairy" and shouted in surprise.

After the end of the endless forest trial, the representative team of Xuantian Sect in Anlin Prefecture did not leave immediately, so Zhong Tao and Gu Feng were able to stay in Zhongba City.

When the two were shopping just now, Zhong Tao saw Lu Chen's figure, so he exclaimed.

"Where is it?" Gu Feng looked in the direction of Zhong Tao's finger, but his face darkened, and he said: "I think you are hungry! It's not long since we ate, why are you thinking about eating again?"

"No! I swear to God, I really saw Lu Chen. It's definitely not what you think. If you don't believe me, let's go in and wait for a while. I saw him handling jade cards at the shopkeeper. He should have opened a room on the second floor. , and then I watched him go upstairs, really!" Zhong Tao argued.

"Really?" Gu Feng asked suspiciously.

"Really! I swear to God!" Zhong Tao firmly raised three fingers, ready to swear.

"So what? He is now a senior in the Foundation Establishment period, do you think he will pay attention to us?" Gu Feng said a little frustrated.

"But... what if Lu Chen is not that kind of person? Aren't we treating a gentleman with a villain's heart? If he still recognizes us, will we be able to get acquainted with a senior from the previous Foundation Establishment period? Besides, how old is Lu Chen? Have you ever thought about how big the potential is in the future?" Zhong Tao directly expressed his truest thoughts.

"This..." Gu Feng was really moved when he heard the words. They couldn't understand the cruelty of the Cultivation World. If they could get to know a potential cultivator, it would be self-evident for little people like them.

"What's the matter? Let's go in and order something casually, and sit downstairs and wait for him to come down. Don't we know? Even if he ignores us, we have nothing to lose. Don't you think so?" Seeing Gu Feng hesitated, Zhong Tao immediately The catcher half pushes and half pushes, and pulls Gu Feng into the "cooking is a fairy"

In the Golden Pearl World, Lu Chen took out the pill furnace he got from Yishan's genius doctor, threw a portion of the medicinal materials of the Foundation Establishment pill into the pill furnace, sacrificed Wulian Xinhuo, and started pill refining.

In the past, he didn't know that pill refining needed a pill refining furnace, but since seeing Yu Qian's father's own pill refining experience, coupled with the derivation of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, he has achieved the effect of drawing inferences about other cases from one instance.

Lu Chen's pill refining technique has made rapid progress and reached a qualitative leap. He found that pill refining with pill refining is indeed much more effective than without pill refining, and the speed is also faster.

The main function of the alchemy furnace is to avoid the spread of medicine, before Lu Chen

In order to avoid this problem, Divine Sense is also specially used to stir the air, and the air drives the cyclone to wrap the medicinal power.

But even so, there will still be a little loss of medicinal power. Now, with the pill refining of the pill furnace, coupled with Lu Chen's original method of pill refining, it basically achieves double insurance,

In the past, pill refining occasionally produced top-grade Medicine Pills, but now Lu Chen pill refining can 100% refine top-grade Medicine Pills.

This time Lu Chen is going to refine a large amount of Foundation Establishment Pills, and control the quality to top-grade Medicine Pills, and then refine some Huiqi Pills and Huiyuan Pills.

These Medicine Pills are relatively common, even if they are sold in large quantities, it is justified, there is no way! Now that Lu Chen doesn't have Spirit Stones, he can only think of using this method to earn Spirit Stones and get travel expenses to Qianling Prefecture.

In addition, the ninth-level spiritual herbs Zhuyanhua obtained from the endless forest last time was also refined by Lu Chen into a furnace of Zhuyan Dan, a total of ten.

Of course, refining Zhuyan Pill doesn't need too many Zhuyan Flowers, because Zhuyan Flower's petals are in the shape of threads, and only ten threads of petals are enough to refine a furnace of Zhuyan Pill.

The remaining beauty-retaining flowers were planted in Jinzhu World by Lu Chen. He plans to try it in the future to see if he can use the gray matter to reproduce the beauty-retaining flowers in large quantities.

If the experiment is successful, Lu Chen will be able to make a lot of money from Zhuyan Pill in the future, but now Lu Chen doesn't have the time.

In the Golden Pearl World, Lu Chen continued to refine the Medicine Pill. Since there was no jade bottle, he wanted to sell it soon, so Lu Chen directly used the storage bag to store the refined Medicine Pill.

On the first floor of "Chef for Immortals", Zhong Tao and Gu Feng ordered some hard dishes and sat at the table near the stairs so that they could see Lu Chen immediately when he came down.

"I really suspect that you are deliberately making an issue out of Lu Chen," Gu Feng said, taking a sip of the spiritual wine from his glass.

Because what Zhong Tao ordered were all meat dishes, if it weren’t for the fact that they got a lot of resources in the endless forest trial, Sect rewarded a lot of Spirit Stones, just the pockets of the two of them before, it is estimated that the Spirit Stones of this meal nothing.

"How could it be! I've said it all, I can swear it, just believe me, you should eat some, this blood-devouring long-toothed pig tastes really good." After Zhong Tao finished speaking, he continued to hold a big pig's trotter and gnawed on it. .

" are so fat that you still eat and drink. Are you not worried that you won't be able to find a dao companion in the future?" Gu Feng glanced upstairs and scolded. Biqu library

"Hehe... I found Dao Companion on the basis of personality charm, do you understand personality charm? It's not based on appearance, if you don't stay put, you will disappear." Zhong Tao looked displeased.

care about the way,

But the mouth didn't stop. With just a few words, there wasn't much left of the whole pig's trotter.

"Zhong Tao! Gu Feng! Haha... why are you here?" Lu Chen was pleasantly surprised when he saw the two of them as soon as he got downstairs.

"Lu Chen! Haha... It's finally you. We haven't seen each other for more than two years." Zhong Tao raised his head and saw Lu Chen, and was also pleasantly surprised. Biqu library

"Lu Chen! Come and sit down!" Gu Feng said with some indescribable joy.

"Hehe... time is so fast, you are here to participate in the endless forest trial, have you not returned to Sect?" Lu Chen smiled and sat on one side of the table.

The next few people probably talked to each other about their respective experiences in the past few years, and the three of them were also very emotional.

When he learned that Yang Yunfei and the others had saved the two of them in the endless forest, Lu Chen felt a great sense of fate.

As the chat continued, they seemed to have returned to the small courtyard of Hao Nande in Xuantian Sect. Lu Chen was still the same Lu Chen, and they did not alienate the two of them because of the promotion of Cultivation Base.

During the period, when Gu Feng asked Lu Chen if he would return to Xuantian Sect, Lu Chen said that he is doing well now, and he will go back to see them when he has the opportunity.

He also asked the two of them to practice hard. If they don't want to stay in Xuantian Sect, they can go to the Central Plains, Yidu Prefecture, and the Banyue Mountains to look for the Chinese Mercenary Group.

Because Lu Chen will go to the Central Plains to develop in the future, of course, this will be two years later.

Because he was concerned about Zixuan's safety, Lu Chen briefly talked about the situation after eating, and after getting the understanding of the two, Lu Chen got up and left.

Before leaving, Lu Chen gave them each a jade bottle, and told them that the matter was of great importance, and they had to open it when no one was around.

"Look! Let me just say that Lu Chen hasn't changed! If it wasn't because he had something to do, I would have dragged him to drink three hundred cups." Zhong Tao smiled while holding the jade bottle.

"I think we should work hard to cultivate after we go back, otherwise we really won't be able to catch up with Lu Chen in the future." Gu Feng said with firm eyes.

"That's for sure. I will Closed Door Training when I go back this time. By the way, guess what he left for us?" Zhong Tao smiled and was about to open the jade bottle.

"Let's go back and look again! Didn't you hear Lu Chen say that the matter is important?" Gu Feng stopped.

"Okay! Listen to you, do you want to eat the leftovers? If you don't eat them, I'll pack them up." Zhong Tao asked after putting away the jade bottle.

"Eat! Why don't you eat, and practice hard after eating." Seeing that Lu Chen was in a good mood, Gu Feng also gained an appetite.

The two began to fight each other...

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