Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 118 Heavenly And Earthly Spirits

In Ducheng Prefecture, Longquan City, in the gazebo in the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion, Wang Haocang and Zhang Haoyang are playing Tianyuan chess.

"Pa..." Zhang Haoyang held the white chess piece in his hand, and raised and lowered the chess piece on the side star position.

"Uncle! My nephew has been bothering you for a long time, and my nephew plans to go back to Guang'an City tomorrow, so I'm here to say goodbye today." Zhang Haoyang said respectfully.

"Hehe... why don't you stay longer, my nephew, I see that the relationship between you and Xuan'er seems to have improved recently, why do you want to leave suddenly?" Wang Haocang said with a smile, holding the sunspot in his hand and placing it on the Tianyuan seat.

"Uncle's kindness to my nephew is very grateful, but Miss Jingxuan has her own heart, and my nephew really can't be forced." Zhang Haoyang said it wrong.

"Father! Brother Zhang!" At this moment, a servant led Wang Jingxuan to the gazebo in the back garden, and Wang Jingxuan embedded himself in salute to the two of them respectively.

"Hehe...Xuan'er is here! Come and sit down," Wang Haocang said with a smile, pointing to the stone bench next to him, and the chess piece in his hand dropped again.

"Miss Jingxuan is polite!" Zhang Haoyang smiled back with his cupped hands.

"Xuan'er! You seem to be in a bad mood recently. Can you tell my father if something happened?" Wang Haocang put down the chess pieces in his hand and looked at his daughter.

Wang Jingxuan's temperament has changed a lot since he came back from the trial in the endless forest. His usual lively and willful personality no longer exists, and he often shuts himself in a room to practice sullenly, so Wang Haocang is very worried about his daughter.

"Father, it's nothing, my baby is fine," Wang Jingxuan said with a forced smile. In fact, she couldn't tell the reason, anyway, she just felt that there was nothing to be happy about.

"Hehe... It's fine if you don't have one. In a few days, I'm going to take you to Qianyang City to learn about it, nephew! You can go with us. Your father will also be there, so you don't have to go back to Guang'an City for the time being." .” Wang Haocang said.

Hearing the words, Zhang Haoyang naturally knew that Wang Haocang would not lie to him, so he immediately agreed to go to Qianyang City with them. As for why, neither of them asked.

Qianling Prefecture is in the north of southern Xinjiang, and it can enter the Central Plains region as long as you cross the Beichen River. This state covers an area of ​​1.7 million square kilometers, and it can be regarded as a relatively large state in southern Xinjiang.

In the Teleportation Hall in Wudang City, after a golden light flashed across the teleportation array, thousands of cultivators appeared in the middle of the formation, and Lu Chen followed everyone into the Teleportation Hall with curses in his mouth


At this moment, Lu Chen felt cheated, because there was no teleportation array directly from Zhongba City to Baiyun City, and he even suspected that the cultivator of Tianyuan Pavilion was deliberately deceiving him.

Otherwise, it would be enough to just place those female cultivators in Wudang City, why bother to transport them to Baiyun City?

But to blame, Lu Chen still inquired about the location of Baiyun City. Fortunately, it was not very far from Wudang City. If Yujian flew, he could get there in half a day. Biqu library

But Lu Chen is not in a hurry now, because he knows that even if he rushes to Baiyun City and doesn't say anything, if he is attacked by experts, he probably has to go in if he can find Zixuan at that time.

Therefore, Lu Chen intends to risk himself and let the other party capture him. Even if the other party bans his own Spirit Power, he can use his own Cultivation Base to cultivate the spiritual realm, and he can still exert the combat power equivalent to the Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment period.

And according to the fusion period cultivator who was killed by himself, they gave the cultivator a Medicine Pill called forbidden panacea,

This kind of Medicine Pill can block the cultivator's Spirit Power after eating it. The higher the Cultivation Base is, the shorter the time will be. However, most of them capture cultivators below the Gold Core stage, so the effect of banning the elixir is enough.

As the saying goes, people with high skills are bold, so Lu Chen immediately found a cultivator dressed as a Taoist priest in Wudang City, and bought the worn-out Taoist robe he was wearing.

At first, the Taoist priest thought that Lu Chen had some hobbies, but he disagreed with his life and death. When Lu Chen threw a middle-grade Spirit Stones to the other party, the Taoist priest took off his Taoist robe in the street, took the Spirit Stones and ran away, fearing that Lu Chen would Like repentance.

Because cultivators like this generally belong to Rogue Cultivators that roam around, have nothing to worry about, and have no background, cultivators like this are the best choice for dental crawling.

Baiyun City is located in the southeast of Qianling Prefecture, covering an area of ​​about 23 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​a small county town.

One day, a handsome young Taoist priest wearing a shabby Taoist robe, with a Rivers and Lakes aura on his face, came to Baiyun City.

I saw that Taoist robe held a two-meter-long Pingjin sail in his left hand, on which was written: "Looking at the face, you know the destiny! Good luck and bad luck!"

Holding a broken bell in his right hand, he rang it while walking.

"Dinglingling..." As soon as the bell rang, shouts appeared.

"Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, I'm the best at fortune-telling,

Know astronomy from above, geography from below,

Eh... this fellow daoist, please stay tuned! I see that your face is full of red, and you must be lucky in the near future. Would you like me to make a fortune for you? Only one middle-grade Spirit Stones is needed,

Alas... fellow daoist don't leave! Or I'll make it cheaper for you. "

The young Taoist stopped a passing cultivator in the early stage of the Foundation Establishment period, but people ignored the young Taoist at all.

That young Taoist priest came to Baiyun City and was about to risk his life to find Zixuan Lu Chen. Seeing that the cultivator just ignored him, he continued to ring the bell and yell loudly.

"Jingle Bell……"

"Walk, walk, Youyouyou, you are sick, I have medicine, take it, I will treat you well!

This fellow daoist, please stay for a while, I see that your seal is black, it seems that there is something wrong with your cultivation, I have a Medicine Pill here, as long as you take it, I guarantee that you will get rid of your illness,

How about it? I only need one medium-grade Spirit Stones, isn’t it a good deal? "

"Crazy, you're the only one with a black face, your whole family is black, get out! Otherwise daddy will beat you up." The stopped cultivator scolded with an ugly expression.

"Hehe... If you don't buy it, don't buy it! Why should the fellow daoist get angry? Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to be more harmonious?" Lu Chen smiled sarcastically, casting the aura of the Foundation Establishment late stage on the cultivator alone.

"Uh...haha... Daoist, don't be angry, this Medicine Pill is not ordinary at first glance, can I buy one? Is it a middle-grade Spirit Stones?" The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment early stage first shocked Lu Chen's aura immediately changed, and he smiled embarrassingly,

Then he spent a middle-grade Spirit Stones with satisfaction and bought Lu Chen's Medicine Pill.

"Haha...Although I suffered a little loss, the cost of buying clothes is back!" Lu Chen said happily, looking at the middle-grade Spirit Stones in his hand and the back of the Foundation Establishment early stage cultivator leaving.

In fact, Lu Chen really saw that there was a problem with the cultivation of the cultivator, and it took a long time, and what Lu Chen sold him was a top-grade Medicine Pill Shunqi Pill,

It is worth 200 middle-grade Spirit Stones if you take it out and sell it casually. This price is not something ordinary Foundation Establishment early stage cultivators can afford.

It's just that Lu Chen wrapped the Medicine Pill with other dark medicinal materials in advance, so the appearance is a bit ugly, so you can't see the real pill inside.

As for whether the cultivator can enjoy this opportunity, it depends on his own good fortune.

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