Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 119 Is It Finally Here?

When Lu Chen pretended to be a wandering Taoist priest in Baiyun City in the southeast of Qianling Prefecture, waiting for the Yaxing people to catch him.

Also located in Qianyang City in the northeast of Qianling Prefecture, in the branch of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, Yan Zixia is injecting Divine Sense into the communication beads,

The communication bead records the information from the various branches of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in the entire Beichen Province.

This information includes what happened in the various industrial stores of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce that day. The amount of information is large and the content is complicated.

There are hundreds of millions of such messages almost every day. Fortunately, the cultivator has Divine Sense. It only needs to inject Divine Sense into the communication beads, and the contents can be quickly read.

Yan Zixia will naturally ignore useless information. If she sees useful information, Yan Zixia will deal with it alone. There is no way. As the actual operator of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, Yan Zixia must complete such work every day of.

"Huh!" Suddenly, Yan Zixia frowned, she was attracted by a message from Zhongba City Branch,

The content displayed above is: "Today there is a Foundation Establishment issue of cultivator, selling 6,000 top-grade Medicine Pills, the purchase price is 650,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones, and a 10% off gold card."

After reading the message, Yan Zixia sent a message to Manager Qin in the name of own, asking him to directly transmit the scene about the cultivator selling pills during the Foundation Establishment period in the store's memory crystal ball.

"Zixia! It's not good! I just received news that Dongfang Yuanhua and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce signed an agreement to represent Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce in this gambling competition.

This Dongfang Yuanhua is really damn it, not to mention breaking the contract with us, but actually helping the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce to deal with our Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, what should we do now? "

Just as Yan Zixia was continuing to read the communication beads, her aunt and bodyguard, Wang Xiumei stepped in and said anxiously.

"Auntie! I have already contacted my brother Ximen Qinghong, and he has agreed to represent our Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. Last time, because he was in Closed Door Training, he couldn't come, so I tried to postpone the competition.

Now that he has left customs, I have received news that he will arrive in Qianyang City tomorrow, so don't worry about the competition! We will definitely win. "Yan Zixia Gu Bo said unhappily.

"Ximen Qinghong? Is he sure he can deal with the little alchemy king Dongfang Yuanhua? Why haven't I heard of this name?" Wang Xiumei asked puzzled.

"Hehe... Auntie! Don't worry, how can I make fun of the Nanjiang market? My brother is the alchemy god Kong Qiu

His registered disciple is also a ninth-rank elixir master, so the skill of pill refining is naturally not a problem. "Yan Zixia got up and laughed.

"Ah? It's actually the disciple of Kong Qiu, the god of alchemy. No wonder you are so confident. Now I feel relieved." Wang Xiumei said in surprise when she heard the words, and the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

She knows the name of Pill God Kong Qiu. Pill refining masters are divided into: spirit alchemy masters and divine alchemy masters, and each level is divided from first rank to ninth rank.

And Kong Qiu is the only seventh-rank divine alchemist in the entire Beichen Continent. He is also the lord of the alchemy city and the president of the Pill Refining Master Association.

You must know that pill refining is the same as Cultivation Base Realm, the further you go, the harder it is to breakthrough.

Such a person who reaches the sky, even if he is a registered disciple, his strength should be outstanding.

Next, Wang Xiumei and Yan Zixia chatted about some other issues.

On the streets of Baiyun City, Lu Chen held a Pingjin sail in his left hand and a broken bell in his right, yelling loudly as he walked,

In my heart, I was praying that the dental staff could catch me back quickly, but I didn't find the dental staff showing up all afternoon.

As the evening was approaching, the number of cultivators on the street gradually decreased. Lu Chen left the downtown area of ​​the city and came to the river. This river runs through the entire Baiyun City. There are trees on both sides of the river bank. The whole landscape is a bit like a modern city park.

Lu Chen found a big tree, leaned Pingjin Sail against the tree, and sat under the tree in Lotus Position, carried the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in his body, and began to extend the Divine Sense while absorbing the Spiritual Qi in the air.

Chaos Daoshengjue is the tactic of co-existing with heaven and earth when the universe originated. After Lu Chen practiced, Divine Sense is not only stronger than ordinary people, but also has a very powerful concealment effect.

If it is not for the cultivator whose Cultivation Base is much higher than Lu Chen, it is generally difficult to find Lu Chen's Divine Sense.

Lu Chen planned to spend the night here tonight, thinking that if he still didn't get anything tomorrow, he might have to take the initiative.

A few hours later, in the dead of night, Lu Chen suddenly opened his eyes, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, thinking, "Is it finally here?"

Then he closed his eyes again as if nothing had happened, but five figures quickly approaching him appeared in his mind, and Lu Chen quickly retracted the Divine Sense.

After a few breaths, five cultivator Yujian fused with the middle stage quickly came to Lu Chen's side.

"You... who are you? What do you want to do?" At this moment, Lu Chen opened his eyes, looked at the five people in horror, and was about to turn around and run away.

"Do it!" The cultivator headed by the five

He shouted, and then threw a ray of real energy at Lu Chen, and the other two held iron chains in their hands, and rushed towards Lu Chen.

"Oops!" Lu Chen took a solid blow, let out a scream, and then fell to the ground and passed out.

At this time, the two cultivators holding the iron chain quickly tied Lu Chen up, and the movements were done in one go. Obviously, they often do this kind of tying up.

"Hehe...head! Did you hit too hard, just like that, this kid passed out!" the cultivator who tied up Lu Chen flattered.

"That's right! Don't even look at who our head is, it's just this kind of soft-legged shrimp, you can crush him to death with your fingers." Another cultivator echoed.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and withdraw!" The leading cultivator was a little surprised at first, he didn't seem to use much force just now, why did this kid faint? After being confused by these two people, he can only think that Lu Chen, the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period, is extremely weak. Biqu library

Several people nodded upon hearing this, and one of the cultivators lifted Lu Chen up like a chicken, and the five of them flew away quickly with their swords.

Lu Chen, who was pretending to be dead, sneaked out of the Divine Sense, and found that four of them were Cultivation Base integrated with the early stage, and the leader only integrated the Cultivation Base of the middle stage, so they didn't notice Lu Chen's Divine Sense.

Baiyun City was already big, and several people flew across the air quickly, and then landed in the back garden of a manor.

At this time, Lu Chen inexplicably felt a crisis in his heart, so frightened that he quickly took back the Divine Sense, and then controlled his true energy to drive himself unconscious, this time he really fainted.

Long-term practice of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Lu Chen's perception is very sharp, this perception is inexplicable, but it is real, Lu Chen has tried it before, and the results are very accurate.

Just after Lu Chen passed out, less than a second later, a powerful Divine Sense flashed across his body, and the Divine Sense retracted after seeing that there was no problem.

Of course, the five of them also felt this Divine Sense. This Divine Sense was issued by their steward. It was considered to have passed the inspection. If the steward did not make a sound, it meant that there was no problem.

Next, in the rockery in the back garden, a formation light curtain slowly opened, revealing a passage the size of a door frame. The passage extended from top to bottom, and the inside was pitch black, seemingly bottomless.

The five people dodged to lead Lu Chen into the passage, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

The formation light curtain then slowly closed again, the rockery is still a rockery, and there is no clue at all from the outside.

In the dark night, everything returned to tranquility...

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