At the entrance of the Teleportation Hall in Qianyang City, there is a piece of white jade the size of a blackboard.

From time to time, black words will appear on the jade. These words are all completed by formation, and the words record the timetable of the teleportation hall.

For example, starting from Qianyang City, Qianling Prefecture, and arriving at Longquan City, Capital Prefecture, when to depart, it takes a few breaths to arrive.

Many cultivators are here waiting to welcome their relatives and friends, including Yan Zixia and Wang Xiumei.

"Ding dong..." At this time, a notification sounded from the entrance of the teleportation hall, and the sound was loud and spread like a broadcast.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful voice sounded: "Dear fellow daoists, hello!

The teleportation formation from Tai Bai Cheng, Zhongzhou, Central Plains to Qianyang City, Qianling Prefecture, Southern Xinjiang is about to open, and it is expected that twenty breaths will arrive at the main hall soon.

Please get your staff ready...

"Zixia! Your senior brother should be taking this teleportation formation?" Wang Xiumei said happily upon hearing the sound.

"Well! I received the news at this time, and it should come out soon." Yan Zixia replied.

At this time, a figure came from the entrance of the hall, and there were no other cultivators accompanying him.

I saw that man, tall and slender, dressed in a blue brocade robe, holding a white folding fan, with distinct features on his face, angular and handsome, with a purple gold crown on his head, peach blossom eyes under his eyebrows, a high bridge of nose, and the corners of his mouth overflowing with tears. confident smile.

The person who came was Ximen Qinghong, one of Kong Qiu's registered disciples.

"Brother Ximen!" Yan Zixia shouted happily. Biqu library

"Zixia! Brother Ximen, you are such a handsome man! I don't know if he has a companion. If he doesn't, I'm not as good as you..." Wang Xiumei said with a smile.

"Auntie! What are you talking about! I don't have any affection for Senior Brother Ximen. You must never say such things again in the future."

Yan Zixia heard the words and hurriedly spoke to stop Wang Xiumei from continuing.

"Zixia! Haha... I haven't seen you for many years, and you are still so handsome. Senior brother, I miss you so much these years! Who is this?"

Ximen Qinghong walked over happily, then looked at Wang Xiumei who was beside Yan Zixia and asked.

"Hehe...Senior Ximen! This is my aunt, aunt! This is the senior Ximen I told you about." Yan Zixia smiled and introduced the two to each other.

"Ha ha

... Hello, aunt! In Xiaximen Qinghong, when they first met, they prepared a small gift, but they still hoped to accept it. This is five-color golden lotus dew,

Just a little smear on the wrist can make people feel the fragrance of multicolored nasturtium all over the body, and this fragrance can also help to improve the Cultivation Base. "

Ximen Qinghong took out the two jade bottles from the storage bag familiarly, and handed them to Wang Xiumei and Yan Zixia respectively.

"Hehe...Nephew Ximen is really polite, then I would like to thank you, by the way!

I just saw Nephew Ximen coming out of the teleportation hall alone, did you, Nephew Ximen, charter the entire teleportation formation? "Wang Xiumei took the jade bottle and asked curiously.

"Auntie, you guessed right. In order to see Zixia as soon as possible, I specially booked this teleportation formation, so I was the only one who came out."

The corners of Ximen Qinghong's mouth raised slightly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but his eyes were full of superiority.

"Hehe... Nephew Ximen really is a big deal," Wang Xiumei looked at Ximen Qinghong like a son-in-law, shocked by his generosity.

If you want to know how much Spirit Stones it will cost to pack a teleportation formation from the Central Plains to Southern Xinjiang,

Let alone a few million mid-grade Spirit Stones! Wang Xiumei didn't dare to calculate carefully, anyway, she was very satisfied with this guy named Ximen Qinghong.

"Okay! Auntie! It's not too late for us to go back first and then chat, Senior Brother Ximen! I've already prepared food and drinks to welcome you, let's talk when we get to the place!" Yan Zixia said.

Ximen Qinghong kept a gentleman's smile all the time, and asked Yan Zixia to lead the way after hearing the words, and several people left with their swords.

Lu Chen had a dream, dreaming that Zixuan rushed into a Jedi with tears in her eyes,

The so-called Jedi is a certain area naturally formed by Cultivation World. No one knows what it is like inside, because none of the cultivators that entered could come out.

This has nothing to do with Cultivation Base, even if you are a cultivator in the transformation stage, you will die if you go there. There are ten Jedi legend cultivation worlds like this.

"Zixuan! Zixuan! Don't want Zixuan!" Lu Chen woke up suddenly, sat up abruptly, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, the dream just now was so realistic.

Lu Chen who came back to his senses looked around, and saw that he was in a large stone house, and there were forty or fifty male cultivators crowded in the stone house.

Sergeant, they are all naked to the upper body, their eyes are empty and lifeless, staring at themselves straightly,

This frightened Lu Chen, and quickly took a defensive posture, thinking that they were plotting against him, but seeing that they didn't plan to get close to own, Lu Chen was relieved.

Subconsciously lowering his head, he found that own's clothes had been stripped off, revealing a pair of distinctive white pants, which were custom-made by Lu Chen according to own's request.

Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned slightly, and tried to mobilize the True Yuan and Divine Sense. The True Yuan was like a pool of stagnant water, and Lu Chen knew that he must have been fed the Forbidden Spirit Pill when he was in a coma. .

After trying the Cultivation Base of the Body Training Spiritual Realm again, Lu Chen finally felt relieved. The body training technique really did not disappoint Lu Chen, and he felt infinite power all over his body again.

"I just don't know if I can still step up and fight," Lu Chen thought to himself.

Because everyone's Spirit Power is blocked, Lu Chen can't see the Cultivation Base of these people around him.

"Hey! Does any of you know where the nuns are locked up here?" Lu Chen asked in a low voice to the men sitting on the ground who were closer to him.

But they didn't answer. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, they each closed their eyes and ignored the newcomer Lu Chen.

Lu Chen stood up again and asked other people, but none of them paid attention to him. No matter what Lu Chen asked, they kept silent, which made Lu Chen angry.

"Hey! What's the matter with you all? Don't you want to escape?" Lu Chen looked at the group of cultivators who looked like walking dead, and said angrily.

"Huh! I advise you to save your energy, they haven't eaten for a few days, who has the energy to care about you," at this moment someone in the crowd finally responded to Lu Chen.

"Hehe...haven't eaten for a few days? How many...months for the cultivator..." Lu Chen contemptuously planned to say that the cultivator didn't have to eat for a few months, okay?

But then they seemed to think of something. If Spirit Power was banned, they couldn’t absorb Spiritual Qi, and if they couldn’t absorb Spiritual Qi, they couldn’t provide energy for the body. No wonder these cultivators looked weak, because they were hungry.

From Lu Chen's expression, the cultivator knew that Lu Chen had figured it out, so he turned around and changed into a comfortable position to continue sleeping.

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