Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 121 The Shocking Conspiracy

"Fellow daoist! My name is Lu Chen. When were you arrested? Is there a place where female nuns are imprisoned?" Lu Chen ran over and asked.

"Ah...are you annoying! You still think about the nun at this point, huh? You!" The cultivator scolded impatiently, then his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Lu Chen in surprise, and then showed joy expression.

Because Lu Chen grabbed the opponent's wrist with all his strength, a force pinched the opponent's pain, and he let go of his hand in time.

"Shh...don't talk nonsense, you can answer whatever I ask you, if I have a chance, I will rescue you," Lu Chen made a gesture of silence.

"Okay senior!" The cultivator looked at Lu Chen with hope in his eyes, and he naturally felt that the strength in Lu Chen's hands was different,

He immediately thought that the other party might be a body cultivator, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have such a strong force when the Spirit Power was blocked, and he obviously felt that the other party did not use any force, otherwise his own bones would definitely be broken.

Lu Chen pulled him into a corner so that others could not hear them clearly.

"Is there a place where female nuns are imprisoned here? When were you arrested?" Lu Chen asked in a low voice.

"Back to senior! I was transported from Guang'an City by them two days ago, and I arrived only yesterday afternoon. At that time, there were men and women on the flying shuttle, about 200 people." The cultivator replied.

"What? Didn't you guys come here by teleportation formation?" Lu Chen frowned slightly after hearing the words, combined with what the fusion early stage cultivator in Zhongba City said, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately figured out all the links.

If Zixuan was caught by Yahang people in Zhongba City and sent to Baiyun City two days ago, she should have arrived in Baiyun City two days ago.

The premise is that they also took the teleportation array, but based on what the cultivator said, Lu Chen concluded that Zixuan and the others should also come by flying shuttle, which means that they arrived almost yesterday afternoon.

Thinking about it, how could the people in the tooth shop spend such a high price on the teleportation array to transport so many people, the cost is probably not enough,

You must know that Lu Chen spent 80,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones from Zhongba City to Wudang City.

Flying shuttles are extremely rare flying Magic Treasures, which belong to the Innate Spirit Treasure. They are so fast that a million miles can travel overnight.

"Senior! I have a shocking secret here. There is a group of cultivators next door who are all disciples of the Seven Sects.

It is said that they will be sent to the Central Plains, as for why they are staying here again, I don't know," the cultivator continued in a low voice.

"What? This

Seriously? How did you know? " Lu Chen was also extremely shocked when he heard the words,

He didn't expect the people in the dental shop to be so bold that they dared to touch the children of the Seven Sects.

"Senior, how dare I lie to you, I can swear, I overheard the conversation of the cultivator who transported us, so I learned about this." The cultivator affirmed.

"Okay! I believe you, you go to sleep first, I'll go out and have a look." Lu Chen comforted him first,

Then he said to the other cultivators: "I'll go out and have a look first, you'd better not make any noise, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

Lu Chen didn't care if they could do it or not. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he broke off the fence made of fine iron, and put it back together after he went out.

At this time, everyone seemed to be alive, and they all approached the fence to watch Lu Chen leave. Cultivators have no mediocrity, and they saw hope in an instant. Biqu library

"You all go back, the senior said he will come back to save us," the cultivator who talked with Lu Chen just now stopped the behavior of others,

Everyone gathered around the cultivator and begged him to speak good words so that Lu Chen could rescue them too.

After Lu Chen came out of the stone house, he found that it was a bit like a dungeon. There were four or five cells, probably because everyone had become ordinary people, and there were no guards in the dungeon.

But Lu Chen could clearly hear two cultivators talking at the entrance of the dungeon by listening to the position.

Lu Chen walked lightly into the dungeon, looking from the side, there were still a few rooms inside.

When Lu Chen appeared in front of the cell next door, there was a sudden sound that almost scared him to death.

"Lu Chen? Why are you here? And... you are?"

This cry attracted the attention of other cultivators, and they all climbed to the prison door, begging Lu Chen to save them out.

"Shh! Shut up the fuck, are you trying to kill me? I'll save everyone, so please be quiet. I'll check the situation." Lu Chen snorted.

Everyone became quiet after hearing the words, and they all regarded Lu Chen as a savior.

At this moment, Lu Chen looked for the cultivator who called out his name just now, and that person also came to the fence,

The man was beaten with a bruised nose, swollen face, and bruises all over his body. At first glance, Lu Chen felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Look again, my God! Isn't this Senior Brother Xuantian Sect, Qin Chuan who is the number one genius in the Qi Refining Period?

"Eldest brother! Why were you arrested too? And you were beaten like this?" Lu Chen was surprised in a low voice.

"Lu Chen! Teeth

Be bold, many disciples of the Seventh Sect have been arrested here, if you can escape, report to the Seventh Sect quickly so that we can be rescued. Qin Chuan said anxiously in a low voice.

"Don't worry, senior brother, I will find a way to get you out, but I still need to check the situation." Lu Chen said in a low voice, and then continued to walk into the dungeon, wanting to find Zixuan in his heart.

After passing through three more cells, the same alarm happened again. Lu Chen let out a low drink, and then calmed them down. These people were not stupid, and immediately cooperated actively.

Lu Chen vaguely saw some familiar faces, these people are all disciples of the seven sects,

As for why Lu Chen can know them, because many of them were robbed by Lu Chen in various names in the Canglan secret realm.

It's just because Lu Chen covered his face and changed his voice with Spirit Power, so these people can't recognize that it was Lu Chen who did it now.

At this time, Lu Chen was finally sure that Yaxing was really daring, he tied up the disciples of the seven sects, and tied up so many disciples all at once, what on earth did they want to do?

A trace of anxiety rose in Lu Chen's heart, as if he had been caught in a huge conspiracy.

Going forward, a group of female cultivators appeared in the cell. The appearance of Lu Chen also caused a commotion. Yingyingyanyan was so beautiful that it almost exploded.

Some people even promised that as long as Lu Chen rescued her, she would be Lu Chen's companion, and some people promised to be Lu Chen's Human Cauldron.

Even crazier, he immediately took off his clothes to seduce Lu Chen, begging Lu Chen to agree to rescue her.

It made Lu Chen speechless for a while, and shouted in his heart, "Can we go out and talk about it, now is really not the fucking time!"

Lu Chen also let out a low voice, calmed them down, and promised them that he would definitely rescue them, and keeping quiet is the most important thing now.

Fortunately, there are only two cells for female cultivators. After Lu Chen didn't find Zi Xuan, he went to the next cell.

Because the commotion here was so loud that when Lu Chen came to the last cell, many beautiful cultivators were already lying on the side of the fence looking at Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen saw it, the nosebleeds spurted far away in an instant. The nun probably heard what someone said, and immediately followed suit, taking off her clothes halfway.

Between the two fences, like two white rabbits, they are ready to come out.

Lu Chen wiped away the blood from his nose, while comforting everyone, he searched for Zi Xuan.

"Lu Dage!"

"Lu Dage! Is it really you?..." At this time, two familiar and pleasant voices came...

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