Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 122: At A Critical Moment

When Lu Chen heard the familiar calling voice, he thought it was Zixuan calling him. At that moment, he was very happy, thinking that he had finally found Zixuan.

"Is it you? You were also arrested?"

Lu Chen followed the prestige, and saw two Miaoman figures squeezed from the crowd of people in the corner to the iron fence, looking at him happily.

This time it was Lu Chen's turn to be surprised. There was no Zixuan among the two, but Mu Kexin and Ling Manyu, who he had rescued from the giant ape in the endless forest before.

Lu Chen quickly went through every female cultivator again, and after confirming that there was no Zixuan, he felt a sense of loss.

"Lu Dage! Did you escape? Then hurry up, it's dangerous here."

Ling Manyu blushed and worried when she saw that Lu Chen was topless and wearing a pair of strange underpants, Fang Yin could be seen in some places.

Mu Kexin didn't expect to see Lu Chen in this situation, and felt a burst of joy in her heart.

Ever since Lu Chen rescued her last time, Mu Kexin's mind would always unconsciously recall Lu Chen's figure descending from the sky.

"You all wait here, don't make any noise, I'll go out to check the situation, and then I'll come back and find a way to get you out,"

Lu Chen reminded the two of them, and at the same time reminded the other nuns, that now is not the time to chat and reminisce, and now they must find a way to get out.

Lu Chen continued to walk out of the dungeon carefully, and determined the movement at the dungeon door by listening to the sound.

At this moment, Lu Chen was also very helpless, Zixuan didn't find it, and even put herself in, Yahang tied up so many disciples of the Seven Sects with such fanfare,

There must be a terrifying conspiracy in it, and now that I am deeply involved in it, I really don't know if it is a blessing or a curse. As for Zixuan's matter, I can only wait until I get out.

Lu Chen is not a heroic cultivator, and obscene growth is his code of conduct. If he just heard this news, he would definitely ignore it and treat it as an amazing news.

But now that I am deeply involved, seeing so many familiar faces, coupled with my hatred for Yaxing,

So no matter what, Lu Chen made up his mind to destroy Yaxing's conspiracy this time.

"Hehe... come on! Let's go one more time. After drinking this cup, please trouble Brother Zhang to watch over me here. I will go to the dungeon to catch a female cultivator to refresh myself, haha


When Lu Chen walked carefully to the door of the dungeon, he heard a man's voice. The dungeon also had an iron door made of fine iron, and Lu Chen was a careful cat by the wall.

"Haha... Brother Zhao, you have to hurry up. I can't miss such a good thing. Anyway, they will be sent to the Central Plains at dawn. As long as you and I don't tell, who will know about it?"

The male cultivator called Brother Zhang laughed loudly, his voice was very obscene and triumphant.

Hearing the words from the corner, Lu Chen scoffed in his heart, and prepared to lie in ambush at the door of the dungeon, and strike when one of them came in.

"Okay! Then I will trouble Brother Zhang. I will go back as soon as I go. These female cultivators are all first-class good guys. Thinking about it makes people feel itchy and react...haha..."

The cultivator surnamed Zhao put down his wine glass, got up and walked towards the dungeon.

A passage went down, and after walking a few meters, he came to the dungeon. He didn't forget to use his true energy to dispel half of the alcohol,

With a hint of alcohol, he happily took out a palm-sized jade tablet from the storage bag, poured his true essence into it, and the jade tablet shot a white brilliance towards the iron gate of the dungeon,

"Crack..." The iron door opened in response.

The cultivator, surnamed Zhao, opened the door and entered. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared from the corner, which scared him soberly, and his previous passion instantly weakened.

"Enemy... um..." Just as he was about to yell, a big hand covered his mouth with such force that he could only make a huh sound.

This figure was Lu Chen who found the right time to strike.

At this time, the cultivator surnamed Zhao also came to his senses, and he raised his true energy and punched the figure in the chest fiercely.

"Dang..." Lu Chen received a solid blow in the chest, making a muffled clang.

By sensing the fluctuation of the opponent's true essence, Lu Chen judged that the opponent was a cultivator who integrated the early stage.

"How is this possible? Could it be a body cultivator?" The cultivator surnamed Zhao said in shock. His punch just now felt like hitting an iron plate, and his fist was numb from the shock.

"Bang bang bang..." Lu Chen clenched his fists and slammed into the opponent's face desperately,

At this time, there was a feeling of being hit by real essence on the back. Although there was nothing serious, it still left some scratches.

Lu Chen caught a glimpse of another figure appearing at the entrance of the tunnel, he should have been the one who made the attack just now, and sensing the other party's true energy is just a fusion of the early stage

, felt relieved immediately, and continued to smash the cultivator under him.

After the cultivator surnamed Zhang heard the movement, he immediately dispelled the alcohol and came to the door of the dungeon, just in time to see Lu Chen beating his companion.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Before he had time to think about it, he picked up the long sword, and a blue Sword Ray slashed at Lu Chen, but then he was horrified to find that the own attack did not cause any damage to the opponent.

At first, the cultivator surnamed Zhao was attacked by Lu Chen suddenly, and he couldn't find the north, so he could only use his true energy to resist,

But then he found that the opponent didn't have any real energy fluctuations in every punch, and he realized that the opponent should be a body cultivator, so he still has fighting power after eating the forbidden panacea, and his attack power is about the same as that of the Foundation Establishment. Biqu library

"Go to hell!" The cultivator surnamed Zhao yelled suddenly, and the Cultivation Base integrated with the early stage exploded, pushing Lu Chen away abruptly, and then stepped back to keep a certain safe distance from Lu Chen.

"Hey..." After being pushed away, Lu Chen slammed his back against the stone wall, but he didn't suffer any injuries. He let out a helpless sigh,

Although he was in the body-refining spiritual realm, although his defense was extremely strong, he had no way to attack, so he could only use his fists to attack close to him with brute force. exist

Without true energy, the body-refining spiritual realm comparable to the Great Perfection in the Foundation Establishment period obviously cannot leapfrog combat.

"Brother Zhao! Are you okay!" the cultivator surnamed Zhang asked with concern.

"Bah... I'm fine! I was just careless just now, and I fell for his way. I didn't expect this kid to be a body cultivator, but his strength is equivalent to the Foundation Establishment stage,"

The cultivator surnamed Zhao spat on the ground, and there was a broken tooth mixed in the saliva. After realizing that his own tooth had been knocked out by Lu Chen, the cultivator surnamed Zhao looked at Lu Chen viciously.

"Brat, you're looking for death! Brother Zhang helped me, I'm going to skin him today." The cultivator surnamed Zhao looked at Lu Chen and said viciously,

With a thought, the Magic Treasures long sword appeared in his hand, and the long sword hummed under the perfusion of true essence.

The cultivator surnamed Zhang didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and also took out the Magic Treasures long sword, pouring real energy into it, and the light in the dungeon suddenly brightened, making people unable to open their eyes.

While breathing, the true essence condensed into a green and blue sword shadow, with the aura of destroying everything, he slashed at Lu Chen from top to bottom,

Seeing the opponent's Sword Ray attacking him, at this critical juncture, what should Lu Chen do if he doesn't have real energy...

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