"Boom..." Two Sword Rays, one blue and one blue, struck Lu Chen's body.

"Damn it!" Lu Chen said helplessly and unwillingly,

Because he couldn't use his true energy, Lu Chen could only cross his hands in front of his chest, bowed his body slightly, and made a defensive posture, allowing the Sword Ray to strike Own.

After the Sword Ray disappeared, there were two more faint scratches on Lu Chen's back. Although there was no major damage, the force of the Sword Ray still hurt a little bit.

"Hehe... This kid's tortoise shell is really hard enough, brother Zhang, you and I attack with all our strength, I don't believe we can't kill this kid."

The cultivator surnamed Zhao sneered, the long sword in his hand was not slow, and he cut towards Lu Chen continuously.

Hearing the words, the cultivator once again circulated the true energy in his body to the extreme, and kept swinging his sword at Lu Chen.

Countless Sword Rays hit Lu Chen like a substance, and the dungeon was once again filled with countless Sword Rays.

Lu Chen feels aggrieved! If it wasn't for the fact that Zhenyuan was banned, I could slap these two damned guys to death with a casual slap, and it wouldn't be their turn to bully me here.

With fire in his heart, Lu Chen tried to run the Chaos Body Refining Technique, forgetting all the things related to the true essence, and completely regarded himself as a body refiner, and silently said in his heart:

"Let him be strong, let him be strong, the breeze blows the hills, let him do whatever he wants, and the bright moon shines on the river...

Although countless Sword Rays were still attacking Lu Chen's body, Lu Chen was no longer in pain as before, so he simply sat in the Lotus Position and let them attack.

"Hmph! Play tricks and continue attacking, he can't last much longer," the cultivator surnamed Zhao said coldly,

At this moment, their continuous attacks also had an effect. There were many wounds on the surface of Lu Chen's body, and the blood couldn't stop flowing. Because he didn't wear clothes, these wounds were clearly visible.

But Lu Chen was unaware of the speed, he fell into an epiphany at the moment,

The cultivator pours the true essence into the Magic Treasures in his hands, and uses the Magic Treasures as the medium. The higher the level of the Magic Treasures, the more solid the condensed energy light and shadow, and the greater the power.

Then the body-refining cultivator can't just be a melee attack, there must be some attack method, but I don't know it.

You can feel force when you lightly clench your fist, you can feel force when you swing your fist, and you can feel force when a breeze blows your face.

There are many substances in the air, which can also drive the generation of power between retracting and releasing.

If you use yourself as the medium, the Spiritual Qi will be stirred by the swinging fist between retracting and releasing, stirring the cyclone, and using the cyclone to release the force.

pass it on,

Is it possible to achieve the goal of reducing ten meetings with one force and breaking Wanfa with one force? That's right.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen suddenly opened his eyes, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He stood up suddenly, his fists spun at high speed, almost only a blurry shadow of his fists was seen, the fists stirred the air at high speed to form a cyclone.

"What is he doing?" The cultivators surnamed Zhang and cultivators surnamed Zhao looked at each other, but they didn't understand Lu Chen's weird behavior.

However, just as the two were about to continue attacking Lu Chen, they felt an inexplicable uneasiness in their hearts.

Lu Chen's high-speed spinning arm suddenly punched them straight in the air. It seemed that nothing happened, but they clearly felt a powerful force coming towards them.

Before they had time to think about it, they instinctively began to protect their body, but the body's protection was instantly broken by the invisible force, and the two of them took several steps back to stabilize their figures.

This is the effect achieved by releasing the power, as the saying goes, taking advantage of his illness to kill him,

Lu Chen threw himself at the cultivator surnamed Zhao like a Demonic Beasts, waving his fists like crazy, and every time he punches, he spins, stirs the cyclone and releases the force, and the fist hits the opponent's face again, this is the effect of double power attack.

"Ah..." Under the superposition of double power, the face of the cultivator surnamed Zhao sunken instantly, his face bones were shattered, and he let out a painful scream.

The cultivator surnamed Zhang was not idle either, holding a long sword and facing Lu Chen with crazy output,

However, relying on his own defense, Lu Chen ignored this, and only focused on smashing the cultivator surnamed Zhao desperately.

The cultivator surnamed Zhao resisted desperately, but Lu Chen's strength was so great that he smashed his skull in two or three hits, and lost consciousness and his body softened.

The cultivator surnamed Zhang saw how terrifying Lu Chen was, so he quickly walked away and crushed a message jade card at the same time,

Lu Chen made him run away, leaving behind the dead cultivator surnamed Zhao, and then blocked in front of the cultivator surnamed Zhang, grabbing the other's arm.

"Forgive me... Ah!" Lu Chen would not let him go, his eyes fixed, and he directly blew the opponent's head off.

Although the two gatekeeper cultivators were eliminated, Lu Chen was not happy.

Just now he had seen clearly that the cultivator had crushed a jade tablet, but unfortunately he was still one step too late and couldn't stop the other party in time.

It is estimated that more people will come here in a short time, and I will definitely die by then, this time it is really a big loss.

At this moment, Lu Chen was extremely anxious

Urgently, try to activate Chaos Dao Sheng Jue again, if you can recover your true energy, you can hide in the world of golden beads,

But the true essence in his body still didn't respond at all, and his dream of escaping into the world of Jinzhu was shattered.

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

"You did this?" As soon as the words were finished, a middle-aged cultivator flashed down from the top of the passageway, so fast that he arrived in the blink of an eye.

"It's so fast! The opponent is at least a Cultivation Base in the Gold Core period, what should I do?"

Lu Chen thought to himself, with a serious expression on his face, and unconsciously took a few steps back.

At this moment, five more figures came down from the entrance of the passage, judging from the speed, it should be the Cultivation Base integrated with the early stage,

They first saw the two companions who died tragically on the ground, and they all showed surprised expressions.

Then when they saw the middle-aged cultivator, they cupped their hands respectfully.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lu Chen suddenly jumped up, grabbed the shoulder of one of the five people, and directly lifted him up with both hands.

Then he threw it at the middle-aged cultivator, and turned around and ran towards the entrance of the passage.

All this happened almost in a breath, the middle-aged cultivator and the others did not expect Lu Chen to be so fierce, and they dared to make a move at this time.

Caught off guard, he actually succeeded.

"Hmph!" The middle-aged cultivator snorted coldly, quickly dodged to dodge, and then struck Lu Chen with a beam of true energy.

"Ah... puff..." Seeing that there was less than three meters away, he could rush out of the passageway,

At this time, a tearing pain came from Lu Chen's back, and the pain made him almost faint. Lu Chen quickly bit the tip of his tongue, and only then did he regain his sense of clarity.

If one looked at it from behind, Lu Chen's back was cracked at this moment, the bones were clearly visible, and the flesh and blood were blurred, it was simply horrible.

The moment Lu Chen fell to the ground, his legs exerted strength again, and he rushed directly to the exit above the passage desperately. There was a bright light outside the exit, like the light of hope.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth with difficulty, but when Lu Chen rushed out of the passage, he found dozens of cultivators staring at him.

Lu Chen's mind, the middle-aged cultivator in the dungeon of course understood, his Divine Sense had already seen Lu Chen's movements clearly, but he was not in a hurry, because he knew everything about the entrance of the cave.

"Hehe..." Lu Chen smiled bitterly, knowing that he might be doomed today, he felt relieved instead, and slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

At this time, Lu Chen really wanted to smoke a cigarette and wait for Death to come.

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