Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 124 Survival And Death

In Qianyang City, Qianling Prefecture, Yan Zixia arranged a large private room in her own property "Food is Immortal", and prepared a large table of rare and exotic animals to entertain Ximen Qinghong.

During the period, Wang Xiumei seemed to be deliberately matching the two of them, and left midway with an excuse. The moment she left, the atmosphere in the private room suddenly became awkward.

Yan Zixia was secretly angry but didn't show it.

"Hehe... Senior Brother Ximen! Thank you for coming all the way to help our Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. Regardless of the result of the competition this time, our Yan family will definitely have a big thank you. Sister She is here to offer you a toast."

Yan Zixia smiled, picked up the spirit wine in the cup, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Haha... they are all from the same family, Zixia, why do you have to talk about two different families, but... I don't know what kind of way to thank you for your gratitude?"

Ximen Qinghong picked up his wine glass, and asked teasingly.

"Uh... this... hehe... The Yan family has prepared five million middle-grade Spirit Stones as a reward,"

Yan Zixia was taken aback when she heard the words, she didn't expect Ximen Qinghong to ask such a question suddenly, then she collected her thoughts and smiled.

Ximen Qinghong didn't seem to be moved when he heard the five million middle-grade Spirit Stones, he stared straight at Yan Zixia and said:

"Hehe... I don't care about five million middle-grade Spirit Stones. What I care about is yours, Zixia! Do you understand what I mean?"

Yan Zixia naturally understood what Ximen Qinghong meant. Back then, as Yan Feiyu's descendant, Yan Zixia also studied pill refining in Dancheng. Zixia for a while,

However, although Yan Zixia is the favored child of heaven, she lacks Alchemy Talent, no matter how much she studies, she doesn't make much progress, and she doesn't even get the status of a named disciple, so she had to give up in the end.

It was at that time that Yan Zixia met Ximen Qinghong. Ximen Qinghong was originally in good condition in all aspects and knew how to please girls. Yan Zixia didn't dislike being friends with Ximen Qinghong at that time.

But when Ximen Qinghong expressed his love for her, Yan Zixia refused, and Ximen Qinghong didn't mention it again after hearing the words, so the two kept in touch from time to time.

After many years, Yan Zixia really didn't know how to answer when she heard Ximen Qinghongming's secret hint again.

"Oh... Simon

brother! I see you are exhausted, why don't I arrange a place for you first! Let's talk again when we have a chance. "

Yan Zixia smiled and said, she left the private room as if fleeing, and after going out, she took a big breath of fresh air, thanking herself for being clever just now, otherwise she really didn't know how to refuse,

In the private room, Ximen Qinghong didn't take it seriously when he saw Yan Zixia's flustered look. He picked up the wine glass and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then took a sip of the spiritual wine in the glass.

In Baiyun City, in a magnificent manor, in the back garden at this moment, more than a dozen fusion stage cultivators surrounded the injured Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water and sits slumped on the ground, looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

I found myself in a place similar to a back garden, where there were rocks, pavilions and waterside pavilions as far as my eyes could see, the environment was not bad.

But when he thought about his current situation, he was going to die anyway, so Lu Chen gave up making unnecessary resistance.

"Hehe...boy! You are quite courageous, why don't you run away?"

At this time, the middle-aged cultivator in the dungeon flashed out from the underground passage, saw Lu Chen sitting slumped on the ground, with no expression of fear on his face, and taunted at the right time.

"Hehe... What's there to run away, besides, I can't run away. The environment here is not bad, and it is more suitable for my burial place."

Lu Chen pointed at the surrounding environment and smiled calmly.

"As you wish, kill him!" The middle-aged cultivator ordered in a cold voice, motioning for his subordinates to do it.

The cultivator heard that the Magic Treasures sword appeared in his hand, and under the infusion of true energy, it emitted a golden light.

At this time,

"Haha... Senior brother, that kid was found by me. I'm right! This Wanli Piaoxiang really works. If you still don't believe it, don't you think I found it!"

As soon as the words fell, the two figures flew with their swords and landed in the back garden in the blink of an eye. As soon as they appeared, they were surrounded by more than a dozen cultivators at the fusion stage, and the two sides were at war.

Lu Chen looked at these two cultivators, one fat and one thin, in bewilderment. Judging from the Movement Technique, he knew that the cultivation base of these two people was not low.

Looking at it again, I always feel that these two people seem to have met somewhere, but they can't remember it. After thinking about it for a while, they suddenly had an idea, and then they became even more confused.

Aren't these two cultivators the same?

Those two cultivators you met at the gate of the palace?

At that time, the Fatty cultivator bumped into me, but I didn't care at that time, I just looked back at them.

But how did these two people appear here? Judging from the words just now, these two cultivators seem to be looking for themselves,

They even left a scent of thousands of miles on themselves, so they tracked them down here. Judging from their appearance, they probably didn't come to invite me to dinner.

Lu Chen had a headache, when did he offend such two masters again.

"What? Do you want to do something?" One of the Fatty cultivators disdainfully displayed his own aura, and the surrounding a dozen or so fusion stage cultivators felt endless pressure.

"Stop!" At this moment, the middle-aged cultivator stopped him,

At the same time, he used his own aura to ease the pressure on his subordinates. He could see that the two cultivators were not good at coming, and their strength was not inferior to his own. They were both Cultivation Bases of the Gold Core early stage.

"Hehe...the two fellow daoists came to visit for some unknown reason, why don't you explain clearly to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, and the owner of this manor is Tianyuan Pavilion." The middle-aged cultivator laughed. Biqu library

"Leihu! Stop!" Another skinny cultivator stopped him.

"Oh... good!" Hearing that, the Fatty cultivator withdrew his momentum, and then looked at Lu Chen inexplicably.

"Behind the tooth shop is actually Tianyuan Pavilion?" Lu Chen murmured in his heart. This is the second time he heard the name Tianyuan Pavilion. The last time he was in Qiankun Shifang, the person in Guanxi called himself Tianyuan Pavilion Well, I didn't expect that I would have something to do with Tianyuan Pavilion again.

Lu Chen looked at them full of joy, thinking that the two groups of people would fight, so that he could find a chance to slip away, but he didn't expect them to stop again.

"Hehe... this fellow daoist is invited, we don't mean to offend, but this kid is the one ordered by our master to be killed, so we tracked him all the way here." The skinny cultivator pointed at Lu Chen.

"Hehe... If that's the case, then fellow daoist, please do it!" The middle-aged cultivator waved his hand, and his own subordinates all retreated behind him, leaving Lu Chen there alone.

"Come to kill me? Did you make a mistake?" Lu Chen was also shocked when he heard this, and wanted to refute a few words, but suddenly his eyes froze, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

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