Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 125 Tit For Tat

I saw a sledgehammer suddenly appeared in the hand of the skinny cultivator, blue lightning flashed on the sledgehammer, the thick and thin arc of lightning on the arm made a sizzling sound, which was very bluffing.

A breath of Death instantly enveloped Lu Chen.

"Hey, hey, hey... Did you make a mistake? Or your Master made a mistake? We have no grievances, why do you want to kill me?" Lu Chen quickly got up and asked anxiously.

Seeing that the opponent's posture is to kill him with lightning, it's true that he doesn't want to resist anymore, death doesn't matter, but at least he should change to a happy death method!

I have used black lightning arcs to kill Demonic Beasts quite a few times in the past, and the miserable appearance of the scorched outside and tender inside is scary when I think about it.

"Hmph! You can't be wrong, you killed Lei Junjie, the Young Master of our Lei family in the endless forest, we have been looking for you for a long time,

If you didn't run too fast in the teleportation hall that day, we just recognized you, do you think you can survive to this day? Remember that the person who killed you was the Lei Family Lei Bao! "

As soon as Lei Bao finished speaking, he swung the sledgehammer at Lu Chen,

"Crack...Crack..." Dozens of arm-thin blue lightning arcs descended from the sky out of thin air, and directly struck Lu Chen's body with such a speed that it was too late for people to react.

"Boom..." Lu Chen fell to the ground violently, before he even had a chance to scream, he lost consciousness. The thunder and lightning swam across his body, and his body twitched instinctively.

"Huh?" It was actually a body cultivator. Lei Bao saw that Lu Chen had passed out, and his skin was only slightly darker than before and not burnt. He immediately saw the clues.

So he increased the strength of his true energy, and the blue arc of lightning continuously bombarded Lu Chen.

His younger brother, Lei Hu, took a memory crystal ball and recorded the whole process, so that when he returned, he could report to Master Lei Aotian.

Because Lu Chen couldn't use his true energy, he couldn't communicate with the thunder beads in Dantian, so his body suffered from the lightning strike firmly, and his body became much darker again, and some places were even scorched.

If it wasn't for the fact that he reached the spiritual realm through body training, and was forged by the black lightning arc before, Lu Chen would have been wiped out long ago.

Seeing this, Lei Bao finally breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, with his Cultivation Base in the Gold Core stage, if he can't even kill a beaten body cultivator with the method of controlling thunder with his Cultivation Base in the Gold Core stage, will he still have his own face?

So continue to increase the strength of the thunder arc,

Another continuous arc of blue lightning blasted towards Lu Chen.

However, at this time, a sudden change occurred, and Lu Chen, who had fainted, gradually strengthened his aura, and his body continuously sucked the surrounding Spiritual Qi into his body like a long whale sucking water.

At this moment, the countless blue lightning arcs not only did not continue to increase Lu Chen's damage, but were still repairing his wounds, and even the cracked flesh on his back was rapidly healing.

Lu Chen, who was in a coma, originally thought that today would be a deadly round. Who would have thought that the skinny cultivator, after Leibao's blue lightning arc entered his body,

The true essence in Dantian, which was originally like a pool of stagnant water, was instantly activated, setting off a turbulent wave, and the medicinal power of the forbidden panacea disappeared completely.

Like a sponge absorbing water, the thunderball absorbs the thunder element in the blue lightning arc, and then strengthens itself.

"Haha... It's true that heaven never kills me, let the thunder and lightning strike more violently," Lu Chen, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, couldn't stop laughing wildly in his heart.

Seeing that the thunder beads that were reduced in size due to excessive use of black lightning arcs in the endless forest, are now enlarged again because of absorbing the thunder elements in the blue lightning arcs,

Lu Chen was very happy in his heart, and only hoped that the skinny cultivator could hit himself with lightning for a while longer.

Lei Bao also realized something was wrong at this moment, he obviously felt that the vitality in the boy's body was constantly increasing, so he stopped attacking, and looked at the boy on the ground suspiciously.

He couldn't figure out why the kid was hit by the lightning arc, not only did he not die, but he recovered from the injuries he suffered before. When did the lightning have a healing effect?

"Brother! That kid is weird!" Lei Hu reminded in surprise.

Everyone present stared at Lu Chen with surprised eyes, including the middle-aged cultivator, who was most aware of own attacking him, but he didn't expect this cultivator to be able to recover after being struck by lightning.

"Haha... skinny senior! I really want to thank you very much!"

Lu Chen nudged, stood up, and smiled arrogantly, there is no need to pretend now.

"Hmph! Even if the injury recovers, so what, the Foundation Establishment period is still the Foundation Establishment period, and you must die today." The skinny cultivator Lei Bao heard the words, his face was gloomy and uncertain, his eyes narrowed into a line and looked at Lu Chen, and said coldly .

"Oh? Really? What about the Lei family? Which onion are you? And you, and

you! You old bastard, I was almost killed by you, I must avenge this revenge today. "Lu Chen pointed at everyone and cursed,

"Hmph! Arrogance!"

"This kid really deserves to die!" Almost everyone had this thought, and they were waiting for the order from their supervisor to kill Lu Chen.

" this kid crazy? Where did he get the courage to say such a thing?" Lei Hu sneered.

"Haha... Thunderbolt!" At this moment, Lu Chen roared, imagining arcade games in his mind, Zhuge Liang's big move in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Thunderbolt.

"Kach... Kacha..." Countless black arcs of lightning suddenly appeared out of thin air, caused by thoughts. Wherever one thought of them, black arcs of thunder as thick as arms would be chopped off, filling the entire back garden like a shower of stars.



The speed was so fast that all cultivators were not spared. You must know that this is a black lightning arc from the endless forest. It is powerful and unpredictable. Back then, Lei Aotian's late stage Cultivation Base could not survive a black lightning arc.

What's more, there is still this lightning arc all over the sky, as dense as rain. In order to vent the grievance in his heart, Lu Chen also went all out. It wasn't until the thunder beads that were originally the size of soybeans in his body became the size of a pinprick, that Lu Chen stopped in time .

"Haha...that's one word, cool!" Lu Chen yelled, feeling very happy.

"You... you really deserve to die!" At this moment, the middle-aged cultivator made a weak voice,

He has been seriously injured on the ground, only one breath is still hanging, his whole body has been scorched, his eyeballs have been shriveled, leaving only two pitch-black hollows, which is very hideous and terrifying.

With the help of his weak Divine Sense, he saw his subordinates lying on the ground in disorder, those who merged with the early stage, were directly struck by lightning and turned into a pile of roast meat, and the dead could not die any more.

The fusion period of Dzogchen is also burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, with less air intake and more air output, no different from a dead person.

After being messed up by Lu Chen, all his subordinates are dead, and only he, a half-dead, polished commander, is left in this hall. You say he is not angry.

At this moment, he felt extremely regretful in his heart, regretting that he didn't kill Lu Chen directly in the dungeon. However, there is no medicine for regret in this world, and he can only blame himself for being unlucky enough to meet this monstrous Lu Chen.

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