Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 127 Her Name Is Zixuan

In Qianyang City, Qianling Prefecture, Yan Zixia originally settled Ximen Qinghong in a big house in the branch of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. Not only the environment is quiet, but there is also Spirit Gathering Formation, and the rich Spiritual Qi is very suitable for cultivation.

But Ximen Qinghong refused to agree. He insisted that he was not acclimatized and wanted to live on the top floor of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce branch.

The branch of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce is a six-storey tower. There are many rooms on the top floor for people to live in. The problem is that the first to fifth floors are the offices of the entire Qianlingzhou branch.

The top floor is Yan Zixia's office, which is equivalent to the president's office. Usually, Yan Zixia is here alone, except for office work and cultivation. If Ximen Qinghong also lives here, it will be very inconvenient for Yan Zixia .

But Ximen Qinghong had a not wanting face, and Yan Zixia disagreed, so he went to find Wang Xiumei, who liked him very much when she came to see him, and intended to match him and Yan Zixia to form a companion.

So under Wang Xiumei's repeated persuasion, Yan Zixia finally agreed to pack up the last room on the top floor for Ximen Qinghong to live in.

At night, Yan Zixia was practicing with her eyes closed, when the Own communication bead suddenly lit up, and the faint brilliance startled her who was practicing.

Yan Zixia injected Divine Sense into the communication bead, which contained a picture sent by Qin Guanshi of Feiyu Dange in Zhongba City. The picture was recorded by the memory crystal ball.

The content of the picture is exactly the whole process of Lu Chen entering the Feiyu Pill Pavilion and then selling the Medicine Pill. After she watched the whole picture, a sly look flashed in her beautiful eyes,

Immediately, the Art of Operation described a message to the intelligence agency of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, the content was to continue to pay attention to the cultivator named Lu Chen, and then continue to practice with eyes closed.

Baiyun City, a den of Yaxing, Lu Chen quickly emerged from the dungeon, already wearing his own clothes when he came out, and it was only a cup of tea time before and after.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, this is for you." Lu Chen smiled, and with a big wave of his hand, Divine Sense controlled four Medicine Pills to float in front of the four of them.

"What kind of Medicine Pill is this? It looks terrible." Young Master Yuxiao said with disgust on his face, but he stretched out his hand to pinch the Medicine Pill in his hand, and then swallowed it directly, without any doubt that Lu Chen would harm him.

Ling Manyu, Mu Kexin and Qin Chuan didn't think too much, and ate the dark Medicine Pill in front of them.

Lu Chen saw that several people did not doubt that he was playing tricks in the Medicine Pill. This trust moved Lu Chen greatly, especially the first time he met Mr. Yuxiao.

" brat! I've given you an advantage, and I'm still making irresponsible remarks here." Lu Chen pointed at Mr. Yuxiao and laughed.

Lu Chen casually said a word, the speaker had no intention, did not expect Ling Manyu next to him to hear the words

But as if struck by lightning, he froze on the spot,

In my mind, I kept thinking: "Little girl! You are cheap! Little girl! You are cheap..."

Thinking of being bullied by Hua Guangyuan back then, fortunately a mysterious man rescued me, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous,

At that time, I was bewildered by drugs. Although I couldn't see the person's appearance clearly, I still remembered the charming scene with that person.

Especially the phrase "Little girl! It's cheap for you!" that the man said made me remember it even more. The voice and tone were exactly the same as what Lu Dage said.

No wonder when I saw Lu Dage for the first time in the Endless Forest, I always had a familiar feeling. Looking at him now, I am even more sure that Lu Dage was the man who saved his own mysterious man back then.

Thinking back now, when Lu Dage first saw Own, he was stunned for a moment. He must have recognized himself, so he left as if fleeing. That must be the case.

"Haha... It really is a good Medicine Pill. My true energy has recovered, Lu Chen! I didn't expect you to be a pill refining master, amazing! Really amazing!" After taking the Medicine Pill, Mr. Yuxiao soon felt the pain in his body. The fluctuation of true essence.

"Yes! My true energy has also recovered, hehe... Manyu our true energy has recovered, Manyu! Manyu, why are you in a daze!" Mu Kexin also showed a joyful expression, but found that Ling Manyu was in a daze. He stared blankly at Lu Chen.

" that so? Hmm! Sister! I also feel that my own true energy has recovered, and Lu Dage's Medicine Pill is really good." Ling Manyu blushed and said in a daze.

"Brother Yuxiao! I think you should put on your clothes first! Haha..." Eldest brother Qin Chuan laughed, while he took out his clothes from the storage bag and put them on quickly.

"Lu Dage! I...can I talk to you alone? Did you save me from Hua Guangyuan last time?

Did you... still kiss me? That's his first time..." In Ling Manyu's mind, she mustered up the courage to question Lu Chen's words, her heart was pounding, and a faint blush appeared on her face.

"Manyu, what's the matter with you today, why are you in a daze again?" Mu Kexin slapped Ling Manyu on the shoulder, scaring her into a shrewd look, and shyly looked at other places, avoiding the eyes of her senior sister.

"Since everyone has become friends, why not let me be the host and find a place to have a meal together! It's also a celebration that we survived the catastrophe, how about it?" At this time, Mr. Yu Xiao who was dressed smiled and suggested.

"I'm really sorry everyone! I also want to thank brother Yuxiao for his kindness. I have to rush back to Anlin Prefecture and report this matter to Sect.

We will meet each other by fate, this is my communication bead, sir

Leave a Divine Sense imprint at home, if you have anything to do in the future, you can send me a message. "

Eldest brother Qin Chuan apologized and rejected Mr. Yuxiao's proposal. Mu Kexin, as the elder sister of Shennongmen's Anlinzhou branch, naturally agreed with Qin Chuan's idea.

So the five people left the Divine Sense imprint on each other's communication beads, so that they can communicate with each other in the future.

The communication bead is a communication tool that has existed since ancient times, and it has been used until now. It is rumored that a magician invented it by using formation.

Cultivators only need to leave the Divine Sense imprint on each other, and then they can send text messages to each other, which is a bit similar to the PHS with a single-line connection in the LAN.

"Hehe... that's fine! Let's meet again!" Young Master Yuxiao said regretfully.

Afterwards, Qin Chuan, Mu Kexin, and Ling Manyu flew away together with their swords. Although Ling Manyu still wanted to ask Lu Chen, but the senior sister Mu Kexin urged her so hard that she could only leave with regret.

"Hehe... Lu Chen! There are only two of us left now! How about we go have a drink together?" Mr. Yuxiao laughed.

Before Qin Chuan asked Lu Chen if he wanted to go back to Xuantian Sect together, Lu Chen said that there was still something to do, so he refused, Yuxiao knew about it.

"Let's forget it! I have to find a very important person. Now her life and death are unknown. I really don't want to drink. How about we drink another 300 cups when we have a chance?"

Lu Chen refused because he cared about Zixuan, but now that the clues were cut off, he really didn't know where to find them.

"Oh? Is it your dao companion?" Young Master Yuxiao asked.

"Forget it! I owe her too much!" Lu Chen said with some melancholy.

"I can understand your feelings, just like a girl I just met a few days ago, her dao companion died in the endless forest trial,

In order to pay homage to her own dao companion, she traveled thousands of miles to the edge of the endless forest, but was caught by the Yaxing people.

I just happened to see her at that time, so I planned to rescue her, but in the end, another expert came to the dentist. Not only did I fail to rescue her, but I was also arrested.

Hello! why are you looking at me like that "

Young Master Yuxiao just finished speaking halfway, but found that Lu Chen was looking at him with surprised eyes, and then changed to a surprised expression, which made Yuxiao confused.

"Haha... What's the name of the girl you're talking about? Quick! Tell me quickly!" Lu Chen grabbed Yuxiao's shoulders with excited hands, shaking him non-stop.

"You start driving first, what are you doing? Tell you, I am a normal man, her name is Zixuan, her name is Zixuan! It's alright! Really! Your head is dizzy from shaking your head!" Mr. Yuxiao Looking at Lu Chen with contempt, he said impatiently.

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