Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 128 The Highest Order

"Haha...Brother Yuxiao! You are really my lucky star. The person I am looking for is Zixuan. Tell me, where is she now? Why were you arrested together, but I didn't see it in the dungeon?" To her?"

Lu Chen looked at Young Master Yuxiao excitedly, expecting his answer.

"What? You are the Lu Dage that Zixuan said? Oh... that's right! Your surname is also Lu! But didn't you fall in the endless forest? Uh... sorry! I have no other meaning."

Mr. Yuxiao couldn't believe it when he heard the words. He originally saw Lu Chen feeling sad because he couldn't find his companion, and wanted to tell the story of how he met Zixuan a few days ago in order to comfort Lu Chen, but he didn't expect Lu Chen It turned out to be Lu Dage in Zixuan's mouth.

Yu Xiao sighed, the world is too small.

"It's okay, because I had an accident halfway, everyone thought I was dead, we'll talk about this later, you should tell me about Zixuan first!" Lu Chen urged again.

"This... hey... that's the way it is, and I can't do anything in the end, Lu Chen! You... are you okay!" Mr. Yuxiao told how he came to Zhongba City and how he met Zixuan. .

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt as if struck by lightning. He blamed himself very much, and at the same time hated Ya Xing's behavior even more. If it wasn't for Ya Xing Zixuan, nothing would happen.

"Do you still remember the approximate location? Can you show me there?" Lu Chen said in a daze.

"Uh... If I combine the flying speed of the flying shuttle with the distance between Zhongba City and Baiyun City, plus the approximate time when the incident happened, I can calculate the approximate location of the incident." Young Master Yuxiao thought about it. .

"If Brother Yuxiao is not in a hurry to return to the Central Plains, please take me to see where the incident happened, please!" Lu Chen cupped fist with both hands, bowed his body, and said sincerely.

"Oh! Brother Lu! What are you doing? How can you give me such a big gift? I'll just take you there!" Young Master Yuxiao hurriedly helped Lu Chen up.

Hearing this, Lu Chen took out the flying boat and carried Young Master Yuxiao, and flew towards Zhongba City.

It turned out that Mr. Yuxiao was traveling around the states to experience his experience. Hearing that the Seven Sects were holding endless forest trials, he came to Zhongba City to join in the fun.

On the edge of the endless forest that day, I happened to meet three cultivators from the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment period who were catching a nun.

help each other.

However, the master of dental fusion middle stage came here, and he was naturally defeated by the early stage Cultivation Base, and even he himself was put into it.

That night, Mr. Yuxiao, Zixuan and dozens of other male and female cultivators were all locked in a large room. The female cultivators were not restrained except for eating the forbidden elixir.

The male cultivator was miserable. After eating the forbidden spirit pill, he was tied up like a rice dumpling. Zixuan felt guilty, so she took the initiative to chat with Mr. Yuxiao to make him feel that time passed quickly. Some, just like that, Master Yuxiao knew what happened to Zixuan.

Later, they were transported to Baiyun City. On the way, the flying shuttle was attacked by the flame magic bird.

The flame magic bird is a sixth-level eighth-level Demonic Beasts, with a fiery red body, a huge body, and its wings are slightly larger than a small airliner. Its combat power is comparable to the Nascent Soul early stage of a human cultivator, especially in terms of speed. Known, the flying speed is comparable to the extreme speed of Nascent Soul's Dzogchen period.

The flying shuttle has a space formation inside, and the outside looks like a capsule, which is about the size of a van.

In two or three strokes, the flying shuttle Young Master Yuxiao and the others were riding was damaged, and the flying shuttle immediately fell like a plane crashing.

The strange thing is that the flame magic bird didn't continue to attack the flying shuttle, but flew away directly, it seemed that it was just passing by, seeing that the flying shuttle was unhappy, so it casually damaged it.

Because the flying shuttle was cut open by the flame magic bird, many cultivators were sucked out by the strong air pressure during the rapid fall, including Zixuan.

Mr. Yuxiao watched Zixuan fly out of the cabin, but he was helpless, especially the moment Zixuan flew out of the cabin, the expression of relief in his eyes touched Mr. Yuxiao's heart very much.

At the moment of crisis, two Gold Core late stage masters on the flying shuttle, Yu Jian, flew out of the cabin and tried their best to lift the flying shuttle that was falling at a high speed from bottom to top, thus saving everyone in the cabin.

Although he knew that going there would not help the matter, but after hearing this, Lu Chen decided to go to the place where the incident happened to take a look.

On the other hand, as the disciples of the Seven Sects returned to their respective branches in Baiyun City, Yaxing kidnapped the disciples who were below the fusion stage of the Seven Sects. . Biqu library

After receiving the news, the respective Elders of the seven Sect headquarters began to send people to quickly investigate the matter, and at the same time

Ordered the various branches in hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang to check the number of internal personnel, especially the disciples in the Foundation Establishment period and the Qi refining period.

I don't know if I don't check it. I was shocked when I checked it. In the branches of hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang, some disciples have disappeared from time to time recently, but the soul jade plaque of the missing disciple has not been broken.

Almost every branch of the seven major sects has lost 40 to 50 basic disciples. In the six hundred states of southern Xinjiang, the total number of missing persons in each sect is more than 30,000. The seven major sects add up to more than 210,000 basic disciples.

And with the in-depth investigation, the Seven Sects found that these recently missing disciples were more or less related to dental practice.

It stands to reason that it is relatively common for the state branches to die dozens of basic disciples, but the incident in Baiyun City seems to be the fuse.

After the top executives of the seven major Sects learned of the investigation results, they immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

This tooth shop is doing something! Usually, Yaxing's behavior was cast aside by cultivators all over the world, and the Seven Sects turned a blind eye when considering the master behind him.

But this time the dentist actually extended his hand to the seven major sects. Isn't this plucking the hair on the tiger's ass?

So the leaders of the seven Sect headquarters gathered together and quickly reached an agreement.

Immediately establish the Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center, presided over by the head of the Seven Sect Headquarters.

All of this, from the exposure of the White Cloud City incident to the investigation of the Seven Sects, and then to the meeting with the heads of the Seven Sects headquarters, it took almost an hour, which shows how much the Seven Sects attach importance to this matter. Biqu library

In the end, an order of the highest level was issued from Qianling Prefecture, the headquarters of the Seven Sects, ordering the branches of hundreds of prefectures in southern Xinjiang to join forces to wipe out the local tooth shops, and restore the southern Xinjiang region to a bright future.

This time the seven major sects are really serious. As soon as the branch heads of the seven major sects in the six hundred states of southern Xinjiang receive this highest-level order,

Everyone was full of excitement and excitement, as if they had been waiting for this day for a long time, and immediately sent an order to organize the quick assembly of cultivators above the early stage of the Sect fusion period, and sent a message to the disciples who were practicing outside, to find the nearest cultivation city to join the battle formation.

Command content: Sweep out rape and evil, eliminate Yaxing, rescue all the victimized cultivators, and return the southern Xinjiang to a bright future.

For a time, the entire six hundred states in southern Xinjiang were in turmoil, and a war was imminent.

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