Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 130: Southern Border Yaxing Extinction (Part 2)

In Qianyang City, Qianling Prefecture, at the branch of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, Yan Zixia received news from the states in southern Xinjiang almost immediately, saying that the Seven Sects, in the name of sweeping out rape and evil, were attacking the teeth of the entire southern Xinjiang. To exterminate.

After reading the message, Yan Zixia's beautiful eyes moved, a charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she immediately took the following countermeasures,

First, in the name of the headquarters of the Central Plains Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, an information letter was sent to the Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center in support of the campaign to wipe out rape and evil in southern Xinjiang, expressing high respect and strong support for this initiative of the Seven Sect.

Second, in the name of the Yan family in the Central Plains, donate 10 million pieces of middle-grade Spirit Stones, 5 million pieces of Magical Items, 1 million pieces of Magic Treasures, and healing medicine to the headquarters of the Seven Sects There are 500,000 bottles of Pill, with a total value of about 30 million mid-range Spirit Stones.

Thirdly, the commercial deployment has been issued to the branches of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in the southern Xinjiang states, and the state branches can make timely preferential plans for various industries according to local conditions.

It is also important to point out that the preferential strength of industries such as Food for Immortals and Feiyudan Pavilion must make all cultivators able to afford the food of Food for Immortals and the medicines of Feiyudan Pavilion.

After finishing these, Yan Zixia began to send a message to her father, Yan Dingtian, to make a simple report on what happened recently.

At the same time, Hu Shilong, the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce's Qianling Prefecture branch, also received a summons from various state branches.

The master behind the tooth shop is the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. The seven sects actually know it well, but they choose to turn a blind eye or close one eye because of the strength of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, Yahang also has extraordinary significance to Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. Now that Yahang is being wiped out, it is tantamount to cutting off the flesh of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. As the president of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, Hu Shilong is naturally very angry. Biqu library

"Damn it! Damn it! Seven Sects dare to play for real this time, do you really think that I, Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, is a soft persimmon?" Hu Shilong slammed the spirit teapot on the ground and roared, looking very angry.

"Please calm down, my lord! It's all because the people below are not doing their job well, so don't let your anger break your body." A beautiful female cultivator of the Gold Core middle stage persuaded respectfully.

Her name is Xia Ji. She was born with a shy face, delicate face and delicate skin. She is a rare and stunning beauty. She is not only Hu Shilong's right-hand man, but also a tool for Hu Shilong to vent his animal desires.

"How are things going? Why is it good?

Okay, why was it suddenly exposed? "Hu Shilong looked at the stunner in front of him and felt a little better.

"Return to your son! According to various investigations, the reason why Baiyun City was exposed this time is because a passing senior master shot and destroyed the Yaxing branch hall.

And according to some escaped cultivators, a Foundation Establishment period cultivator named Lu Chen is a body cultivator, and he still has a strong combat power after taking the forbidden panacea.

The servant speculated that it should be the cultivator named Lu Chen who made the noise, and then attracted the passing senior to make a move. "Xia Ji said lightly.

"Forget it! It's useless to say these things at this point, pass on the order to take off Lu Chen's head, hehe...Xia Ji! Come here!" Hu Shilong said with his eyes shining after finishing the order.

"Yes..." Xia Ji nodded shyly when she heard the words. She knew Hu Shilong's thoughts best and what he wanted to do, so she didn't feel disgusted. She walked to Hu Shilong's side with an expression of letting him pick.

" Fox Spirit!" Hu Shilong pulled Xia Ji into his arms...

The seven major sects joined forces to sweep away rape and eliminate evil, wipe out tooth trades, and the slogan of restoring a bright future in southern Xinjiang was fully launched in the six hundred states of southern Xinjiang almost at the same time.

Qujingzhou, Shun'an City, Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang joined the crowd watching the cultivator.

"Hehe... The Seven Sects are doing a great job this time! Judging from the slogans they chanted, I guess that the entire dental industry in southern Xinjiang is suffering a devastating blow at this moment." Zhao Chengzhi laughed,

He found that the number of people from the seven major sects besieging and suppressing the dental industry is often ten times that of the dental industry. A cultivator in a dental industry has four or five cultivators from the seven major sects to fight against.

This is true no matter it is the fusion period or the Nascent Soul period cultivators, and there are redundant cultivators guarding the four sides to prevent the cultivators from Yaxing from escaping.

"Yes! If your speculation is true, it is estimated that no less than 5 million people have been mobilized in the Seven Sects of Southern Xinjiang. This strength is really amazing." Yang Yunfei was shocked.

"I think this matter is true. The people in the tooth shop have done a lot of evil, and they should have been eliminated long ago," Qi Yutang said with some indignation.

"By the way! It is said that in less than a month, the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce and the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce will hold a pill refining competition to compete for the ownership of all industries in the southern Xinjiang market. Do you want to join in the fun?" Zhao Chengzhi was startled.


"Isn't it here yet? Let's talk about it when the time comes!" Qi Yutang said enthusiastically.

At this time, the battle in front of the three of them was over.

In the case of many vs. few, the seven Sects have an absolute advantage, and the encirclement and suppression operations are presented in a one-sided situation.

Basically, from sealing off the situation to checking the cultivator's identity information, and then to rape the minions of Mie Ya Xing, it took only an hour.

Even if they encounter difficult masters, the joint formation will send many masters to kill them quickly.

The next step is to release all the cultivators captured by Yaxing, and then search for the disciples of the seven sects.

It is worth mentioning that during the period, Hu Shilong sent an information letter to the Seven Sect Joint Operation Command Center in the name of Tianyuan Pavilion,

The content is: Tianyuan Pavilion strongly condemns the Seven Sects for not respecting the humanitarian spirit, disregarding human life, and provoking wars for no reason, causing a large number of cultivators to lose their lives.

However, when the seven sects joined forces to search out a large number of disciples belonging to the seven sects in various states.

After hearing the news, Hu Guangyi was not calm, and immediately sent an information letter to the Seven Sect Joint Operation Command Center in the name of the Central Plains Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

The content is: First of all, I would like to express my sincere apology, and then point out that this behavior belongs to the personal behavior of the person in charge of the dental practice in Southern Xinjiang, and has nothing to do with the Central Plains Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, in order to apologize, Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce donated to the seven Sect joint operations command centers: 15 million pieces of Spirit Stones, 6 million pieces of Magical Items, 1.5 million pieces of Magic Treasures, and 600,000 bottles of Medicine Pill , with a total value of about 40 million medium-grade Spirit Stones.

Until the last cultivator of the Yaxing was killed, marking the six hundred states in the southern border area, all the Yaxing was wiped out,

According to statistics, in this operation, more than 2 million cultivators were killed and more than 8 million cultivators were rescued.

For these more than 8 million civilian cultivators, the seven major sects are open to recruiting. As long as the cultivators are willing, they can choose to join one of the seven major sects according to their own preferences.

So far, the eradication of rape and evil, the eradication of Yaxing, and the restoration of a bright and bright world in southern Xinjiang have been realized.

All the cultivators in Southern Border were overjoyed, and the prestige of the seven sects had reached an unprecedented height.

The seven major sects also made money from the middleman, but Lu Chen didn't know anything about it. He was driving the flying boat and Mr. Yuxiao to the place where Zixuan's accident happened.

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