Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 131 The Flaming Phantom Bird Eating Grass

When the special operation to wipe out rape and evil in the whole southern Xinjiang and eliminate Yaxing won a comprehensive victory.

The Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center turned around and responded to the information letters from various forces one by one,

Especially large and small chambers like Feiyu Chamber of Commerce that produce both Spirit Stones and resources, as well as various big and small families believed by Zhongyuan.

The content of the letter is roughly: First of all, thank all parties for their strong support and attention to the Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center,

The Seven Sects are very willing to establish a friendly relationship of mutual help and mutual assistance with people from all walks of life in the Central Plains. At the same time, they also welcome everyone to come to Southern Xinjiang and work together to promote the development of the world of cultivation in Southern Xinjiang...

Then the Seven Sects used the internal information system to issue a notice in each branch of Southern Xinjiang, informing all the cultivators in Southern Xinjiang that all the dental establishments in Southern Xinjiang had been wiped out, and the number of people wiped out was more than two million. From now on, Southern Xinjiang will no longer tooth line...

Once this news was announced, there was a great uproar in the entire southern Xinjiang. Although many cultivators had speculated in this direction before, almost all the cultivators were shocked when they received the official announcement.

The prestige of the seven sects of southern border has once again been unprecedentedly high.

In Qianyang City, Qianling Prefecture, Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce branch, just as Hu Shilong climbed off Xia Ji's body, his communication beads kept flickering.

Hu Shilong injected Divine Sense into the communication beads. After reading the information, Hu Shilong's face changed and he was happy again.

"My lord! What happened again?" Xia Ji asked doubtfully with a half-covered veil.

"'s nothing wrong, it's just that the old guy at home told me to restrain myself recently, don't think about going against the Seven Sects,

Also, the little pill king Dongfang Yuanhua is coming, and the old guy asked me to pick him up in person. "Hu Shilong flicked his ice muscles with two fingers, looked at the jade body with admiration, and seemed to be interested again.

"Young master... since the Patriarch must have his reasons for ordering, how dare the servant delay the important affairs of the young master." Xia Ji said "Young master", which made people's heart tremble and their whole body go numb.

"It's just a pill refining master, and he deserves me to pick him up in person? But you are such a little goblin, even the voice of your voice is so enchanting... Haha..." Hu Shilong rushed towards Xia Ji again. Inverted phoenix, the joy of fish and water...

"Lu Chen! Going forward is Haiqingzhou. Enter Haiqingzhou at the speed of the flying boat. Let's fly for about half a day, and we should be able to arrive at the scene of the incident." Divine Sense, the son of Yuxiao on the flying boat, read from the map

Jade Slip backed out, smiled,

Because he traveled around the states, he carried the map Jade Slip of the entire Beichen State with him. During the period, Lu Chen also specially copied a copy for emergency needs.

Lu Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and controlled the flying boat to move forward, drawing a long rainbow in the air.

Haiqing Prefecture is bordered by Xizang Prefecture and is located in the northwest region of southern Xinjiang. It covers an area of ​​more than 1.4 million square kilometers. It is the second largest state among hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang, only slightly smaller than Xizang Prefecture.

According to the speed of the flying shuttle and the approximate time when the incident occurred, combined with the local geography, Mr. Yuxiao guessed that the place where their flying shuttle was attacked should be in Haiqing Prefecture.

Yahang's flying shuttle departs from Zhongba City to Baiyun City in Qianling Prefecture. If it flies straight, it does need to pass through Haiqing Prefecture.

After another half day,

"Lu Chen! Get down the flying boat, it should be near here," Young Master Yuxiao suddenly pointed at a bare mountain in front of him and shouted.

Hearing that Lu Chen lowered the flying boat, he also looked at the high mountain in front of him. The entire high mountain was barren of grass, and the hard rocks were directly exposed, which was indeed easier to identify.

Moreover, the place I can see right now is relatively desolate, since I entered Haiqing Prefecture, I haven't seen the forest, and the spiritual Qi is relatively thin, it is really a place where birds don't shit.

After the two landed on the ground, Mr. Yuxiao cast Divine Sense to confirm the exact location of the incident again, and then Mr. Yuxiao's eyes lit up and said: "Follow me! It's right in front!"

"Okay!" Lu Chen nodded when he heard the words, and then took out the Magical Item long sword, Yu Jianfei followed Young Master Yuxiao, and flew towards the mountain.

Not long after, the two Yujian flew to a position about a kilometer away from the mountain and stopped.

"Lu Chen! It's here, but..." Mr. Yuxiao didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning is self-evident, even if we come, it doesn't matter!

"Hehe... Please make another trip, I just want to have a look, and then I will go back. We will find a city of cultivators later, and I will be the host. I must have a good drink with you." Lu Chen naturally understood Yu Master Xiao thought, and smiled.

Lu Chen looked at the unobstructed sky, the scorching sun made people dare not look directly at it, and then looked at the bare mountain in front of him.

Immediately, he closed his eyes, and the Divine Sense stretched out overwhelmingly, hoping for another miracle like last time.

"Huh? Such a powerful Divine Sense, is Lu Chen's Cultivation Base really a Foundation Establishment period? What about his Divine Sense?

Much stronger than mine? "Young Master Yuxiao said in shock.

However, God did not give Lu Chen another chance, and Divine Sense did not find any clues related to Zixuan.

"Hey..." Lu Chen sighed softly, and took back the Divine Sense. He felt extremely regretful and remorseful, thinking that Zixuan was sucked out of the cabin by the air pressure. With her Cultivation Base during the refining period, even if she didn't eat the forbidden elixir, It is estimated that it is more or less auspicious,

How can such a good girl end up with no bones left, God is so embarrassing! Lu Chen complained in his heart.

"Chir... chirp..." At this time, there was a sound of birdsong in the sky, the sound was melodious but with a breathtaking feeling, and then a huge shadow enveloped the two of them.

"Not good! Lu Chen! It's a flame magic bird, this is too bad!" Mr. Yu Xiao followed the shadow and looked up to the sky, and saw a huge flame magic bird flying from the distant sky at a high speed, and it arrived in the blink of an eye. The two of them circled above their heads.

"Don't move! Hold your breath and restrain your breath. I remember that it was mentioned in a certain Jade Slip that the flame bird's eyes are not very good, and it will only attack moving objects.

And the flame magic bird seems to eat grass, so it may not attack us, you should be fine if you take a snapshot and do what I say. Lu Chen also noticed the change in the sky, quickly adjusted his mood, and calmly reminded,

He gave Mr. Yuxiao a look of trusting me.

"Where did you see it? Why haven't I heard of it?" Mr. Yuxiao said dubiously, but he still pretended to be a wooden man like Lu Chen.

But in his heart he was extremely panicked, worried that the flame magic bird would suddenly rush down and eat the two of them.

Under the scorching sun, the sweat on the foreheads of the two kept coming out, and the clothes were soaked quickly.

"I don't know, I should have seen it somewhere, otherwise how could I have such an impression? Besides, can we run faster than the Nascent Soul's Dzogchen Flame Magic Bird?" Pen Fun Library

Lu Chen glanced sideways at the flame magic bird the size of a small airliner in the sky

The flame magic bird was still hovering above the heads of the two of them, as if it was still searching for the prey it had just discovered, showing no sign of leaving.

"Okay! You're ruthless!" Mr. Yuxiao was speechless when he heard this, so he continued to pretend to be a wooden man.

"Chir... chirp..."

At this time, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the flame magic bird in the sky, and its body swooped down like a sharp arrow, heading straight for Lu Chen and Young Master Yuxiao...

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