Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 137 From Now On, You Can Hang Out With Me

"Lu Chen!" Seeing this familiar figure from behind, Yang Yunfei immediately recognized it as Lu Chen, exclaiming pleasantly as the pressure on his body disappeared.

"Hehe...I haven't seen Brother Yunfei for a long time, you seem to be in trouble, come and try this, it tastes pretty good."

Lu Chen turned around, took a bite of ice shredded sugar cane, and joked,

He also took out two pieces of peeled ice silk sugar cane from the storage bag and threw them to Yang Yunfei and Yang Guanshi, because the ice silk sugar cane had been peeled,

For a while, neither Yang Yunfei nor Guanshi Yang could recognize what this bamboo pole-shaped thing was.

However, seeing that Lu Chen's food was delicious, Yang Yunfei also took a bite and began to chew.

"What kind of fruit is this? It's so sweet and delicious. I've never seen it before."

Yang Yunfei, who had tasted ice silk sugar cane, his eyes lit up, and asked in surprise.

"Hmph! Kid! The matter is in front of me, should you give me an explanation, or if I sue the city lord's mansion, your Yang Family Pill Tower may also be to blame."

The big man saw that although Lu Chen was only the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment period, he was much stronger than himself in terms of aura. He knew that Lu Chen might not be a good person, and his own tone and rhetoric also inadvertently changed slightly.

At this time, Lu Chen heard the words and turned around to take a look at the big man, and Lu Chen couldn't help being amused when he saw this.

I saw that the big man was tall and big, with a round face, big ears, a straight nose and a square mouth, a raccoon beard on his cheeks, and a waist that was ten circumferences wide.

If his hair is shaved off, and he is paired with an ink-painted ice-iron Zen stick, isn't this a vivid image of Lu Zhishen?

When Lu Chen was in junior high school in his previous life, he especially liked to watch "Water Margin". There are 108 heroes in it, and he is familiar with each of them. There are several characters that Lu Chen particularly likes, including the hero Lu Zhishen. .

"Hey! You... What are you looking at, you Yang Family Danlou should give an explanation about my Little Brother!"

Seeing Lu Chen staring at him strangely, the big man felt terrified.

"Haha... I'll talk about your Little Brother later, he can't die with me around, let me tell you about you first! What's your name?"

Lu Chen had a lot of bad intentions in his heart, and he planned to keep this big man by his side, and then dress him up as Lu Zhishen, and take him out to be both bluffing and fun.


Are you serious? You Yang family are willing to take out Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to save my Little Brother? Can he be the master? "

The big man clearly heard Yang Yunfei call the kid in front of him Lu Chen just now, so he looked at Yang Yunfei and asked if what Lu Chen said represented the meaning of the Yang family.

"Hehe...Don't worry, Brother Lu's meaning is the meaning of our Yang family."

Although Yang Yunfei didn't know why Lu Chen wanted to ask someone's name, but out of trust, he still promised.

"Okay! This is what you said. If you dare to go back on your word, I will definitely smash your Danlou. My name is Lu Dashen." The big man said with a fierce expression.

"Haha... good! What a Lu Dashen, you can hang out with me from now on! Don't worry! I won't treat you badly." Lu Chen heard the words surprisingly,

Aroused an uproar from the cultivator onlookers, no one could have imagined that a cultivator during his Foundation Establishment period would utter wild words,

Letting a cultivator who integrated the middle stage play along with him obviously meant to accept him as a younger brother, who would be willing to do that.

A high rank cultivator naturally has the dignity and pride of a high rank cultivator, how could it tolerate the provocations of a low rank cultivator.

"Haha... I think that kid in the Foundation Establishment period is really not afraid of death, and dares to let the senior in the integration period be his younger brother. Where does he have the courage to dare to say such a thing?"

There is a Foundation Establishment late stage cultivator among the onlookers laughed.

"Hmph! Killing him is really reckless. Is it really easy to talk when we are a cultivator during the fusion period?"

Another cultivator who merged with the early stage among the onlookers felt that Lu Chen was insulting them, and reminded Lu Dashen in a cold voice.

really! After Naruda deeply realized what Lu Chen meant, coupled with the discussion from the surrounding crowd, his complexion suddenly darkened.

Seeing the angry look of the big man, Yang Yunfei and Yang Guanshi secretly thought that something was wrong,

In particular, Steward Yang complained that Lu Chen was not helping, but because of Yang Yunfei's relationship, he didn't say it out loud.

"Boy! You are looking for death," Lu Da said angrily,

The true energy in the body gathered in the fist, and there was a faint white light on the fist. With a flash of his figure, he struck towards Lu Chen's face with a fierce aura. The speed was so fast that he came in front of Lu Chen in the blink of an eye.

But Lu Chen was unmoved, still looking at Lu Dashen playfully.

"Be careful, Lu Chen!" Yang Yunfei exclaimed.

The cultivators who got closer

Dodge and back away, so as not to harm the fish pond.

Seeing that he was about to blow that kid's head off, Lu Chen still had no intention of avoiding it. Lu Da's complexion was overjoyed, and he scoffed in his heart, thinking that Lu Chen was just a fool putting on airs.

"Huh..." Lu Dashen's fist hit Lu Chen's face, but it directly penetrated the kid's head.

" is it possible?" Lu Da's pupils shrank deeply, and he said in shock that he hit the opponent's afterimage just now,

But he could clearly see that Lu Chen didn't move at all, how fast it took to do this, is the other party really just a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period?

"Pa..." Lu Chen suddenly flashed back to the original place, waved his left hand, and grabbed Lu Dashen's right wrist, with such force that Lu Dashen couldn't take his hand back.

With a consonant finger with his right hand, he pointed to Lu Dashen's forehead in the blink of an eye. Lu Dashen froze on the spot as if struck by lightning.

All this happened in a flash, and the cultivators watching only saw Lu Dashen's fist hitting Lu Chen's head, but they didn't see why Lu Dashen was suddenly subdued.

Lu Dashen, who was pointed by Lingxi, was sweating profusely on his forehead at this moment, his body trembling uncontrollably, his pupils shrinking to the size of a needle point, as if he had been greatly frightened.

If it wasn't for Lu Chen still supporting Lu Dashen with his left hand, he would have fallen limp to the ground by now.

"What... what happened? What happened? Why was Lu Dashen subdued by the opponent with one move? Could it be that the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment stage was a senior of the Gold Core stage in disguise?" The cultivator onlookers wondered,

"Improbable! Have you ever seen such a young Gold Core senior? I guess it was the Foundation Establishment cultivator who showed Lu Dashen something that frightened him." Someone in the crowd guessed in a low voice. Biqu library

At this time, Lu Chen loosened his left hand, and Na Luda fell limply to the ground, slumped on the ground, looking at Lu Chen helplessly and terrified, and was struggling with his thoughts in his heart.

Just now, Lu Chen did simulate a short period of the memory picture in his mind through his true essence, and then sent it to the other party through his fingertips.

Seeing the other party's terrified expression, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth slightly raised, knowing that the goal of owning had been achieved.

"How about it? Are you willing to hang out with me now?" Lu Chen laughed...

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