Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 138 Pill Ghost Yin Cang

Lu Da heard that he looked at Lu Chen strangely, thinking of the picture that Lu Chen had transmitted to him just now, it was really scary.

In particular, Lu Chen deliberately mixed his Divine Sense coercion comparable to the Gold Core early stage in the screen, which made Lu Da feel like he was actually there.

The content in the screen is Lu Chen in Baiyun City, using the black lightning arc to cast Thunderbolt, eliminating more than 20 fusion stage cultivators and three Gold Core early stage cultivators.

If Lu Chen wants to kill Own with this kind of combat power, it's not like playing. Lu Da can't doubt whether Lu Chen really has such strength, because he knows that this kind of memory transmission cannot be faked. .

Lu Da deeply guessed that the reason why Lu Chen told himself in this way was that he didn't want to expose his ability to fight by leapfrogging.

But now that I know the other party's secret, if I don't agree to the other party, I probably won't be able to get out of the Yang Family Pill Building. After a simple balance,

Lu Da sighed deeply, and made a decision to change his life-long destiny, so that countless years later, Lu Da was still grateful to Lu Chen for being able to look up to him today. Of course, these are things for later.

"As long as you can save my Little Brother, I swear by Heavenly Dao, from now on my life will be at your command. If there is even the slightest deviation, I will die a terrible death, my soul will be destroyed, and I will never be reborn forever."

Lu Dashen is also a free and easy person, since he can't escape, he might as well agree to the other party readily, after speaking, he seems to feel a lot more relaxed.

"Haha... the senior is interested, please get up quickly, senior, and I will treat Little Brother for you." Lu Chen was surprised when he saw Lu Da's deep oath, but he also admired his ease.

"Hehe...Since everyone has become a family, Manager Yang, please go and make a pot of good tea, as long as Lu Chen and I are here." Yang Yunfei ordered.

Although there are many questions in my heart, now is obviously not the time to ask.

"Well...there are so many wonders in the world, a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator dares to accept a fusion stage senior as his subordinate, the key is to see Lu Dashen's attitude, he seems to have agreed," all the cultivators onlookers were stunned. Discussing.

"Yes! One dares to ask and accept, but the other actually swears and agrees. I don't understand, I really don't understand. You see, I'm leaving. I guess they won't be able to fight. Why don't you go back and absorb more?" Spiritual Qi comes to life."

One of the onlookers said regretfully, and left the Yang Family Pill Building after speaking.

"Hmph! This Lu Dashen is really embarrassing to our cultivator during the fusion period. If I touch him again one day

See, I must teach him how to be a man. "

A late stage cultivator said angrily, and left with a displeased expression.

Someone took the lead to leave, and everyone knew that there was nothing to see next, so they started to leave one after another, leaving only four or five cultivators who were really bored and continued to watch the fun.

Naturally, Lu Dashen could hear the discussions around him clearly and clearly, but his attitude turned a deaf ear to them, and he only lamented the ignorance of the cultivators onlookers.

Lu Chen glanced at the young cultivator lying on the ground. He looked about the same age as Lu Chen, in his twenties, with a delicate complexion and a thin body, but he was also the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment early stage.

It's just that now his lips are black, his complexion is pale, and he is in a state of unconsciousness. Lu Chen shot a beam of real energy into Lu Dashen Little Brother's body,

Divine Sense controlled the true essence to swim through the whole body, and then entered Dantian. When seeing that Dantian had shrunk like a shriveled grape, Lu Chen felt very troubled in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Lu Da asked anxiously when he saw that Lu Chen had withdrawn his true energy, his face was a little ugly.

"Don't worry, although it's a bit tricky, I'm still sure to cure him, brother Yunfei! I need a quiet room to refine the Medicine Pill. Do you think there is a suitable room in this pill building?" Lu Chen asked Yang Yunfei.

"Yes! I'll take you right away," Yang Yunfei said with a smile,

Next, Yang Yunfei took Lu Chen, and Lu Dashen picked up his Little Brother and went to the top floor of the Dan Building. Lu Chen treated Lu Dashen's Little Brother in the room, and the rest waited outside the door.

In Qianyang City, Qianling Prefecture, the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce have each arranged a special person in charge to be in charge of the pre-match preparations for this VAM competition.

The two chambers of commerce jointly invited Liang Chaobei, the deputy city lord of Pill City, to serve as the chief referee for this competition.

The Feiyu Chamber of Commerce also invited Yu Tongwei, who is known as the king of alchemy, to serve as the deputy referee of the competition.

Not to be outdone, the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce also invited a well-connected person to be the deputy referee, known as Dangui Yincang.

The venue of the competition was finally determined to be the City Lord's Mansion in Qianyang City, and City Lord Su Ziming was invited to act as a notary.

Since Dongfang Yuanhua came to Qianyang City, under Xia Ji's arrangement, his life was quite comfortable.

Arranged a separate courtyard for him with three entrances and three exits, and he ate all kinds of rare and exotic animals every day.

All he drank was high-quality spiritual wine, and five beautiful and first-class female cultivators were specially arranged for him to take care of him. Of course, the care here must be special care.

Dongfang Yuanhua is also very good at playing, and set up a wine pool and meat forest in the room

, Playing in different ways every day, that is called a happy.

In the Teleportation Hall of Qianyang City, Hu Shilong, Xia Ji and other five high-level officials from the headquarters of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, as well as twenty or thirty guards, were waiting at the entrance of the hall to welcome the arrival of a certain important person.

It is worth mentioning that the captain of the guard this time followed Hu Shilong from Tianyuan Pavilion in Zhongba City to Zhenguanxi in Qianyang City.

With the end of the voice broadcast of the formation in the teleportation hall,

Not long after, a man was wearing a black robe, and the one-piece hat on the back of the robe was like a wizard, covering the whole person, making it impossible to see the person's appearance, and his body exuded a faint coercion. Many cultivators slowed down one after another, letting the The man was at the front.

"Haha...Master! I haven't seen you for many years, how are you still in good health?" Hu Shilong stepped forward to greet him.

The person who came was Yin Cang who is known as Pill Ghost. Hu Shilong had learned the technique of pill refining from him, but Hu Shilong was not interested in pill refining.

What he was interested in was Yin Cang's technique of using poison. After years of hard work, he learned Hu Shilong's technique of using poison, which can be regarded as the inheritance of the alchemy ghost.

"Hehe... I can't die yet. I haven't seen you for many years. Your poisoning skills have improved more and more, but your poison is not enough for this old man." Pill Ghost's voice was low and hoarse. , giving an eerie feeling.

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand lightly, and the colorless, odorless and invisible poisonous mist suddenly appeared in front of him as light green mist, which was very strange.

Immediately, Yin Cang sucked all the green poisonous mist into his mouth, but from the outside, all the poisonous mist was sucked into the hat.

Hu Shilong was not upset when he saw that the poison he injected was easily defused by the Master, and said with a smile: "Master is the Master. Didn't you teach me this skill?"

"Hehe...You little slicker! There is no progress in the matter that my teacher asked you to investigate two years ago?" Yin Cang laughed in a strange voice.

"I also ask the Master to punish me. This disciple has used the intelligence system of the entire southern border, and has not found any clues about Tianhuo," Hu Shilong bowed his cupped hands respectfully.

"Forget it, I can't blame you, after all, Tianhuo is extraordinary, how can the thief be exposed easily, besides, I have been looking for clues everywhere these years, but I have found nothing.

If you want to blame, you can only blame me for being too greedy and wanting to upgrade Wulian's heart fire, otherwise why would I take the risk of fostering in Changfen Ridge, and ended up making a wedding dress for someone else, hey..." Yin Cang sighed, Self annoyed.

Next, Hu Shilong waited on Yin Cang carefully, and a group of people started to fly to the branch of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

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