Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 142 Three Questions

Zhang Haoyang and Wang Jingxuan also frowned slightly when they heard the words, following their reputation,

They saw a pretty-looking female cultivator with an enchanting figure, wearing a translucent gauze female cultivator's red robe, and her underwear was faintly visible, walking towards them.

The heroine was picking out clothes by the side before, and just heard Zhang Haoyang's rhetoric, so she made a sarcastic statement.

"You..." Wang Jingxuan was about to refute a few words, but was stopped by Zhang Haoyang,

Because Zhang Haoyang’s Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen Foundation Establishment period couldn’t see through the Cultivation Base of the woman in red, so she is at least a cultivator of the integration period, and they are newcomers, so Zhang Haoyang didn’t want to cause trouble.

"Hehe... senior, please be sorry! I was reckless just now, and please forgive me, senior," Zhang Haoyang apologized to the red-clothed nun's cupped hands awkwardly.

"Hmph! You have some knowledge. If you offend Miss Ben, Miss Ben will tell you not to eat, so go around."

Seeing Zhang Haoyang bowing her head and apologizing so quickly, the female cultivator in red couldn't argue with him anymore, she took it off the shelf, the purple robe that Wang Jingxuan was flipping through just now, and walked out of the shop directly, even the Spirit Stones Not given.

The strange thing is that the stewards and buddies in the store did not stop him.

"Hehe... The two fellow daoists are really sorry. I am the manager of this shop. Fortunately, you didn't have the impulse to refute that person just now, otherwise you will be in big trouble."

At this time, a dignified and elegant female cultivator in her thirties came quickly, and said with an apologetic smile on her face.

"Oh! Why did the senior say that?" Zhang Haoyang asked strangely.

"That man's name is Du Tianjiao, and he is the dao companion of Dong Ping, the leader of the street management team in charge of the City Lord's Mansion.

If you had offended her just now, she would have ordered the guards of the City Lord's Mansion to arrest you, and the consequences would be disastrous. "

The manager of the clothing store said cautiously.

Hearing the words, Zhang Haoyang also secretly rejoiced that he stopped in time just now, otherwise, with Wang Jingxuan's character, he would definitely fight with that person.

After Wang Jingxuan heard this, she didn't take it seriously. Own's father is also a city lord after all, and he also has a Cultivation Base in the Nascent Soul period. Could it be that she is afraid of her failure? Just because she doesn't want to cause trouble doesn't mean she is afraid of trouble.

After this incident, Wang Jingxuan's face

The color is obviously a little displeased, she actually is not angry because of the woman just now,

Even if she is angry, she will not be so angry. She is angry because of Zhang Haoyang's attitude in dealing with things. In her imagination, Zhang Haoyang should stand up for her bravely.

Even if you can't beat the opponent, at least you don't have to apologize to this kind of person so humbly.

Sometimes a girl's mind is like this, and she doesn't care about the consequences, she only cares about the moment.

Lost in mood, Wang Jingxuan left the clothes shop with a serious face, leaving Zhang Haoyang alone behind.

"Senior! I'm sorry, I'll visit your business again next time," Zhang Haoyang shook his head helplessly, smiled awkwardly, and then chased after Wang Jingxuan in the direction he left.

Shun'an City "Food is Immortal",

With the help of Lu Chen, Lu Zhishen successfully broke through to the spiritual realm of body refinement, and his strength increased greatly. The Cultivation Base originally integrated with the middle stage, coupled with the physical body that can be called Magic Treasures,

The overall combat power is not weaker than the general fusion late stage cultivator.

When he was full of excitement and ready to thank Lu Chen, he found that there was a sign of Closed Door Training hanging on Lu Chen's door.

Guessing that Lu Chen might be practicing at the Closed Door Training, he didn't knock on the door again for fear of disturbing Lu Chen.

In fact, even if he knocked on the door, Lu Chen wouldn't be able to hear him, because Lu Chen wasn't in the room at all.

In the Golden Pearl World, Lu Chen is refining Medicine Pill. In the past few nights, except for beating Lu Zhishen, Lu Chen is doing Closed Door Training during the day.

I have to practice, study formation, and take time to refine Medicine Pill. I always feel that there is not enough time, and I am so busy all day.

there's no way! From the Foundation Establishment late stage breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen period, I spent the 800,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones I got before and only had more than 30,000 left.

This Spirit Stones is simply not enough for normal practice, let alone breakthrough, so taking advantage of this gap, Lu Chen will take some time every day to pill refine.

After a few days, Lu Chen refined 20,000 basic medicine pills, and the quality was controlled at the top-grade level. According to the previous price, if these batches of medicine pills were sold, Lu Chen would be rich again.

After feeling that both the true essence and the Divine Sense were struggling, Lu Chen stopped the pill refining, took out some Spirit Stones and began to restore the true essence and Divine Sense.

Before, because he was busy with various things, Lu Chen rarely had the opportunity to practice with peace of mind.

Lu Chen, who has calmed down for the past few days, discovered many things in the process of cultivation.

Many questions.

First of all, there is no accurate judgment on the level of own pill refining, just like self-study English but not taking the sixth-level certificate.

Before Yu Qian's father gave him two Jade Slips, one of which recorded his pill refining experience,

The other record is the introduction of tens of thousands of spiritual herbs, as well as the pharmacological properties of spiritual herbs, and it also comes with many pill recipes.

With the help of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, I really mastered this knowledge, and I was able to successfully refine the Medicine Pill,

But with the improvement of Lu Chen's Cultivation Base, he found that these pill recipes and pharmacological knowledge are all basic things. Biqu library

To put it simply, Lu Chen himself has almost mastered all the knowledge below the ninth grade alchemist.

However, Lu Chen knew nothing about the knowledge above that of a divine alchemist. Without a blueprint as a basis, the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue could not be derived from this knowledge.

Secondly, the breakthrough is still too slow. Of course, this has something to do with own Spiritual Roots. Even with the help of the powerful Cultivation Technique, Chaos Dao Sheng Jue,

It took me only three years to go from the breakthrough of the Qi refining stage to the Great Consummation of the Foundation Establishment stage. Haven't you seen that Lu Su is already in the Foundation Establishment early stage at the age of eighteen or nineteen?

This man! I don't know if I don't know, the gap will come out immediately after the comparison.

The other one is the technique of body refining. It is impossible to breakthrough by improving the Cultivation Base alone, because these two are not in the same system at all.

If one wants to breakthrough from the spiritual realm of body training to the sect body realm, one must find some special places suitable for body training, and use the special conditions of these places to complete the forging of the physical body.

But Cultivation World is so big, where can I find these ghostly places suitable for body training?

"Huh..." Lu Chen exhaled a foul breath, restoring his body to its best condition,

Seeing that everything in the Golden Bead World was as usual, and the four Demonic Beasts were sleeping peacefully during the Bitter Bamboo Week, Lu Chen also ignored them.

With a thought, the next second appeared in the room of "Food is Immortal".

"Dong dong... dong dong dong..." There was a soft knock on the door.

As soon as Lu Chen came out, he heard a knock on the door.

After opening the door, they saw Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi,

Lu Chen grumbled and said, "I'm at Closed Door Training, okay? Didn't you see the sign on the door? You keep knocking, you really don't understand manners at all."

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