Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 143 First Arrival In Qianyang City

"Hehe... Lu Chen! We are going to go to Qianyang City today, why don't you go with us! It happens that Cheng Zhi has four tickets in his hand, so let's go together to learn more." Yang Yunfei laughed.

After such a long contact, they naturally wouldn't think that Lu Chen was really angry.

"Don't go! Don't go! I still have a lot of messy things to solve, so I don't have the heart to go to Qianyang City with you." Lu Chen immediately refused after hearing the words.

"Hehe... Qianyang City is a first-class big city for comprehension. It is said that there is an auction, and all the rare treasures are sold at the auction. Don't you want to see it?" Zhao Chengzhi laughed. Biqu library

"Oh? Auction? Forget it, I can't afford it, you should go by yourself!"

When Lu Chen heard about the auction, he thought of the auction scene on TV in his previous life. Any piece of auction, ranging from a few million to hundreds of millions, is an activity only rich people can participate in. He is not so Many Spirit Stones.

Seeing that Lu Chen refused again, Yang Yunfei and the others looked at each other, nodded for confirmation, and suddenly shot at the same time, lifting Lu Chen up.

"Haha... I'll see if you still want to go this time," Qi Yutang said with a smug smile.

"Yes! It's okay if you don't go this time, let's go! Let's carry him to Qianyang City, haha..." Zhao Chengzhi echoed.

"Hey... how can you do this, let me down quickly, anyway, you are also immortal cultivators, why don't you look like an immortal at all."

Lu Chen, who was held up in mid-air, struggled, but they used their true energy secretly. The strength was so great that if Lu Chen didn't use his true energy, he really couldn't break free.

"Haha..." Seeing Lu Chen's embarrassment, Yang Yunfei and others burst into laughter.

"Okay! Alright! I really convinced you guys, why don't I go with you? Put me down quickly." Lu Chen said helplessly.

"Haha... You promised this, but you are not allowed to go back on your word," Zhao Chengzhi said with a smile.

"You think I'm you. You don't mean anything. You still owe me one million middle-grade Spirit Stones. Give it back to me quickly! Otherwise, I'll go to your Zhao's house one day and ask your father for it."

Lu Chen remembered that it was this kid who made the first move just now, and it was also the kid who laughed the most, so he had to feel disgusted at him no matter what.

"Haha... One million mid-grade Spirit Stones? When did you give me one million mid-grade Spirit Stones? Do you have proof? Is there an IOU? If not, I will sue you for defamation!


Zhao Chengzhi said helplessly, a daddy just doesn't admit it, what kind of expression can you put on me, and forget everything about the previous things in Qiankun Stone Workshop.

"You... count yourself as cruel!" Lu Chen was greatly moved by the other party's not wanting face when he heard this, and it is estimated that own Spirit Stones will never come back in this life.

The next few people called Lu Zhishen and Lu Su together,

When Yang Yunfei and others saw Lu Zhishen's current appearance, there was another burst of laughter from everyone.

After a burst of golden brilliance flickered in the Teleportation Hall of Qianyang City, Lu Chen, Yang Yunfei and others appeared in a large palace,

The internal space is two or three times larger than the teleportation hall that Lu Chen has seen before, and the number of cultivators that can be carried each time is also relatively large.

Lu Chen and others followed many cultivators to the exit of the teleportation hall. The passage outside the hall was also equipped with a space formation, and the entire passage seemed very spacious.

And there are directional signs, and everyone moves forward in an orderly manner according to the signs.

At the end of the passage there is a light curtain of light golden smooth formation, the cultivator walks in front of the light curtain of formation, as long as he injects his true essence into the teleportation jade card in his hand,

Sending the jade token will cast a beam of light towards the formation light curtain, and the cultivator can pass through the formation light curtain at this time, otherwise it will not be able to pass through the entrance of the palace.

If the transmission jade card is damaged or lost, it is necessary to provide identity information to reissue and pay a certain handling fee.

Lu Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth when he saw this. This is a bit similar to the ticket checking system at a train station. Lu Chen had never seen it before when he took the teleportation array. He didn't expect that Qianyang City would be so complicated and strict.

Lu Chen and others walked out of the entrance of the teleportation hall together through the formation light curtain. At this time, a strong spiritual Qi rushed towards their faces, and several people lamented the extraordinaryness of the big city.

Because the spiritual Qi here is obviously much richer than the spiritual Qi in Shun'an City, at this time, several people noticed that some cultivators flew away directly with the sword, and some cultivators went to meet their own relatives and friends.

"Haha... This Qianyang City is really unusual. Most cities for cultivators have air-forbidden restrictions, and cultivators can only walk forward. I didn't expect that you can fly with a sword here." Zhao Chengzhi looked at the sky and said.

"Yes! Look at this square, it's so big!" Qi Yutang exclaimed, pointing to the front.

There is a huge square at the entrance of the hall, and the ground is covered with beige stone slabs. Several pavilions and waterside pavilions are built in an orderly manner on the square, where cultivators can stop


Surrounded by towers, carved beams and painted buildings, it is simple and grand, with many cultivators coming and going, it is very bustling and lively.

"Hehe... do fellow daoists need accommodation? Our restaurant provides a one-stop package of meals, accommodation, and performances, and there are special services, so please be satisfied."

At this time, a middle-aged cultivator came over with a smile and said with a smile, he saw that Lu Chen and the others were cultivators from other places.

"Special service? What special service?" Lu Su asked curiously when he heard the words. After all, he had no experience in the world when he was young, so he didn't know the meaning of special service.

"You bastard! Shut up! If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb." Lu Zhishen patted Lu Su on the back of the head and cursed.

"I didn't say anything, Dage, why did you beat me?" Lu Su said aggrievedly, although he didn't speak, he still looked very unconvinced.

"No senior! We have somewhere to go," Lu Chen politely refused, feeling filled with emotion in his heart, and he was very familiar with such a scene.

A few people originally wanted to take a stroll in the square, but from time to time someone came to ask them if they wanted to stay, or if they wanted to eat,

Some even directly stated that there are many teenage female nuns there for a few people to choose at will, as long as they are satisfied.

It made several people very speechless, and they didn't know how many people they rejected, so they had no choice but to leave with the sword.

Because everyone is new here and there is no clear destination, Lu Chen suggested that it is better to find a "Food Fairy" as a temporary place to live.

Several people heard the words and had no objection. After all, "Food is Immortal" can be used for both meals and accommodation, and it is a time-honored brand that everyone can trust.

After Lu Chen and the others left, not long after, Yu Tongwei led Yu Qian from the exit of the teleportation hall.

At this moment, Yu Qian was wearing a simple and elegant plain robe, which gave people a fresh and refined feeling, and because she was wearing a light gauze hat, people couldn't see her face clearly, but couldn't help thinking of what kind of peerless face she was under the hat.

Yu Qian is also a little excited in the new environment, especially thinking that there is another him in this city. I wonder if the other party will recognize her when they meet, and whether they still remember the time when they were together.

Yu Qian was muttering in her heart, thinking of Lu Chen, her face was a little hot, until her father Yu Tongwei called her many times, she came back to her senses, threw the long sword in a hurry, Yu Jianfei followed behind Yu Tongwei, Fly to the city...

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