Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 144 Senior Please Respect Yourself

After Lu Chen, Yang Yunfei and others settled down in "Food is Immortal",

Qi Yutang suggested that everyone go for a stroll in the street together. After all, it is rare to come to Qianyang City, so it is impossible to just stay in the room and practice!

Everyone raised their hands in favor after hearing the words, only Lu Chen found an excuse to say that he suddenly had a feeling that he needed Closed Door Training.

Several people heard the words and didn't try to persuade them anymore, because everyone understood that enlightenment is something that can be encountered but not sought after. This kind of thing sounds ethereal, but it actually exists.

Some cultivators can grow their Cultivation Base substantially once they have an epiphany. There are many such examples in Cultivation World.

Lu Zhishen originally wanted to stay and protect Lu Chen, but after being repeatedly rejected by Lu Chen, he went out with Yang Yunfei and others.

After everyone left, Lu Chen inquired about the approximate location of the Feiyu Pill Pavilion from the steward downstairs, and quietly left "Food is Immortal".

Some things are not that Lu Chen doesn't trust Yang Yunfei and others, but because of more security considerations, Lu Chen chooses to act alone.

According to the steward of "Food as Immortal", there are more than 200 chains in Guangfei Yudan Pavilion and Shiweixian in the entire Qianyang City, which shows how vast the area of ​​Qianyang City is.

Lu Chen came to a relatively far away Feiyu Dan Pavilion, and after explaining his intentions, he was taken to a side hall to wait.

Soon, a man with dark hair, apricot face and peach cheeks, light eyebrows like spring hills, eyes like autumn waves, breast augmentation and waist, full buttocks and legs, exudes a refined temperament, it is simply too beautiful,

Lu Chen was stunned for a while, and he touched his nose subconsciously, seeing that there was no nosebleed, secretly thought that luckily his nose was up to snuff, and he didn't give himself a Losing face.

With the help of Divine Sense, which is far beyond ordinary people, Lu Chen vaguely felt that the other party should be a cultivator in the Gold Core stage.

"Uh... hehe... hello senior! I... I need to sell a batch of Medicine Pill, please give me a price from senior."

Lu Chen smiled awkwardly, accidentally knocked over the teacup on the table in a panic, and the tea immediately gushed out.

Terrified, Lu Chen hurriedly wiped off the tea flowing on the table with his sleeve, and carefully glanced at the woman. Seeing that she was not angry, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and sat down again.

"Hehe...Little Brother, you seem to be very nervous? I am the manager of this Danlou. I heard that you are going to sell a batch of Medicine Pills. What kind of Medicine Pills are they?"

The female steward walked over with a smile on her face, and sat on the left side of Lu Chen, her voice was sweet and pleasant.

"Please also senior Haihan, forgive Junior for being reckless just now, because my Master is in Closed Door Training, so I asked me to take the Medicine Pill for him,"

Lu Chen tried his best not to look at the stewardess, took out a storage bag, Divine Sense fuck

Controlling the storage bag and floating in front of the other party, all he wanted was to quickly complete the transaction and leave quickly.

The stewardess poked the Divine Sense into the storage bag, and after she finished checking, it was finally her turn to be shocked,

I saw four Medicine Pills in the storage bag like jelly beans,

They are: Foundation Establishment Pill, Huiqi Pill, Huiyuan Pill, Huichun Pill, 5,000 pieces for each Medicine Pill,

And all of them are top-grade Medicine Pills.

"Hehe...Little Brother, I don't know who your Master is, but you can take out so many high-grade Medicine Pills at once,

I know all the pill refiners in Qianyang City, can you tell me the name of your Master? "

At this time, the female steward stood up smilingly and approached Lu Chen, lightly raised her jade finger, and made the gesture of gently stroking Lu Chen's face in the next step.

His eyes were fixed on Lu Chen, as if he wanted to get the truth out of Lu Chen's mouth.

The faint fragrance wafting from his body and the majestic landscape on his chest made Lu Chen feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Uh... senior, please respect yourself! Senior, let's calculate the price. After the transaction is completed, I have other things to do."

Lu Chen couldn't help swallowing, and took advantage of the time between the two of them, he got up and avoided, regretting in his heart, if he had known that there was such a fairy-like female manager here, he would rather go to another branch.

Seeing that Lu Chen was not tempted by his own beauty, the female steward gave Lu Chen a resentful look, as if she had been greatly wronged.

The acting skills are top-notch, Lu Chen almost believed it.

Seeing that Lu Chen was still unmoved, the female steward stopped pestering her. After confirming that the Medicine Pill was correct, she calculated the price, and then took out a storage bag and threw it to Lu Chen.

Before selling 6,000 Medicine Pills, I got a total of 650,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones. Now that I sell 20,000 Medicine Pills at once, there must be more than 2 million medium-grade Spirit Stones. Lu Chen estimated .

Divine Sense probed into the storage bag and confirmed that there were indeed 2.15 million middle-grade Spirit Stones. Lu Chen happily sent the storage bag into the Golden Bead World and was about to leave.

"Hehe...Little Brother, please stay awhile. Now you are also a rich man. In three days, our Feiyu Chamber of Commerce will hold an auction. I wonder if you are interested in participating, Little Brother?" the female steward shouted again.

"No senior, I have other things to do, and my Little Brother is not young, so farewell!" Lu Chen quickly fled away after speaking.

The female steward didn't understand Lu Chen's words when she heard the words, but after she realized it, Lu Chen had disappeared.

"Hmph! Even if you run fast, you dare to tease my old lady! Next time I meet you, I will beat you up." The stewardess said angrily, then smiled again


Then he took out the communication beads and passed on the news that Lu Chen sold pills today.

"Haha..." Lu Chen on the street smiled triumphantly and turned his head. Seeing that the female steward hadn't chased after him, he was in a good mood, and he finally moved back for a game.

I don't know what the woman's expression will be when she reacts, Lu Chen thought to himself, and then happily walked in the direction of "Food is Immortal".

Because he was worried that Yang Yunfei and others would not see him when they came back, Lu Chen secretly circulated his true energy and accelerated his walking speed to weave through the crowd.

He didn't notice at all that when he passed a street stall just now, there was a beautiful girl in fiery red dress squatting in front of the stall. This girl was exactly Wang Jingxuan who went shopping with Zhang Haoyang again.

"Hehe... how about this? Is it good-looking? Hey... what are you looking at?"

At this time, Wang Jingxuan got up and asked with a smile, holding a jade headdress in his hand, but saw Zhang Haoyang staring at the crowd in a daze,

"'t look at anything, just thinking about something, hehe...this headdress is very beautiful, let's buy this!" Zhang Haoyang recovered and said with a smile.

But I thought in my heart: "It's him? Didn't he fall? How did he appear in this Qianyang City? It was hard for me to make progress in my relationship with Wang Jingxuan. Why did he appear at this time? Should I tell Wang Jingxuan? "

"Hey... what's the matter with you, why are you in a daze again, don't you want to go shopping with me, if you don't like it, you can go back first, hum..."

Seeing Zhang Haoyang standing there again, Wang Jingxuan became angry.

Because there is no familiar person in Qianyang City, and Wang Haocang is busy with various entertainments, Zhang Haoyang is the only person Wang Jingxuan is familiar with here.

Out of boredom and Zhang Haoyang's initiative, the two often get together naturally.

"I'm sorry Jingxuan! I was dazed just now because... because I had some insights,"

Zhang Haoyang finally decided not to tell Wang Jingxuan what he saw Lu Chen.

"Ah... so what should I do? Did I affect you just now? I'm really sorry,"

Wang Jingxuan naturally understood the importance of comprehension to cultivators, and she felt very guilty, looking at Zhang Haoyang like a child who had made a mistake.

"'s okay, this feeling is still there, and I can continue to feel it after I go back later." Zhang Haoyang smiled without blushing.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go! Let's go back quickly, this kind of thing can't be delayed."

Wang Jingxuan dragged Zhang Haoyang's arm and walked towards their temporary residence.

Seeing that Wang Jingxuan cared so much about him, Zhang Haoyang happily followed Wang Jingxuan...

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