Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 145 Rongsheng Pill

Lu Chen returned to "Food is Immortal" and saw that Yang Yunfei and others hadn't come back, so he went directly to the Lotus Position in the room and pretended to be practicing.

In fact, he took out the map Jade Slip copied from Mr. Yu Xiao,

Jade Slip records the geographical distribution of the three major regions of Beichen Prefecture, the southern border, the Central Plains, and the northern region, as well as the map information of the states in the three major regions.

It includes not only the geography, power distribution, and simple historical background of each state, but also the famous mountains and rivers, special landscapes, and general cultural environment of each state.

The reason why Lu Chen studied this map was to find a place suitable for body training.

In the process of studying the map, Lu Chen accidentally saw a mortal city called Yun Luocheng, and was very touched.

He promised his father Lu Tianhao before that if he succeeds in cultivation, he will definitely find a fairy medicine to increase the longevity of his elders and make the Lu family prosperous and prosperous, although the five-year period has not yet come.

But Lu Chen still planned to go home early to have a look after the matter in Qianyang City was over.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Lu Chen continued to look for a place suitable for body training in the map Jade Slip.

When he saw the introduction of Wuchuan Prefecture called Yinfeng Valley, Lu Chen felt that this place was very suitable for the practice of body refinement, and made up his mind that after returning home, he would go to Wuchuan Prefecture Yinfeng Valley.

At this time, there were bustling voices coming from the door, and hearing the voices, one knew that it was Yang Yunfei and the others who had returned.

Lu Chen removed the defensive formation in the room with a wave of his hand, and the door opened accordingly.

"Haha... Lu Chen, have you finished your training? We are looking for you, but you don't know, Qianyang City is very lively," Qi Yutang laughed,

Then Yang Yunfei and others entered in a file, seeing that they all smelled of alcohol, they probably went somewhere to eat and drink again.

When they asked about Lu Zhishen and Lu Su not coming back, they only said that Lu Su still wanted to go shopping, so they would come back later.

"This Qianyang City is really extraordinary. It is said that Feiyu Chamber of Commerce will hold a large-scale auction in Beicheng District in three days. This is rare in Shun'an City. How about we go and have a look?" Yang Yunfei suggested.

"Yes! Yes! It is said that the entire auction will last for two days, and all the items are extremely precious. The most important thing is that the tickets are not expensive. We must

go and see. " Zhao Chengzhi interjected.

"Hehe... After participating in the auction, I can just go to the pill refining competition again. It's really a worthwhile trip." Zhao Chengzhi laughed.

A few people talked to each other, even if Lu Chen didn't go out, they had a general understanding of the situation in Qianyang City.

Especially for the information about the auction, Qi Yutang also took out a Jade Slip, which recorded the detailed introduction of some auction items, which is somewhat similar to a leaflet.

The purpose of this is to let the cultivator know the information of the lot in advance, so as to attract more cultivators to participate in the auction.

Lu Chen had already heard about the auction from the stewardess when he was in Feiyu Pill Pavilion before, so he didn't show too much interest after hearing the news.

But when Qi Yutang said that there was Rongsheng Pill in the auction, Lu Chen felt a little strange in his heart.

As we all know, the Foundation Establishment pill is equivalent to a catalyst, which can accelerate the conversion of Spirit Power into true energy, and help the cultivator breakthrough from the refining stage to the Foundation Establishment stage.

And Zhurong Dan is equivalent to a coagulant, which also accelerates the solidification of true essence and helps the cultivator breakthrough from the Foundation Establishment stage to the Fusion stage.

And this Rongsheng Pill is incredible, it is equivalent to an enhanced version of the catalyst, if you take a Rongsheng Pill with the cultivator of the early stage, it can almost 100% improve two small levels,

In other words, if Lu Chen breakthrough to the fusion early stage, immediately take Rongshengdan, he can directly breakthrough to the fusion late stage.

Don't underestimate these two small levels. Some cultivators can't surpass them in their entire lives, and stop at the early stage of fusion.

For this purpose, Lu Chen thought in his heart that he still had to go to the auction in three days.

Although he knew that the price might be a bit expensive, the temptation of Rongsheng Dan still made Lu Chen flock to it.

After Yang Yunfei and the others returned to their rooms, Lu Chen saw that it was still early, so he left "Food for Immortals" again

Firstly, I went to find Lu Zhishen and the others, secondly, I came to inquire about the specific rules of the auction, and bought another ticket by the way. Now that I decided to go, Lu Chen still chose to act alone.

Wang Haocang, as one of the members of the observation group, not only had various entertainments in Qianyang City, but also visited some old friends whom he hadn’t seen for many years.

So there is almost no time to take care of Wang Jingxuan, but he knows the whereabouts of Wang Jingxuan and Zhang Haoyang very well. Seeing that his daughter has been getting closer to Zhang Haoyang recently, he also

Just relax.

Yu Qian was also under the same neglect. Since they came to Qianyang City, they were arranged to temporarily live in "Food is Immortal" designated by the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce branch.

As one of the two assistant referees, Yu Tongwei not only has to understand the competition system, but also participates in the finalization of the content of the competition, and is also busy with various entertainments.

So in desperation, I can only leave Yu Qian alone in "Food is Immortal", and promise to take her to find Lu Chen after a few days of busy work.

Yu Qian grew up in Shennongmen, and has never walked out of the gate of Shennongmen. How can she practice in her room with peace of mind when she travels for the first time.

Although Yu Tongwei had repeatedly told Yu Qian not to go out alone, Yu Qian still couldn't help being curious about new things, so she left "Food is Fairy" alone.

Yu Qian, who has just walked out of "Food is Immortal", is in an extremely happy mood. Looking at the bustling streets and the endless stream of people, everything is full of freshness, and it seems that even breathing is sweet.

"Senior! Do you want to see it? My Magical Item headgear here is exquisite in workmanship and cheap in price. If you like it, you can choose one." At this time, a cultivator with a street stall greeted Yu Qian enthusiastically.

Yu Qian stopped in front of the stall when she heard the words, and looked at the various headgears with joy. Although these headgears were all Magical Item grades, as the stall owner said, the workmanship was indeed exquisite.

Just like the wooden hairpin in Yu Qian's hand, there is a small flower at the end of the hairpin.

"How many Spirit Stones do you need for this hairpin?" Yu Qiannuo asked, her voice was as soft as a gurgling stream, very melodious.

Strictly speaking, this is probably Yu Qian's first time shopping, so I feel a little embarrassed.

"Hehe... If the senior likes it, give me five low-grade Spirit Stones! Originally, I was selling ten low-grade Spirit Stones." The vendor smiled flatteringly.

But in his heart, he secretly admired Yu Qian's beautiful voice, and guessed that there must be a peerless face hidden under the light gauze bamboo hat.

After Yu Qian paid the Spirit Stones, she happily took the hairpin and continued walking towards the front of the street.

As soon as Yu Qian left, Lu Chen appeared from the other side of the street,

The same goes by the small stall where Yu Qian bought hairpins just now, but the stall owner never took the initiative to solicit male customers.

The two just missed each other...

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