Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 146 Yu Qian Jie

Yan Zixia has been quite busy recently. She not only has to deal with the daily work of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in Beichen Island, but also has to take care of her own cultivation.

There are still ten days until the two chambers of commerce will bet against each other. It would be a lie to say that you are not nervous.

After all, this is related to the ownership of the entire southern Xinjiang market, and it is also related to her life, so she must consider all aspects.

The reason why people pay attention to Lu Chen's movements is just in case, life is unpredictable, so Yan Zixia's style of doing things has always been fully prepared.

Yan Zixia had already received the news about Lu Chen selling pills in the Feiyu Dan Pavilion, and at the same time was once again shocked by Lu Chen's generosity.

What she couldn't understand was that Lu Chen was able to refine so many Medicine Pills, and where did the Spiritual herbs needed for these Medicine Pills come from?

She had specially investigated Lu Chen's traces, and found no record of him buying spiritual herbs, so she became more and more curious about Lu Chen, a cultivator.

The streets of Qianyang City are criss-crossed and extend in all directions. There are various shops and commodities for sale. There are too many cultivators to come and go.

After some cultivators finished shopping, they threw out the Magical Item long sword directly, and Yu Jian flew away.

Some cultivators landed on the street from the flying sword, and some cultivators like to walk. On the crowded street, there is such a female cultivator.

Dressed in a plain robe and a light gauze hat, she looks like a cheerful bird, looking left and right, and stopping at the stalls from time to time to choose carefully.

It seems that a woman is born with a talent for shopping, but she has never been involved in anything other than Sect, but in just a short while, she has bought a lot of things.

Every time she pays Spirit Stones, Yu Qian will feel extra happy.

At this moment, Yu Qian was lowering her head and playing with the wooden hairpin she bought earlier. She put the other items into the storage bag, but she couldn't put it down for this wooden hairpin.

At this time, a young woman cultivator with a pretty face, a voluptuous figure, and arrogant eyes, wearing a translucent gauze female nun's red robe, with her underwear faintly visible,

This person is Du Tianjiao who mocked Wang Jingxuan and Zhang Haoyang before.

At this moment, Du Tianjiao had a flattering smile on his face, and he was lowering his head to play with the free prostitute from "Xianluzhai" just now.

A bottle of top-quality "Colorful Golden Lotus Lotion",

Just a little drop of this dew on the body, not only can make people exude a charming fragrance, but also help the cultivator to enhance the Cultivation Base, which is very precious from the Northern Territory.

At this time, Yu Qian, who was walking with her head bowed, just happened to walk to the door of "Xianluzhai", and had a slight collision with Du Tianjiao who had just come out.

"Pa..." The jade bottle in Du Tianjiao's hand fell to the ground and shattered, and bursts of refreshing fragrance filled the air.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry senior! I accidentally bumped into you just now, I'm really sorry!" Yu Qian apologized to the other party in a panic.

Du Tianjiao looked down and saw the jade bottle shattered, and the "Colorful Golden Lotus Dew" flowed all over the floor, his face instantly became gloomy, and Yu Qian was just a small cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage.

He opened his mouth and roared angrily.

"Where is the slut? Are you blind? You bumped into my old lady while walking? I'm sorry? What's the use of being sorry? This is the top seven-color golden lotus dew, can you afford it?"

"I'm sorry senior, I'll pay you as much Spirit Stones as I need." Yu Qian knew she was wrong, and kept bowing and apologizing to Du Tianjiao.

At this moment, many cultivators gathered around the two of them.

"Compensation? What do you pay for? Seeing how poor you are, even if I sell you, it's not worth the Spirit Stones of my colorful golden lotus dew." Du Tianjiao roared at the top of his voice,

Looking at Yu Qian's clothes, her eyes were full of disdain.

"Sorry senior! How many Spirit Stones do you need? I'll just pay you back."

Although Yu Qian was unhappy when she heard the words, she still kept apologizing to Du Tianjiao, hoping that the other party could calm down her anger.

"Why are you so unreasonable, woman? They have promised to compensate Spirit Stones, why do you still speak so badly?"

Among the cultivators watching, someone couldn't understand Du Tianjiao's face and helped Yu Qian speak.

"That's right! Didn't you just accidentally break something of yours? Wouldn't it be nice to pay you Spirit Stones? Besides, this girl didn't do it on purpose."

Seeing that Yu Qian is a weak woman, many cultivators in the crowd spoke up to help Yu Qian.

Du Tianjiao became even more angry when she heard this, but seeing so many cultivators targeting her, many of whom had a higher Cultivation Base than her, she didn't dare to get angry at everyone, so she had to vent all her anger

On Yu Qian.

"Hehe... Do you want to pay for it? Just at the door of "Xianluzhai", I just bought the seven-color golden lotus dew. A bottle only costs 100,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones.

If you don’t believe me, you can go in and inquire to see if it’s the price. Don’t you want to pay? Get the Spirit Stones! "

Du Tianjiao looked at Yu Qian with a disdainful smile, and stretched out his hand to ask Yu Qian for Spirit Stones.

"Ah? Ten... one hundred thousand mid-grade Spirit Stones?" Yu Qian asked in surprise when she heard the words.

She didn't suspect that the other party intended to blackmail her, after all, the other party also said that this was just bought from "Xian Lu Zhai", and she only needed to inquire a little to know the authenticity of the price.

It's just that the 100,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones are indeed an astronomical figure for Yu Qian. You must know that the benefits she receives from Sect every month are only a dozen medium-grade Spirit Stones.

"Ah? What did this girl smash? It's actually worth 100,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones. Could it be that the woman is blackmailing people?" At this time, someone among the cultivators who were watching was suspicious.

"The woman didn't lie. I've heard of the colorful golden lotus dew. It is said to come from the Northern Territory. It is extremely precious. A small bottle is indeed worth 100,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones." Another cultivator onlooker echoed.

Yu Qian naturally heard the discussions of the people around her. She never thought that she would accidentally cause such a big disaster.

For a while, he broke down in tears and said: "Woooo... senior! I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it, why don't you go with me for a trip to Shiweixian, and I'll ask my father to return the Spirit Stones to you."

"Hmph! You bitch, don't cry and pretend to be pitiful here. If you don't pay me the Spirit Stones today,

The old lady sold you to "Happy Square" to pay off the debt. Seeing that you are also a beauty with your figure, you should be worth a few Spirit Stones. "

As soon as the words fell, Du Tianjiao raised his hand and shot a beam of true energy at Yu Qian. The speed was so fast that Yu Qian's Cultivation Base could not resist or dodge at all.

Yu Qian froze on the spot as if she had been tapped, crying anxiously in her heart:

"Senior! Please let me go, as long as you go back with me, my father will definitely return the Spirit Stones to you, woo woo..."

"Hmph! No need! I want to see how many Spirit Stones you can be worth," Du Tianjiao sneered.

Reach out to lift Yu Qian's light gauze hat...

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