"No! Woooooo..." Yu Qian cried loudly in panic, but she couldn't move her body.

The reason why she wears a light gauze hat is because she has a very scary scar on her face. This scar made her feel extremely inferior since she was a child. She dared not have too much contact with the world, and only lived in the cabin that belonged to her. inside.

"Hehe... Isn't it just to look at your appearance? As for howling like a ghost?" Du Tianjiao sneered disdainfully, and his movements didn't stop.

However, when Du Tianjiao took off Yu Qian's light gauze hat, his face was filled with anger.

The cultivators onlookers gasped when they saw Yu Qian's appearance, and all pointed and commented on Yu Qian.

"How could it be like this? Looking at her slim figure, how could she have such a terrifying face? Hey... What a pity." Someone in the crowd watching the cultivator said regretfully.

"Yes! This girl is also a hard-working person. No wonder she wears a light gauze hat and dares not show her true colors. That's why." Someone in the crowd sighed.

"Hehe... She must have become someone else's concubine and was disfigured by his wife!" Another obscene-looking cultivator said disdainfully,

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a cultivator dragged him out of the crowd, and then there was a sound of punching and kicking, accompanied by the cultivator's screams.

All kinds of discussions spread to Yu Qian's ears, and every word was like the tip of a knife pierced into her heart, trying to escape the tortured eyes of everyone's souls,

However, his body was unable to move because of being restrained, so he could only close his eyes and cry continuously.

"Crack...crack..." At this moment, the angry Du Tianjiao suddenly slapped Yu Qian's face non-stop, and cursed at the same time:

"You bitch! I told you to be careless! I told you to smash my seven-color golden lotus dew! I told you to look like a ghost and come out to scare people.

With your face, if you can't sell it, what else can you give me to taste my Spirit Stones? Today I must beat you to death. "

There was another series of slaps, and Yu Qian's face was deformed by the beating, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding, which was too horrible to look at.

"Bang..." Du Tianjiao seemed to be still angry, and kicked Yu Qian to the ground.

"Stop! Don't fight! If you continue to fight like this, you will die!"

"That's right! It's forbidden to kill people in Qianyang City, so just let her go!"

At this time, there was finally a cultivator in the crowd who met Yu Qianke

Lian, began to speak out to persuade Du Tianjiao.

"Shut up, old lady!" Du Tianjiao yelled angrily.

"You?" The cultivator, like Du Tianjiao's Cultivation Base, is also a Cultivation Base that integrates the middle stage. Seeing Du Tianjiao scolding himself, he was about to teach Du Tianjiao a lesson, but the cultivator next to him grabbed his arm and reminded him in a low voice :

"Fellow daoist, don't be impulsive. I recognize that person. She is the dao companion of Dong Ping, the captain of the guard of the city lord's mansion. If you make a move, be careful of causing disaster!"

"Ah?" Hearing this, the cultivator shook his head angrily and walked away.

Yu Qian, who was collapsed on the ground, was completely devastated at the moment, and said in her heart: "Hit me! Just kill me. I shouldn't have come to this world. Rather than living in such pain, it's better to die cleanly. Maybe it's fine." If I die, no one will remember me!"

After Lu Chen came out of "Food is Immortal", he went directly to Beicheng District of Qianyang City. It is said that the auction will be held in the branch of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in Beicheng District.

After many inquiries, Lu Chen came to the branch of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in Beicheng District,

The entire branch is composed of more than a dozen tall towers, covering a vast area. Each tower is nine stories high. It is not only magnificent but also majestic from a distance.

It is said that this branch is the largest branch in the southern Xinjiang region, and it is in charge of other branches in hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang.

As soon as Lu Chen walked into the small square in front of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce branch, he was stopped by someone.

"Hehe...fellow daoist, please stay tuned! Do you want tickets for the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce auction in three days? If so, I'll give you a cheaper price."

A middle-aged cultivator approached Lu Chen, carefully looked around, and laughed softly.

"Oh? The Feiyu Chamber of Commerce is right in front, why should I buy the ticket in your hand?"

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth rose slightly, he didn't expect that there would be scalpers for tickets to an auction.

The cultivator smiled embarrassingly when he heard the words: "Hehe... You don't know, fellow daoist, that the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce's auction this time is unprecedentedly grand.

The tickets were sold out more than ten days ago, and they were still sold in limited quantities. I was unable to participate because of something recently, so I reluctantly gave up and sold my own tickets. "

After the cultivator finished speaking, he had a heartbroken expression, giving the impression that if you bought his tickets, you would get a big deal.

"Hehe... Then how many Spirit Stones do you need?" Lu Chen smiled politely.

"Hehe...you see those cultivators over there

No? They are the ticket dealers who specialize in selling tickets. It is said that their price is 10,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, which is really scary.

And because I can't go because I have a temporary business, I can transfer it to you at a cheaper price, and you can count 5,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones."

The cultivator approached Lu Chen like a thief, and whispered,

Lu Chen followed his gaze, and sure enough, he saw several cultivators enthusiastically stopping the passing cultivators, talking in a low voice like him.

"Hehe... I'll go to the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce first. If I really don't have any tickets, I'll come to you again!" Lu Chen smiled and said,

Then he walked away quickly, but he knew in his heart like a mirror that these people said the same thing. If you take it seriously, you will definitely regret it in the future.

And 5,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones buy a ticket for the auction, they are really dark enough.

"Okay! Go and ask, the result must be the same as what I said, I'll wait for you here..." The scalper cultivator laughed.

Because situations like Lu Chen's are normal, but basically they will come back to buy the tickets in their hands after asking.

Lu Chen walked into the first floor of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce branch, and what he saw was a spacious hall. At the moment, there were not many cultivators in the hall.

The Chinese classical royal style looks very noble and atmospheric, giving people the feeling of entering a five-star hotel.

There is an information desk on the left side of the first floor, and there are two beautiful female cultivators, both of whom are from the upper class, standing inside. After Lu Chen walks into the information desk,

"Hello, senior! Excuse me! How can I help you?" The two beautiful cultivators laughed sweetly in unison, their voices sounded like Lin Chiling's.

"Hello! I want to inquire about the auction tickets." Lu Chen smiled politely.

"Okay senior! I'll check it out for you." I saw the beauty shoot a real yuan on a piece of jade with a size of more than ten inches square in front of her, and the jade immediately displayed the information like a computer screen.

Lu Chen could tell at a glance that the display formation was arranged on that piece of jade, and he immediately understood it in his heart.

After a while, the beauty raised her head and smiled and said:

"Sorry senior! I kept you waiting! Because the tickets for this auction are limited,

At present, the tickets for ordinary seats have been sold out, and there are still one first-class private room, five second-class private rooms, and third-class private rooms... Uh... sorry, the third-class private room has just been sold out,

Which type of private room do you want to book? "

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