There is such a strange phenomenon in Life, when a person quarrels with others, it’s okay if you don’t persuade him, but if you try to stop and persuade him,

Instead, he would show his strength by baring his teeth like a mad dog.

Du Tianjiao was like this. After the cultivator spoke out to stop her but failed, she even vented her anger on Yu Qian.

As the saying goes, killing can only be done by pointing the head. With Du Tianjiao's Cultivation Base integrated with the middle stage, it can completely kill Yu Qian of the Foundation Establishment late stage in seconds.

Damn it, Du Tianjiao didn't give Yu Qian a happy death, but concentrated his true energy in his hands and feet, and kept punching and kicking Yu Qian, trying to beat her to death.

Almost to the flesh, Yu Qian's body groaned in pain instinctively, Du Tianjiao seemed to enjoy this tormenting pleasure.

At this moment, she stepped on Yu Qian's jade fist, crushed it back and forth, and smiled proudly and arrogantly: "Hehe... little bitch! Don't cry so miserable, you are lucky today, my mother is happy, and I plan to I'll let you go, but...hehe..."

"Crack..." The wooden hairpin that was originally held in the palm of her hand snapped, and Yu Qian opened her eyes as if feeling something, and then closed them sadly.

Although Du Tianjiao said to let Yu Qian go, he kicked Yu Qian's Dantian violently, intending to destroy Yu Qian's Cultivation Base.

The cultivator onlookers dared not speak out, if this kick was carried out, Yu Qian would be completely abolished.

"Boom..." At this moment, a ray of true energy suddenly struck, and hit Du Tianjiao's calf accurately, so fast that it was approaching in the blink of an eye.

Du Tianjiao hurriedly dodged to avoid it, knowing that someone was helping this bitch, she looked angrily at the direction where the true energy was attacking.

I saw a man with a burly figure, a round face, big ears, glaring Vajra, a straight nose, a square mouth, a waist around ten circumferences, fair skin, and a big bald head.

It looks like a bully bandit, very sturdy, and the Cultivation Base is not under Du Tianjiao.

Appearing with him is a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old with a face like a crown jade, wearing Jinglun on his head, and bright eyes.

The person who came was Lu Zhishen who was shopping with Lu Su. Just now he heard a passing cultivator talking about a tricky woman bullying a low-level cultivator. Hearing this, Lu Zhishen immediately brought Lu Su to the rescue.

"You shrew, dare to commit murder in the street and bully low-level cultivators. Do you really think that you can be lawless if you have a little cultivation base?" Lu Zhishen scolded with wide eyes.

"Hmph! Where did the bandit come from, dare to

Spoiling in Qianyang City? "

Du Tianjiao saw that Lu Zhishen was not a Cultivation Base integrated with the middle stage, so he turned back in a cold voice, and secretly took out the communication beads and sent a message.

"Dage! This girl's Meridians are broken, and her vitality is getting weaker. If she doesn't get treated in time, she may die soon!" Lu Su anxiously shouted,

After checking Yu Qian's condition with a beam of real energy just now, he was also very angry. He didn't expect this woman to be so vicious.

"Take her back first, you go first! I'll finish it off!" Lu Zhishen said loudly.

Hearing this, Lu Su picked up Yu Qian's body and threw out the Magical Item long sword. Du Tianjiao tried to block it, but was blocked by Lu Zhishen.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Su left quickly with his sword directly.

"Bold! Are you blind? You dare to block my way." Biquku

Du Tianjiao looked at the bald man in front of him viciously and scolded, complaining in his heart why the damn Dong Ping hadn't brought anyone here yet.

"Pa..." Lu Zhishen didn't know what it means to be sympathetic to a woman, so he slapped Du Tianjiao hard on the face.

Du Tianjiao was stunned for a moment, looking at the bald man in surprise, she didn't expect that someone would dare to beat her in Qianyang City,

She, who is usually used to domineering, immediately roared angrily: "You... how dare you fucking hit me?"

After speaking, he brought up the true essence and sacrificed the Magic Treasures long sword. Under the perfusion of true essence, the Magic Treasures long sword let out a soft sound, and stabbed Lu Zhishen while breathing.

Lu Zhishen sneered, grabbed the long sword with his left hand, but did not see any injuries, and slapped Du Tianjiao back and forth with his right hand.

"Pa... papa..." Another series of applause sounded,

Du Tianjiao's face instantly swelled up, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, his front teeth were broken, and his hair was disheveled. He stared at Lu Zhishen viciously like a crazy woman, but he didn't dare to speak anymore.

She underestimated Lu Zhishen's strength, but also overestimated his own kung fu.

"Hmph! You shrew, if it weren't for the fact that you are a woman, Daddy would kill you today!"

After speaking, Lu Zhi gave Du Tianjiao a deep stare, and Du Tianjiao backed away in fright. Then he threw a big knife and flew into the sky like stepping on a skateboard.

Du Tianjiao watched Lu Zhishen leave helplessly, but he didn't dare to stop him, worried that the other party would kill her directly, which would not be worthwhile.

The cultivators onlookers also left one after another. At this time, a Daoist shadow brought five cultivators fused with the late stage quickly flew towards the sword, and landed in front of Du Tianjiao.


The person who came was the guard of this block, captain Dong Ping and his five subordinates.

"My lady! What...what's going on here?" Dong Ping asked in surprise, and then a cold light flashed across his eyes.

He couldn't understand his wife's temper very well. He usually bullied others when he was domineering in the area under his jurisdiction. He didn't expect that someone would dare to beat her like this today.

"Where did you die? Why did you come here now? Why don't you just come and collect the body of my old lady." Seeing that Dong Ping was late, Du Tianjiao vented all the grievances he had just suffered on Dong Ping.

Dong Ping had no choice but to swallow his anger when he heard the words, and then ordered his men to go down and inquire about the situation.

On the other hand, he comforted Du Tianjiao carefully, and promised to help her find the murderer to avenge her.

In the northern district of Qianyang City, when Lu Chen came out from the branch of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, the previous ticket seller came over and said joyfully:

"Haha...fellow daoist, please stay tuned! What's the result of you asking inside? Is it the same as what I said? The tickets for the auction have long been sold out?

look! How about I transfer this ticket to you at a cheaper price. "

"Thank you! No need! I also have a sudden emergency and may not be able to participate in the auction, so you should sell the ticket to someone else!"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he threw the Magical Item long sword and left in a hurry as if something was really urgent.

The ticket dealer was a little disappointed when he heard the words, but he didn't think too much about it, and continued to use the same words as before to find the next target.

Lu Chen did receive a summons from Lu Zhishen just now, telling him to go back quickly.

Lu Chen, who knew Lu Zhi's deep nature well, knew what might happen, so he didn't dare to delay, and hurried back to their temporary residence "Food is Immortal".

Lu Chen returned to "Food is Immortal" and went directly to Lu Zhishen and Lu Su's room,

At this moment, Yang Yunfei and others were also present, and everyone had anxiety and anger on their faces.

"Lu Chen! You're back..." Lu Zhishen, who was involved, hurriedly explained what happened.

Lu Chen's face was also ugly after hearing the words, and it was urgent to save lives, so he hurried to the bed,

Lying on the bed was exactly what they said just now, the poor female cultivator who had experienced a tragic experience,

At this moment, he is seriously injured and dying, and there is not much life left. If he is not treated in time, his life may be in danger.

However, when Lu Chen saw the female cultivator's appearance clearly, he was suddenly furious, his body exuded a strong murderous intent, and the temperature in the whole room dropped suddenly...

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