Three days later, the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce will hold a large-scale auction, and ten days later, the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce will have a duel for the ownership of the southern border market.

Except for one chief referee, Liang Chaobei, the deputy city lord from Pill City, and two assistant referees, Yin Cang and Yu Tongwei,

The two chambers of commerce also invited some members of the observation group, which are equivalent to guests to help out.

For example, the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce invited, and Guang'an Chengcheng advocated that Bingtian, Zhang Haoyang's father,

There is also Wang Haocang, the lord of Longquan City, who is Wang Jingxuan's father, etc.

The Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce also has guests who have a good relationship with them to help out.

For example, Chu Dingtian, the head of the Shenshou Mountain Hengyang Prefecture branch, Hua Youyuan, the head of the Hehuan Sect's Anlinzhou branch, and so on.

Hu Shilong also specially set up a table at "The Way of the Kitchen" to entertain a total of eight of these bigwigs from their respective Realms.

At this moment, in the southern city of Qianyang City, in a luxurious large private room of the chain catering brand "Kitchen Way" under the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

As the host, Hu Shilong was naturally the guest of honor, followed by Dangui Yincang and Xia Ji, and the rest of the supporting guests from all over the place sat in turn.

After all kinds of rare and exotic beasts and fine nectar and jade liquid were prepared, everyone was amazed at Hu Shilong's generosity. Even though they had been bigu for an unknown number of years, they couldn't help but want to have a bite of the delicacy on the table.

Take the spiritual wine in the glass in front of each person, Spiritual Qi is as clearly visible as smoke, and you feel comfortable just by smelling it. Cultivation Base has a growing trend, and the benefits of drinking it are self-evident.

There are also dark moon bear paws, purple gold abalone, and colorful lobster on the table, all of which are high rank Demonic Beasts. The fighting power of each Demonic Beast is comparable to that of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Most of the eight supporting guests here are cultivators of the Nascent Soul period, and they probably don't even dare to think about eating these Demonic Beasts.

Hu Shilong naturally had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions. He sighed triumphantly, and then read leisurely:

"Luminous glass of grape wine, if you want to drink, Pipa reminds you immediately,

Lord Mo Xiao, who is drunk and lying in the world of mortals, how many people have cultivated since ancient times.

Everyone! This is Jiuyou Jinggu wine made from Jiuyou Jinggu grapes, the quantity is not much, one cup per person, please forgive me, "

As soon as Hu Shilong opened his mouth, everyone focused on him. After he finished speaking, everyone began to praise Hu Shilong for his erudition.

At the same time, I also know the spirit in front of me

What is the wine, I can't wait to drink it even more.

"Hehe... Disciple! Your poetry is really good. There are few cultivators in ancient times. You really have fulfilled the fate of a cultivator." Yin Cang praised.

"Hehe...Young master is a great talent! If you have a chance, can you also compose a poem for me?" Xia Ji laughed coquettishly.

"Hehe...Young Master, you are being polite! It is said that the Jiuyou Jinggu Grape blooms for a hundred years, bears fruit for a hundred years, and only matures for a hundred years.

Nowadays, it is really rare to brew Jiuyou Jinggu wine. It is a great opportunity for me to drink a glass, so how can I dislike the small amount of it? " Chu Dingtian laughed.

"That's right! Besides, Young Master let us hear such a peerless poem that fits the situation and the situation. If this poem is passed on, it will definitely become famous all over the world and pass down through the ages. Haha..." among them, Hua Youyuan echoed.

"Hehe! Everyone has won the prize, come! Let us drink this cup together! I wish our Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce a great success in this competition."

Hu Shilong was naturally overjoyed when he heard the words, he held up the wine glass and smiled toast to everyone, and then ordered everyone to eat.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Hu Shilong also sent everyone a message jade plaque, and invited everyone to participate in the auction held by Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in three days.

And this kind of information jade card is the auction ticket that Hu Shilong prepared for everyone in advance.

What's more, the third-class private room was booked, and everyone was naturally grateful to Hu Shilong after hearing the words. After a meal, everyone returned satisfied.

In Lu Zhishen's room on the side of "Food is Immortal", murderous intent is pervasive at this moment, and a powerful aura emerges from Lu Chen's body in an instant,

Everyone felt as uncomfortable as if they were carrying a heavy weight, and they were a little breathless under the pressure of this momentum. They all circulated their true energy to resist the pressure Lu Chen brought to them.

But even so, the pressure from the crowd did not weaken much. Yang Yunfei and others were all amazed at the horror of Lu Chen Cultivation Base, and at the same time wondered why Lu Chen suddenly became so angry.

"Lu Chen, are you crazy? Take back your momentum, we can't take it anymore." Zhao Chengzhi shouted,

Lu Zhishen is better because of the Cultivation Base of the fusion middle stage. Yang Yunfei and others only have the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment middle stage, so they can't bear it. Lu Chen's true essence is comparable to the integration period Dzogchen.

Because the Cultivation Base only had the Foundation Establishment early stage, Lu Su was even more unbearable, slumped directly

On the ground, he looked at Lu Chen's figure in horror.

"Yes! Why are you so angry all of a sudden?" Yang Yunfei said loudly.

"I'm sorry! I was excited for a while! I couldn't control it, you guys go out first! I need to treat this girl right away." Lu Chen withdrew his momentum, concealed his murderous intentions, and smiled apologetically.

Seeing what Lu Chen said, Zhao Chengzhi and others couldn't say anything more. They just felt that Lu Chen's anger was a little weird, and they all speculated about the reason.

After everyone left, Lu Chen quickly arranged a formation in the room to isolate Divine Sense and sound insulation.

Seeing Yu Qian who was so seriously injured, while Lu Chen was angry, his heart also felt a burst of pain. The memories of the two of them getting along day and night in Baicao Garden in the past came to mind like a movie.

Without time to be sad, Lu Chen quickly took out a super healing medicine pill from the Golden Bead World and gave it to Yu Qian, and then used the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to inject her powerful true essence into Yu Qian's body to help her absorb it quickly. medicinal power.

However, when the real essence entered Yu Qian's body, Lu Chen frowned, and his heart was extremely angry.

Because the Meridians in Yu Qian's body were broken to pieces, the ordinary Medicine Pill couldn't work at all, and the true essence entered her body and gradually dissipated from the broken Meridians.

Lu Chen tried several kinds of Medicine Pills for healing, but the result was still unable to repair Yu Qian’s disconnected Meridians. There was no way, the plants planted in the Golden Bead World were relatively ordinary Spiritual herbs.

Bitter bamboo is a rare spiritual root, but it does not have the effect of life and death!

In this case, the healing holy medicine that can life and death is necessary, so that the disconnected Meridians can be reconnected,

But where did I go to find this kind of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures in a short time, even if I found the healing holy medicine that could save life and death, it is estimated that Yu Qian would have already faded away.

"Damn shrew! What should we do now?" Lu Chen couldn't help cursing angrily,

Seeing that Yu Qian's vitality was gradually weakening, Lu Chen was very anxious. If he continued to delay like this, he might have to arrange for Yu Qian's death.

Because Zixuan's life and death were unknown before, Lu Chen had already left deep regrets in his heart.

Now that he had to watch Yu Qian die, Lu Chen really couldn't accept this reality.

"Damn it! What should I do?" Lu Chen beat his chest again...

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