Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 150 So Healing?

Seeing that Yu Qian's vitality was running low, Lu Chen took out the Mother-Child Chiba blade and slashed at own's arm in desperation. However, Lu Chen forgot that he was a cultivator in the body-refining spiritual realm, and had already achieved the body of Magic Treasures.

The Mother-Child Chiba blade only left a faint white scratch on the wrist, unable to cut the skin at all.

This scene made Lu Chen very speechless, can't he even harm himself?

Immediately, Lu Chen's heart turned hard, holding the Mother-Child Chiba blade in his right hand, and pouring his true energy that could be compared to a late stage fusion into it, the Mother-Child Chiba blade suddenly became green and flickered with a sharp cold light.

Then he cut off his left fingertips fiercely, making a "sizzling" rubbing sound, and then a bright red flowed out from the fingertips,

Seeing that he finally made a centimeter-long gash on his fingertips, Lu Chen quickly put his hand into Yu Qian's mouth,

Then run the real yuan to force the own blood out of the fingertips, and shoot out a real yuan with the right hand to transfer the own blood into Yu Qian's body.

Yu Qian, who was in a coma, felt that she had fallen into endless darkness. No matter how hard she used the Movement Technique, she couldn't get out of this darkness.

What's even more frightening is that own zhenyuan is still being lost, and there is no Spiritual Qi around to restore the zhenyuan, and the body feels very tired, cold and hungry, and dry mouth.

Vaguely, she seemed to remember that she accidentally broke someone else's things. That person was really fierce. He punched and kicked her, and even crushed the hairpin she bought for the first time.

"Could it be? Am I already dead?" Yu Qian thought in a coma.

At this time! In the endless darkness, a bright light suddenly flickered continuously, and then a clear spring flowed out of thin air from the light, and the clear spring exuded a strong Spiritual Qi.

"Spiritual spring? Why did the spiritual spring suddenly appear here?"

Yu Qian, who was so hungry and thirsty, didn't care so much, her body instinctively rushed to the spiritual spring, and then drank it in big gulps.

With the entrance of Lingquan, it feels a bit salty, not as clear as spring water, but also a little sticky, not very tasty.

But it contained a powerful Spiritual Qi, which made Yu Qian involuntarily endured the discomfort and continued to smoke.

As the continuous flow of spiritual springs entered her body, Yu Qian felt unbearable pain all over her body. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead due to the pain. After a long time, she gradually relieved, her face gradually became rosy, and her vitality gradually became more vigorous.

" really works!" Seeing Yu Qian gradually recovering, Lu Chen cried out happily.

Before, Lu Chen saw that Yu Qian's life was running out, now

There is no holy medicine that can save life and death, so the situation is very critical.

Lu Chen suddenly thought of the Meridians whose limbs had been cut off by Liao Wei. It was a large number of golden particles that saved him. It not only repaired the disconnected Meridians, but also strengthened his own Meridians and Dantian.

Afterwards, those golden particles entered Own's body and gathered in Dantian to form the world of golden beads.

But Lu Chen guessed that there should still be elements of golden particles left in his own blood, so Lu Chen could only gamble, but unexpectedly, he really let himself bet right.

After own blood entered Yu Qian's body, it could indeed repair Yu Qian's disconnected Meridians, indicating that own blood really contained elements of golden particles,

The only disadvantage is that the content is not high, so a lot of blood is needed to repair the Meridians that have been disconnected from Yu Qian's whole body.

This is also the reason why Yu Qian, who was in a coma, suddenly felt pain.

Then Lu Chen continued to force out blood with his left hand for Yu Qian to drink, and shot out a burst of true energy with his right hand to help Yu Qian activate the Cultivation Technique in her body.

Yu Qian, who was in a coma, also felt it. Lu Chen's true essence penetrated into Own's body, and it felt warm and comfortable. Her body seemed to have gradually regained some strength, allowing her to subconsciously operate the Cultivation Technique with the true essence in the Integrated Union to start swimming. walk the whole body.

After a few big universes came down, Yu Qian felt as if her body had been reborn, and suddenly opened her eyes.

When Yu Qian opened her eyes, she saw that Lu Chen's finger was still in her mouth, and Lu Chen was looking at her with a smile.

Yu Qian first showed surprise, and then closed her eyes in disbelief. She thought all this was an illusion of own, but this illusion seemed very real.

"Haha... chick! What's the matter? It's been so long since we met, and you don't know me anymore?" Seeing that Yu Qian had recovered, Lu Chen withdrew her finger, the stone in her heart finally fell, and joked with a smile.

"Lu Chen! Is it really you?" Yu Qian heard the familiar voice and familiar address, and finally convinced that all this was not an illusion. When she opened her eyes, she thought she was dead.

The emotion in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he threw himself into Lu Chen's arms, crying softly.

"Uh..." Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect when this chick became so bold, feeling the warmth of her huge body, Lu Chen patted Yu Qian's back lightly and said:

"Okay! It's all over, aren't you fine now?"

"Lu Chen! Why are you here, I remember accidentally crashing

Other people's things, that person is really fierce, she hit me, very hard, and then I don't remember anything. "Yu Qian cried in her arms.

"It's okay! It's okay! It's okay. Fortunately, my friend Lu Zhishen passed by and rescued you, otherwise..." Then Lu Chen said the general things.

During the period, Lu Chen also lied, saying that he saw Yu Qian lost too much blood, so he cut his finger and gave Yu Qian a blood transfusion, which saved her life.

Yu Qian was very moved when she heard the words, and she felt very sweet when she thought of Lu Chen's blood flowing in her body.

"Oh! That's right! You ate this!" Lu Chen pushed Yu Qian away from her arms,

With a thought, a Medicine Pill flashing with colorful halos appeared in his hand, it was extraordinary at first glance.

"En!" Yu Qian took the Medicine Pill after hearing the words, and took the Medicine Pill without any hesitation, and didn't even ask Lu Chen what Medicine Pill it was.

She obeyed Lu Chen's words, even if Lu Chen gave her a poison now and told her it was poison, she would take it without hesitation.

After taking the Medicine Pill, Yu Qian exuded a faint colorful brilliance all over her body, and suddenly felt a warm current flooding her whole body, and her stomach began to make noises continuously.

Immediately afterwards, black and viscous liquid continuously emerged from the pores of the whole body, accompanied by bursts of stench. The skin of the whole body was falling off at a speed visible to the naked eye and then growing new skin.

"Lu Chen! What's going on?" Yu Qian, who didn't know why, exclaimed.

"'s okay! This is a normal reaction, you can go inside to freshen up later, trust me!" Lu Chen comforted with a smile.

Fortunately, Lu Zhishen and Lu Su lived in a room with two connected rooms, so Yu Qian could go to another room to get acquainted.

Yu Qian flashed into another room when she heard the words, and then Lu Chen felt a wave of true energy,

In the room, Yu Qian took off all her clothes shyly, and cast multiple water polo techniques in succession to clean up the black and viscous liquid on her body.

After cleaning up the dirt on her body, Yu Qian was very happy when she saw that her arms were as smooth as fat and as white as jade.

Yu Qian guessed that what Lu Chen ate for herself should be the Medicine Pill that cleanses the tendons and cuts the marrow, that’s why she excreted so many Impurities,

After taking out another set of clean clothes from the storage bag and changing on, Yu Qian walked out of the room leisurely, and said happily: "Lu Chen!"

Hearing the words, Lu Chen followed the prestige to look, and when he saw it, he immediately froze on the spot as if struck by lightning...

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