Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 151 Yu Qian Nirvana

What Lu Chen gave Yu Qian before was a Zhuyan Pill,

Zhuyan Dan, as the name suggests, can make people stay young forever, freeze the appearance, and has the additional effect of washing tendons and cutting marrow, and reborn the appearance.

When Yu Qian was young, some things caused her face to be ruined, and she lived in inferiority complex.

As early as when Zhuyanhua was discovered in the endless forest, Lu Chen planned to refine Zhuyandan to restore Yu Qian's appearance.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet again in this way.

Although he knew that Yu Qian's face would change after taking Zhuyan Dan, but when he saw Yu Qian's reborn appearance, Lu Chen was also shocked by her beauty for a moment, and was stunned on the spot.

see her

Naturally beautiful clothes and skirts, icy skin and jade texture are fine and even,

The willow leaves with thin eyebrows reach into the temples of clouds, and the beautiful eyes look forward to the movement of the stars,

The nose is as stable as a hanging gall, and the exhalation is as fragrant as orchids.

Feel free to touch the red lips with a red brush, and the face is lined with peach blossoms, white and red,

With a bright smile, the teeth are like silver, the shoulders are crisp and the hands are boneless,

The slender fingers are like green onions twisting the flowers lightly, and the phoenix steps gracefully and gracefully,

It's really a beautiful word, Lu Chen admired secretly in his heart,

Suddenly, he felt his nose heat up, as if something was left from his nose, but Lu Chen didn't know it, and Fa Fa stared blankly at Yu Qian's face.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at people like this? Oh! Why is your nose bleeding?"

Yu Qian didn't know that Own's appearance had changed, she pointed to Lu Chen's nose and said with concern, her voice was like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, mellow and charming.

"Uh...haha... I've been a little angry recently, and it's normal to have some nosebleeds to relieve the fire. Don't mind it." Lu Chen smiled awkwardly.

Wiping the back of his hand back and forth between his nose, he secretly scolded Own's nose for not being up to date. The last time I faced that unbelievably beautiful female steward in Feiyudan Pavilion, I didn't have a nosebleed. I didn't expect to be embarrassed by Yu Qian. . Biqu library

"I'm really happy to see you again, but... you... will you go back to Baicao Garden?" Yu Qian suddenly asked in a depressed mood.

In her heart, maybe only the cabin in Baicaoyuan is the best place for her to go, and it can give her the greatest sense of security.

"Hehe... I will go if I have a chance. By the way, you just stand still and I will show you something good." Lu Chen pretended to be mysterious with a smile.

"En!" Yu Qian nodded obediently

Responding, fantasizing about whether Lu Chen would give him some gift, his heart was very sweet.

Then Lu Chen came behind Yu Qian, quickly made a seal with both hands, and shot a beam of light towards the white wall. The beam slowly separated to form a screen the size of a blackboard.

The screen reflected a slim figure like a mirror, as well as Lu Chen's proud face, very clearly.

"Haha...Okay! You can turn around now," Lu Chen said with a happy smile.

Yu Qian turned around happily upon hearing this, and was stunned when she saw the two figures appearing on the screen on the wall!

She naturally recognized Lu Chen, so who was the other beautiful nun who was slim, with smooth skin on her face and no scars?

She touched Own's face subconsciously, and the beauty on the screen also touched Own's face, her movements were uniform,

"Then... is that me?" Yu Qian murmured to herself in disbelief, tears streaming down her face, and the beauty on the screen also started to cry, exactly the same.

At this time, Lu Chen's smile sounded like asking for credit: " is it? Surprised? Surprised? You don't know yet! What I gave you just now is Zhuyan Pill,

Have Zhuyan Dan heard of it? As long as you eat one, you will be able to stay young forever, and your face will be fixed.

This is refined from the Zhuyan Flower that I collected with all my life. A Zhuyan Pill can sell at least one million mid-grade Spirit Stones, and even Spirit Stones may not be able to buy it, haha ...

How about it? I'm good to you! Now you have become a first-class beauty! Are you happy? Uh...why are you still crying? "

After listening to Lu Chen's words, Yu Qian had mixed feelings in her heart, and was finally convinced that her own appearance had been reborn,

Lu Chen actually did what his father Yu Tongwei tried to do before, which shows the preciousness of Zhuyan Pill.

Besides, which woman doesn't want to have a beautiful face?

"Lu Chen..." Yu Qian yelled tenderly, then summoned up her courage and rushed towards Lu Chen, kissing her boldly, her movements were jerky.

"Uh..." Lu Chen was stunned by Yu Qian's sudden action, and immediately reacted

Come, start to respond enthusiastically, sniffing her faint body fragrance lightly in the nose, feeling her plump and delicate body, burning with dry wood and burning with one touch.

"Uh..." Yu Qian snorted tenderly, like a fuse, igniting the flame in their hearts with a bang.

Lu Chen has long been familiar with this kind of thing, and immediately shattered their clothes with his true energy, and a melody full of love began to be performed from this moment...

After Yu Tongwei finished his work ahead of time, he returned to the place where he and Yu Qian lived temporarily. Today, he planned to take his daughter Yu Qian to Qianyang City for a stroll to ease the relationship between father and daughter.

I have been busy with various trivial matters these two days, leaving Yu Qian alone in the room, Yu Tongwei also felt very guilty.

After several knocks, Yu Qian did not open the door, so Yu Tongwei used Divine Sense to check, seeing that the room was empty, and there was no sign of his daughter, Yu Tongwei smiled bitterly.

It seems that the daughter did not obey her previous instructions and ran out alone.

Out of concern for his daughter's safety, Yu Tongwei had a thought, sensed her daughter's position, smiled clearly, and then disappeared in place.

Before that, Yu Tongwei had marked Yu Qian with the Divine Sense mark, in order to prevent his daughter from going out alone in case she didn't obey her orders, so that she could be found by him.

Yu Tongwei soon landed at the gate of "Food is Immortal", because the Divine Sense imprint on his daughter is located here.

Yu Tongwei sensed the specific location of the Divine Sense imprint, and when he learned that his daughter Yu Qian was in the guest room upstairs, Yu Tongwei's face became gloomy, with a strong murderous intent burst out in his eyes, and he rushed upstairs.

The daughter is not familiar with the place of life in Qianyang City, so how could she appear in the guest room of "Food is Immortal"?

I am afraid that as long as it is a man, it will understand what happened.

Yang Yunfei and others were bragging and farting at Lu Zhishen's door, chatting happily, and suddenly everyone felt a strong murderous intent, and then the figures flickered,

An old man appeared in front of everyone like a ghost, scaring them back again and again.

Although the room was arranged by Lu Chen to isolate the Divine Sense and soundproof formation, but with Lu Chen's half-baked formation level, how could it be possible to block the eyes and ears of the Nascent Soul cultivator?

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