Yu Qian, who has been reborn, looks very similar to Ruyan, her mother, which evokes the deepest memory in Yu Tongwei's heart.

Immediately, Yu Tongwei realized an important problem, that is, the scars on her daughter's face disappeared, and her whole appearance took on a new look, becoming more beautiful.

"You did it?" Yu Tongwei looked at Lu Chen with complicated eyes. He had tried various methods to restore his daughter's appearance, but failed. He never expected that this boy would do it.

"Haha...what else? I gave her a Zhuyan Pill, which is an extremely rare Medicine Pill. Look...would you like to reimburse me for some Spirit Stones?" Lu Chen smiled embarrassingly.

Hearing this, Yu Tongwei's face, which had improved somewhat, became gloomy again.

I thought to myself: own daughter is yours now, how dare you come to ask me to reimburse Spirit Stones? If it wasn't for his daughter to protect you, daddy really wanted to kill you to relieve his anger.

However, after hearing that his daughter was taking Zhuyan Pill, Yu Tongwei showed a clear look in his heart. He naturally knew the effect of Zhuyan Pill. He also tried to find Zhuyan Flower to refine Zhuyan Pill before, but because of Yanhua is extremely scarce.

Later, he happened to get the pill recipe of Jiuqiao Linglong Pill in an Immortal Cave in ancient times. He originally planned to refine Jiuqiao Linglong Pill for Yu Qian to take. And look at the ocean and sigh. Biqu library

"Hehe... I'm joking, I'm joking, you're serious," Lu Chen immediately smiled flatteringly when he saw the old man's expression was wrong.

At this time, Lu Chen noticed that Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi and others were hiding at the door, poking their heads in like thieves to peek. Presumably they were afraid of Yu Tongwei and dared not enter rashly.

When they saw that the scary old man hadn't made a move and was still talking to Lu Chen, everyone's panic calmed down.

"All of you come in, this is Yu Qian's father, and he has no ill intentions towards everyone." Lu Chen laughed.

After Yang Yunfei and the others heard this, they walked into the room cautiously shouting haha, and Lu Chen gave everyone a brief introduction to each other.

To their surprise, they didn't expect that the female cultivator that Lu Zhishen accidentally rescued had a close relationship with Lu Chen. No wonder Lu Chen got so angry when he checked her injury at first.

What surprised them even more was that Lu Chen not only healed Yu Qian's injury, but also took out Zhuyan Pill to restore Yu Qian's appearance.

Thinking that Yu Qian, who had been reborn, was so beautiful.

And this old man with terrifying strength is actually Yu Qian's father. No wonder he was at the door with a murderous look and was about to break in, but stopped in time.

A few people didn't know what was going on before, but now! Hehe, several people looked at Lu Chen with malicious intent, as if saying, your way of healing is really thorough enough.

"Hehe... Yu Qian! This is the Lu Zhishen I mentioned to you. Fortunately, he rescued you, otherwise I might never see you again."

Lu Chen pointed at Lu Zhi and smiled deeply, ignoring the eyes of Qi Yutang and others.

"Lu senior! Thank you for saving your life, Junior is very grateful." Yu Qian stepped forward, nodded and smiled.

"Haha... I also did it unintentionally. We are all a family, so don't be so polite," Lu Zhi said with a smile, touching Own's big bald head deeply.

As Yu Qian's father, Yu Tongwei stepped forward at the right time and gave Lu Zhishen a storage bag, and showed that there were several bottles of Medicine Pill and some Spirit Stones in it to express his gratitude to Lu Zhishen.

When Lu Zhishen heard the words, he was naturally embarrassed to take the other party's storage bag, and advocated that it was his duty to be a chivalrous man, and he didn't need anything to express his gratitude.

Finally, under Lu Chen's persuasion, Lu Zhishen accepted Yu Tongwei's storage bag.

At this time, five shadows appeared in front of Lu Zhishen's room.

"Yes! It's him, he's the one who hit me!" A woman with bruises on her face, two missing front teeth, and a bit of a rush in her speech, pointed at Lu Zhishen with vicious eyes and growled.

Then the woman and two other male cultivators entered the room, leaving two people on the left and right of the door.

It was Du Tianjiao who came with his husband Dong Ping and three subordinates.

"I am Dong Ping, the captain of the guard team in the northern city of the city lord's mansion. I was ordered to arrest the murderer. I advise you to arrest him without any resistance. Come here! Take him down for me."

A handsome, well-groomed, wise-eyed middle-aged cultivator who called himself Dong Ping stepped forward, pointed at Lu Zhishen and said loudly,

Then the cultivator who entered the room with him took out a pair of handcuffs and shackles from the storage bag, intending to arrest Lu Zhishen.

"This shrew is not simple!" Lu Zhishen was a little worried when he heard the words,

He didn't expect that this woman would actually have something to do with the guards of the City Lord's Mansion. Since ancient times, the people did not fight with the officials, and there is also this saying in Cultivation World.

Yang Yunfei,

Zhao Chengzhi and others also have the same idea. After all, they still have aristocratic families involved behind them.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Chen naturally saw the worry of several people, gave them a reassuring look, shouted loudly, and then walked forward on his own,

I thought to myself, isn't it just a small urban management in a neighborhood? What is there to be arrogant about?

Yu Qian's father is on his side, but Lu Chen knows that Yu Tongwei is a big boss in the Nascent Soul period, so he is not afraid at all.

The cultivator with handcuffs and shackles saw Lu Chen standing up, looking reassured, and stopped himself.

"And that bitch who broke my things? If she's not dead, hand her over to me. I'll kill her today." At this time, Du Tianjiao stood up and added.

Because she checked the room with Divine Sense just now, but didn't find the ugly female cultivator.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, a shadowless aura shot at her Dantian out of thin air, so fast that everyone present didn't realize who shot it.

"Pfft..." Du Tianjiao spit out a mouthful of blood immediately, Dantian shattered like a premature birth, bleeding between his legs, and he collapsed on the ground, in agony.

"Bold! Who dares to stop the City Lord's Mansion from doing business?" Dong Ping shouted loudly.

However, he regretted it as soon as he finished yelling. He had already formed a habit of saying this sentence, and he almost blurted it out just now without thinking.

But thinking that with his Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base, he didn't even notice how the opponent made a move. It can be seen that the opponent's Cultivation Base is terrifying. If the opponent vents his anger on him and kills him because of this, it would be tantamount to death in vain.

Thinking of this, Dong Ping's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he swallowed nervously.

"Don't move!" At this time, the two cultivators guarding the door also took out their weapons and rushed into the room, looking at everyone with swords drawn.

Seeing the grinning faces of the two subordinates, Dong Ping secretly groaned inwardly, isn't this making trouble for himself?

The one who made the move was of course Yu Tongwei, who is known as the Dan King, and the Cultivation Base of the Nascent Soul early stage. If he still doesn't understand that the woman who speaks out is the murderer who almost beat his daughter to death, then he just buys a piece of tofu and kills her Got it.

Seeing that woman dared to speak rudely, Yu Tongwei naturally wanted to teach her a lesson. The reason why he didn't kill her directly was also to let her taste the feeling of being tortured to death.

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