Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 154 Credentials Of The Alchemy Tower

Naturally, Lu Chen guessed that Yu Qian and her father, Yu Tongwei, were responsible for it, and he was very impressed by the power of the cultivator during the Nascent Soul period.

At such a close distance, I didn't feel the slightest wave of true energy, and I didn't see Yu Tongwei making any moves.

"Kill them, kill them," Du Tianjiao yelled madly, pointing at Lu Chen and others.

Dantian's cracking is not only a physical pain for her, but also a spiritual torture. After that, Du Tianjiao is no longer a high-ranking cultivator. Without the Cultivation Base, she may not be as good as ordinary people.

Especially since she is still a woman.

Dong Ping looked at Du Tianjiao's miserable situation, although he felt very uncomfortable, but he was not dazzled by anger. The other party may have the power of Cultivation Base in Nascent Soul stage, and he is just a small shrimp in Gold Core early stage ,

You can call him cold-blooded and ruthless, or timid and fearful, but in the end, after Dong Ping thought about it for a while, he asked his subordinates to take Du Tianjiao and leave in despair, running faster than a rabbit.

This made Yang Yunfei and others feel astonished, and at the same time, they were even more afraid of Yu Qian's father. There was no way, because his strength lay here.

Because of the presence of a master like Yu Tongwei, Yang Yunfei and others always felt a kind of invisible pressure, and they left with excuses, including Lu Zhishen and Lu Su.

After everyone left, only Lu Chen, Yu Qian and his father Yu Tongwei were left in the room.

Yu Tongwei glanced at the door, the door closed automatically, and then told Yu Qian to go to another room,

At first, Yu Qian thought that her father was looking for trouble with Lu Chen, and pretended not to hear what Yu Tongwei said, until Yu Tongwei promised not to move a finger of Lu Chen, Yu Qian reluctantly left.

After Yu Qian left, Yu Tongwei raised his hand and condensed a room-sized hemispherical energy shield with his true energy, enveloping Lu Chen and him in it, a bit like a soundproof formation.

Lu Chen guessed that the old man probably had something to say to him, but he didn't want Yu Qian to hear it.

"Tell me! What are your plans for the future?" Yu Tongwei sat on the grand teacher's chair in the room alone, with no expression of joy or anger on his face.

"Uh... planning?" Lu Chen didn't know where to start when he asked him suddenly.

"Hehe... I have plans, of course. After the match between Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in Qianyang City and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce is over, I plan to go home and have a look, then go to Wuchuan Prefecture, and then..."

When Lu Chen was about to continue talking, he saw that Yu Tongwei's face was a bit ugly.

"Stop, stop, stop... I didn't ask you this, I asked how you plan to deal with Yu Qian." Yu Tongwei called

Asked after breaking Lu Chen's words.

What he is most concerned about is the fate of his daughter. Since this kid has cooked raw rice into cooked rice, he naturally wants to ask clearly. This may be a question that all fathers in the world care about. Biqu library

Lu Chen fell into a short thought when he heard the words. To be honest, he didn't have that kind of interest in Yu Qian at first, otherwise he would have taken care of her as early as in Baicaoyuan.

At that time, I just felt that Yu Qian was rather pitiful, and she was also my own work partner. Out of sympathy and my free and easy personality, I took more care of her.

Of course, the most important thing is because of Yu Qian's appearance, doesn't every man like beautiful women? Lu Chen is no exception.

So when Yu Qian took Zhuyan Pill and her appearance changed, and she took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, Lu Chen is not a good person.

"Uncle! I promise you with my character, I will marry Yu Qian as my wife, but now my cultivation base is still shallow, and I can't accomplish anything.

If I ruled the world in his year, I would definitely marry Yu Qian into the door gracefully. After thinking for a while, Lu Chen swears that he is authentic, and secretly said the word "one" in his heart.

"Hmph! Do you still have character? Now that you have become like this, come back to Shennongmen with us, grow spiritual herbs, and refine pill refining, there is nothing wrong with it."

Yu Tongwei was displeased when he heard the words, and said in an orderly tone,

He doesn't want Lu Chen to have big dreams, because the cultivator with dreams and the women who follow him don't end well.

Isn't he a living example? He only hopes that his daughter can marry an ordinary cultivator and live a more stable life.

"All kinds of spiritual herbs? Pill refining?" Lu Chen looked at Yu Tongwei incredulously,

Co-authoring this future father-in-law, he is arranging his own life. He just wants to tie himself to Yu Qian's side, and now he finally understands why he wants to talk to himself alone.

"Uncle! I have my way, I will not disappoint anyone who cares and loves me, but I will never be content with the status quo,

I remember when I first stepped into the Cultivation World, my Master told me that the way to cultivate truth lies in competing with the heavens and humans. If you don’t compete, why is it immortal?

So I will not agree to go back with you, I believe Yu Qian will also support me. "

Lu Chen has a serious expression, his eyes are full of determination, and he is not at all afraid to change his own mind just because Yu Tongwei is the cultivator of Nascent Soul period.

"You..." Seeing that Lu Chen deliberately mentioned Yu Qian to threaten him, Yu Tongwei became angry when he heard that.

I didn't even hit him, I really wanted to slap him to death.

"Remember what you said, treat Yu Qian better in the future, she has been a hard-working child since she was a child, this is for you!" Yu Tongwei threw a message Jade Slip to Lu Chen, and said in a dejected tone.

Lu Chen took Jade Slip with a smile, thinking that the father-in-law would teach him some advanced pill refining knowledge,

Divine Sense is injected into it, and after reading the content inside, he asks: "What is this?"

"This is the entry certificate for the Alchemy Tower. If you have the opportunity to go to the Central Plains in the future, you can use this Jade Slip to enter the Alchemy Tower..."

Yu Tongwei said lightly, then withdrew his true energy, and the soundproof light curtain disappeared immediately.

Lu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he put Jade Slip away carefully, and made up his mind to break into the Alchemy tower in the future.

In fact, Yu Tongwei himself did not understand why he suddenly thought of giving Lu Chen the entry certificate of the Alchemy Tower,

I obviously don't like him wandering outside, I just hope that he can stay in Baicao Garden with peace of mind and live an ordinary life with his daughter.

"Lu Chen, are you alright!" At this time, Yu Qian also sensed the disappearance of the true essence light curtain, came out of another room, and asked with concern.

When Yu Tongwei saw his daughter came out, Lu Chen was the first thing he cared about, so he didn't want to mention what it was like.

"Haha... what can I do, my uncle is very kind to me, just now he taught me the technique of pill refining, and told me to treat you better in the future,

He is a good father, I hope you can get along well, can you? "

Lu Chen laughed and said, since he took the old man's things, he naturally has to do something for him within his ability.

"En..." Yu Qian glanced at Yu Tongwei when she heard the words, then nodded obediently in agreement.

Seeing Lu Chen saying good things for himself, Yu Tongwei finally felt a little bit of relief.

In the next few days, Lu Chen and Yu Qian were almost inseparable, spending a honeymoon-like Life, shopping during the day, playing poker and fighting landlords at night,

Yang Yunfei and the others were really envious of Lu Chen, and they scolded him for forgetting friends.

I originally planned to invite Lu Chen to participate in today's auction, so I came to Lu Chen early in the morning,

After knocking on the door, Lu Chen poked his head out with his upper body naked, and replied, "Go ahead, I'm still busy! See you soon! Quack..."

"Bang!" With a sound, the door was closed.

"Bah... get busy! Sooner or later you will die! If he doesn't go, we will go by ourselves." Yang Yunfei said with a dark face.

Then he took Lu Zhishen, Zhao Chengzhi and others to the auction held by Feiyu Chamber of Commerce...

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