Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 155: Entering The Auction For The First Time

In the northern district of Qianyang City, the branch of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, the entire branch is composed of more than a dozen tall nine-story towers.

There is a huge square in front of each tower, and the buildings are separated in an orderly manner. The entire branch covers a vast area. It is not only magnificent from a distance, but also majestic from a close view.

It is said that this branch is the largest branch in the southern Xinjiang region, and it is in charge of other branches in hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang.

Usually there are many cultivators here, but today there are even more, because today the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce will hold a two-day large-scale auction here.

At this moment, a lot of cultivators had already gathered in the front square of one of them called Changqing Building.

Some chatted and laughed happily in small groups, discussing the way of cultivation,

Some hooked their shoulders and smiled obscenely, discussing the way of beauty,

Some walk alone and pretend to be deep, no one knows what he is thinking, anyway, he has an expression of not being close to strangers.

Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang belong to the second situation.

Because of Du Tianjiao's affairs, Lu Zhishen was worried about being targeted by the people of the City Lord's Mansion, so he took Lu Su to practice Closed Door Training together to avoid further incidents.

"Alas... It's really a shame that there are so many mistakes made by beauties since ancient times. It's such a rare opportunity that Lu Chen is addicted to the gentle fragrance and can't extricate himself. What a pity! It's sad! It's a pity!" Zhao Chengzhi held a message jade card in his hand, It is a pity.

In order to thank Lu Chen for saving him in Qiankun Shifang, he bought an auction ticket for Lu Chen from a scalper with his own money.

But Lu Chen said that he was busy, and closed the door with a bang. Isn't this a waste of thousands of middle-grade Spirit Stones?

"Hehe... Let me see you! You just can't eat grapes and say the grapes are sour. What's wrong with being newlyweds and getting tired of being together? If it were me, I wouldn't come either.

Besides, why did you sneak around by yourself yesterday? Don't think we don't know, Brother Yunfei and I have been following you all the time, and you didn't even notice. "

Qi Yutang crossed his hands in front of his chest, and winked at Zhao Chengzhi, with an expression that you haven't confessed honestly.

"Hehe... that's right, some people! On the surface, they pretended to be cultivating hard and told us not to disturb him, but secretly they ran to Piaoxianglou alone.

I don't know what Cultivation Technique is, but it needs to be paired with men and women, haha..." Yang Yunfei Yin & Yang said angrily.

"" Zhao Chengzhi heard the words

I was also speechless, I didn't expect that I would go to steal food alone and be followed by them, and when I was thinking about how to refute, the crowd in the square began to gather in Changqing Building.

"Let's go! It's time to enter the arena!" Yang Yunfei glanced at the direction of the crowd.

Several people followed the noisy crowd to Changqing Building. The first floor is a hall with simple and elegant decoration, which is a bit like a Chinese teahouse.

There is a circular formation groove in the middle of the hall, which is almost the size of two bedrooms. In the formation groove, a mysterious rune is flashing at the moment.

The two beautiful cultivators were wearing uniforms embroidered with the logo of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. They kept smiling and stood five or six meters away from the formation groove, doing simple guidance work.

"Look! That's the teleportation array!" Qi Yutang pointed at the formation groove in the hall and shouted.

At this moment, the cultivator is constantly entering the formation groove, and then the body disappears in place without any pause at all.

Each cultivator holds an information jade card in his hand, which is the ticket for the auction. Just inject his own essence into it, and the information jade card will flash a faint light.

If the information jade token is forged, the teleportation array will automatically recognize it, and the cultivator will not be teleported.

Just like a dear friend just now, other cultivators were teleported away, but he stayed where he was, only then did he realize that he bought fake tickets,

He shouted on the spot that he had been cheated, and angrily threatened to settle accounts with those scalpers.

Naturally, other cultivators would not care about this kind of thing, let alone the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. Who told them to buy scalper tickets? Buying fake tickets can only blame their own bad luck.

But Yang Yunfei and the others glanced at each other when they heard the words, and felt a twitch in their hearts, because they also bought tickets from ticket dealers, if they also bought fake tickets, it would be embarrassing.

Immediately, with trepidation, several people prayed that the tickets were real, followed the noisy crowd into the formation groove, and disappeared in the same place in the next second, followed by the cultivator behind, entering in an orderly manner .

Almost instantly, Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi appeared side by side on three seats, but the three seats were already in the last row.

Seeing that they had successfully entered the auction venue, Yang Yunfei and the others finally calmed down with their hearts hanging, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

The auction site is a bit like a

In the large gymnasium, there is a high platform in front of it, and behind the high platform is a huge formation light curtain.

At this moment, items that are about to be auctioned are scrolling back and forth on the light curtain, and the images are clear and lifelike as if they are right in front of them, which is very mysterious.

Facing the high platform, there are 5,000 ordinary seats arranged in a slight arc in the middle, and each seat is spaced in an orderly manner, so the cultivator will not feel crowded.

There are more than one hundred private rooms above the ordinary seats, named as 1, 2, and 3 from the middle to both sides.

There are multiple large pieces of white light stones on the top, making the entire auction site as bright as daytime, and the inner space is full of Spiritual Qi, and the cultivator is willing to stay for a long time.

On the empty seats, cultivators were continuously sent to their own positions one after another. When the time came, the auction would officially kick off.

In the room of "Food for Immortal", Lu Chen told Karma Yu Qian about the whole incident, and told her not to leave "Food for Immortal" before leaving with peace of mind.

Yu Qian naturally nodded obediently and agreed. For the cultivator, two days are just a snap of the fingers, and then Yu Qian started to practice Lotus Position with a happy smile.

At this moment, Lu Chen has put on a Magic Treasures mask, disguised as an ordinary-looking middle-aged cultivator, wearing a navy blue robe, covering the whole figure, giving people a mysterious and unpredictable feeling.

This outfit was specially bought when I was shopping with Yu Qian two days ago, in order to deceive others.

There are not many cultivators left in the square in front of Changqing Building in the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce branch in Beicheng District. Most of them are idle cultivators. Almost all the cultivators who bought tickets have already entered the venue.

At this moment, Hu Shilong put his arms around Xia Jijiao's body, and together with Dangui Yincang, Chu Dingtian, Hua Youyuan and other guests who helped out, stepped on the spot to participate in the auction.

The arrival of a few people at this time can be regarded as the last wave of cultivator,

However, at this moment, there was another cultivator wearing a navy blue robe that covered his entire appearance, stepping on a little bit and rushing over quickly. This cultivator was Lu Chen who had been late. Biqu library

I happened to meet Hu Shilong and others in the lobby, so Hu Shilong and others naturally wouldn't take a second look at the cultivator, and walked towards the formation area while chatting on their own.

But when Lu Chen glanced at the face of Chu Dingtian among the group of people, his body obviously paused, and the cold sweat dripped down. He quickly stabilized his emotions and stood where he was, looking for the information jade token.

After several people left, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, stepped into the formation area, and his body disappeared immediately...

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