Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 156 Flying Sword Qinghong

While breathing, Hu Shilong, Xia Ji, and Yin Cang appeared together in the first-class private room on the 2nd. The tickets for the three of them belonged to joint tickets.

This is also a unique benefit of the private room. You can bring your own companions to settle in at the same time. Of course, the price is still paid according to their respective full tickets.

However, as soon as a few people showed up, Dangui Yincang disappeared in the same place immediately. This is another advantage of the private room, which can be entered and exited at any time.

"This is Mr. Yin?" Xia Ji asked suspiciously when she saw Yin Cang retreat suddenly.

"Hehe... My Master acts strangely and changeably, and ordinary people can't predict it. Maybe he will come back soon." Hu Shilong played with Xia Ji's breasts and smiled.

At this moment, Hu Shilong is sitting in the private room, and Xia Ji is sitting on Hu Shilong's lap, her body embedded in his arms, she is very shy. The private room is surrounded by walls on three sides, and a transparent formation light curtain is directly in front of it.

Through the formation light curtain, you can have a panoramic view of the entire venue, but you cannot see the scene in the private room from the outside.

At this time, the gloomy figure of Dan Gui reappeared in the private room.

"Master? You are?" Hu Shilong asked in confusion.

He saw Yin Cang went out for a trip, and when he came back, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and he guessed that something must have happened.

"I felt the breath of Wulian's heart fire on that cultivator just now, it must be that cultivator who stole the old man's Wulian's heart fire,

But just now, he was sent away by the teleportation array, and when I went out again, that person had already entered the auction venue. " Yin Cang said in a hoarse voice.

"Oh? And this? But since I know that person is at the auction, I will definitely be able to catch him after I arrange it." Hu Shilong smiled confidently.

"I've already arranged people to ambush in the square. As long as the green-robed cultivator appears, this time I will crush him to ashes."

Yin Cang was also wearing a black robe, and the eyes in the hat of the robe had narrowed into a line, looking very gloomy.

Lu Chen didn't know that he had used Wulian Xinhuo pill refining for a long time before, and he carried a trace of heavenly fire on his body, which ordinary cultivators might not be able to detect.

At least Yu Tongwei didn't notice it, but Yin Cang was originally the master of Wulian's heart fire, and he would naturally feel it when he came into close contact.

Lu Chen is currently in the second-class private room at No. 38, looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

The private room is about the size of a study room, with walls on three sides. Only in front of the private room is a formation light curtain like floor-to-ceiling glass.

From the inside, you can directly see the ordinary seats below, but you can't hear the noisy sounds below, and the sound insulation effect is still good.

Apart from a set of simple tables and chairs and a nice plate of spiritual fruit on the table, there is nothing else in the private room.

"Hehe... What a rich Spiritual Qi, and a plate of spiritual fruits that look good, and the environment is not bad. It seems that the ticket price of 50,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones is still not in vain." Lu Chen picked up a Spiritual Qi Guo took a bite and said to himself.

The reason why Lu Chen spent so many Spirit Stones to buy a ticket for a second-class private room is also due to his own considerations.

First of all, the formation light curtain in the second-class private room is said to be able to isolate the Divine Sense of cultivators below the Expanding Aperture stage, so that no cultivator can detect the reality of own.

Secondly, it is more convenient to do things in the private room, and you can come in and out freely, unlike ordinary seats, you have to wait until the auction is over before you can go out.

But now that I think about it, Lu Chen feels very lucky. I am glad that I did not skimp on Spirit Stones and bought tickets for private rooms.

If it is in an ordinary seat, Chu Dingtian will see if it is not complete, and he can't get out, so why not be caught by him?

The ordinary seats below are already full at the moment, even if everyone speaks as quietly as possible among the 5,000 cultivators, the scene is still noisy.

Of course, if it is a cultivator in the Gold Core period, it can naturally use Divine Sense to transmit sound, so it will not be affected by noise.

"Why hasn't it started yet? Everyone is seated." Yang Yunfei said.

"What did you say? It's too noisy! I didn't hear it!" Qi Yutang asked loudly, as if arguing.

Yang Yunfei waved his hand, indicating that he didn't say anything, and then pointed to the high platform ahead,

At this time, an old man's figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the high platform, and this teleportation magic power shocked all the cultivators in the audience to the old man's Cultivation Base.

The old man had white hair and a childlike face, quite fairy-like, and his whole body was restrained. At first glance, he thought he was an ordinary old man, but in fact he was a master with profound cultivation base.


At this time, the scene suddenly became dark, only two white lights remained on the high platform to illuminate the whole high platform, the venue suddenly fell silent, and all the cultivators raised their eyes to look at the old man on the high platform.

"Hehe... Old man Gongsun Sheng, welcome fellow daoists to participate in the auction held by Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. This auction will be hosted by the old man. I will briefly explain the rules below.


, don't make loud noises, don't leave your own position, don't provoke troubles, don't attack other cultivators... otherwise it will be regarded as a provocation to my Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, and you will lose the qualification to continue the auction.

Secondly, the fellow daoist who needs to bid can directly write the price on the jade in front of him..."

It turns out that the backrest of each ordinary seat is inlaid with a piece of white jade the size of a plate, which flickers faintly in the dark. The cultivator can write directly on it with your hands, which is a bit similar to the handwriting function in a mobile phone.

Although Gongsun Sheng kept smiling all the time, and his tone was very flat, in fact, there was a touch of coercion in his voice, and there was a hint of warning.

In the private room, Lu Chen heard Gongsun Sheng's words clearly, and guessed that the sound should have been processed by formation before it was transmitted to each private room synchronously, otherwise he couldn't hear other sounds.

After hearing the words, Lu Chen finally understood what the ten-inch-sized piece of white jade on the armrest of the seat in the private room was for.

At this time! Gongsun Sheng has finished explaining the rules, and then announced the official start of the auction,

There was no thunderous applause from the audience, because applause does not yet have this form of expression in Cultivation World.

Immediately, the screen on the formation screen behind him changed, and a simple long sword appeared.

"Hehe... Fellow daoists, please take a look, this is an Innate Lingbao Flying Sword, named Qinghong, it is as thin as a cicada's wing and as light as a feather, it can increase the flying speed of a cultivator by 30%,

But unfortunately, this sword is slightly incomplete. The starting price is 100,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, and the price increase should not be less than 10,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones. Okay! Fellow daoists, let's start bidding! "Biquku

Everyone in the audience sighed when they heard the words. It turned out to be a defective product. No wonder the starting price was so cheap. You must know that any Innate Lingbao is calculated based on the starting price of one million middle-grade Spirit Stones.

Another problem is that Gongsun Sheng only said that the Flying Sword is slightly damaged, but did not say how damaged the Flying Sword is. If it is too damaged to be used, or it is not very useful, why not just buy the mid-grade Spirit Stones for 100,000 pieces? Is it tasteless?

Whose Spirit Stones are not picked for nothing, are they? So for a while, although everyone in the audience was discussing in a low voice,

But no one bid, because if there is a cultivator bid, the price and the corresponding number will be displayed directly on the formation screen.

Gongsun Sheng on the stage was cold when he saw the first lot. Although he still had a smile on his face, he was obviously a little embarrassed...

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