Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 164 A House Full Of Red

Although Lu Chen discovered that there should be traitors from other forces in the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, it seems normal after thinking about it.

After all, there are countless people in such a large industry, and it would be abnormal if there were not a few spies.

As the saying goes: "Everyone sweeps the snow in front of his own door, and don't care about the frost on others' roofs."

Lu Chen's own rice porridge can't even blow cold, so he doesn't have the mood to care about other things.

Calculating the time, there should still be more than half a day. The two-day auction will end soon. Lu Chen plans to leave Qianyang City directly after the auction is over.

Because Lu Chen felt that Qianyang City was very dangerous, if Chu Dingtian found out his whereabouts, it would be over for him, he was fine when he came, and he couldn't go back!

The auction is still in full swing,

The brothers Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi continued to act as the sailors because they did not have Spirit Stones to bid for the auction. Everyone enjoyed it, not only increasing their knowledge, but also experiencing the feeling of spending a lot of money.

Because of Wang Jingxuan's nod, Zhang Haoyang naturally had a big smile on his face.

Wang Jingxuan was obviously a little embarrassed. Although he responded, he was a little reluctant, and his mind went blank. It belonged to the kind of half-push and half-successful mood, mixed with helplessness, gratitude, regret, etc., which was very complicated.

Dongfang Yuanhua took a break in the middle, and then continued to sing: one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four, one more time...

In order to win Yan Zixia's heart, Ximen Qinghong spent a lot of Spirit Stones, and took a photo of an acquired spiritual treasure jade hairpin as a gift for her. Yan Zixia could not refute Ximen Qinghong's Face, and pretended to be happy to accept it.

As Yan Zixia's aunt, Wang Xiumei naturally benefited a lot from it.

On the high platform, Gongsun Sheng continued to preside over the auction with great enthusiasm. Fortunately, he is a Power of the Expanding Aperture period. If it were an ordinary old man, he would have been lying down long ago after spending the whole day.

Yang Yunfei and others went to the "Food for Immortal" branch in Qianyang City to attend the auction, and Lu Chen was sticking with Yu Qian all day long. Biqu library

Because Lu Zhishen was worried about Dong Ping and Du Tianjiao's retaliation, he simply stayed in the room and practiced Closed Door Training.

During this period, Lu Su saw that the big brother had already entered meditation, so he took the opportunity to sneak out.

On the square in front of the Teleportation Hall in Qianyang City, the cultivator network

There is an endless stream, bustling and bustling, and it is very lively.

Some cultivators are queuing up to buy teleportation jade tokens, and some cultivators are waiting to enter the teleportation hall.

From time to time, there are rumors from the cultivators, such as where the secret realm that is suspected to be sealed in ancient times has reappeared. Or maybe there are some incredible Heavenly and Mortal Treasures. Biqu library

Some people even talked about how they started practicing at the age of three, broke through at the age of five and reached Dzogchen in the Qi refining period, and became a senior in the Foundation Establishment period at the age of ten.

However, heaven is jealous of talents, and punishes them with thunder and punishment, so that even in middle age, they are still the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment early stage.

now! A 18 or 19-year-old boy with a face like a crown of jade, wearing Jinglun on his head and intelligent eyes, is the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment early stage. Yu Jian flew and landed in the square in front of the Teleportation Hall.

This young man is Lu Su who sneaked out. I saw him walking towards the entrance of the teleportation hall, intentionally or not, like a stroll.

As the saying goes: "Which girl does not think of spring, which boy does not have passion."

Ever since he was reprimanded by the big brother last time, Lu Su was very curious about what the special service was. Usually, the big brother watched it strictly and had no chance to understand it.

Today he saw that his big brother Lu Zhishen had already entered into a samadhi, so he slipped out quietly, wanting to find out about him out of the curiosity in his heart.

"Hehe... this senior! Do you want to stay in the hotel? Or do you want to eat?" A middle-aged cultivator on the eighth floor of the Qi refining period greeted with a smile quite respectfully.

Because he saw that although Lu Su looked young, he couldn't see the other party's Cultivation Base, so he kept his own posture very low.

"Uh..." Lu Su was taken aback when he heard this,

Just now, he was very nervous, and he was skimming around in the square like a thief, and was startled by the sudden greeting,

"Haha... no! Thank you! I'm just strolling around," Lu Su politely declined when he saw that the other party didn't say what he wanted to hear.

After speaking, Lu Su continued to pretend to be aimless and walked towards the entrance of the palace.

"Hehehehe... This fellow daoist, please stay tuned! Are you staying or eating? Our place not only has a quiet environment, delicious dishes, but also special services. I wonder if the fellow daoist is interested?"

At this time, another attractive female cultivator who appeared to be in her thirties came

Start a conversation, said the last sentence in a low voice.

"En! The last one." Lu Su was secretly happy when he heard this, and said in a mature and sophisticated way.

"Hehehe... fellow daoist please come with me, don't worry, you will be absolutely satisfied." The female cultivator smiled charmingly, showing an expression that I understand you.

Immediately leading the way, Lu Su's heart thumped, but he followed the female cultivator carefully, walked to the side of the square, deliberately slowed down his pace, and kept a certain distance from her.

There are countless towers on both sides of the square, and the two of them walked around for about half a cup of tea. The nun brought Lu Su to an inconspicuous five-story tower.

"Hehehe...Little brother! We are here, please follow me upstairs." The female cultivator looked back and smiled, very enthusiastic.

Lu Su nodded slightly when he heard the words, followed the female nun's footsteps, and walked upstairs. It was obviously an ordinary tower, but Lu Su seemed to see everything very fresh at the moment.

The first floor is the place to eat. There are tables, chairs and benches. There are not many cultivators dining at the moment.

Passing by the second floor, there were waves of strange calls from women,

"Oh... ah..." seemed to be in pain, although the voice was very small, but with Lu Su's ear strength, he could naturally hear it clearly.

Hearing the sound, Lu Su frowned slightly, but felt restless in his heart.

The female cultivator took Lu Su to one of the rooms on the third floor,

The door of the room was pushed open, and an intoxicating fragrance came, which smelled very pleasant.

What came into view was a faint red. Lu Su raised his head and saw the clue at a glance. He saw that the surface of the white light stone was wrapped in a layer of red cloth.

So the whole room was filled with reddish light, although there were doubts in my heart, there was no one to ask.

Because the female cultivator brought Lu Su to the room just now, she told him to wait for a while, and said that she would make arrangements for herself.

Not long after, five pretty beauties followed the nun and came in, standing in a row,

"Hehehe...Little brother! Which one do you think you choose?" The female cultivator who had just led the way smiled and said. Biqu library

"Uh... I just wanted to know about the special services. Why did you ask me to choose them?" Lu Su asked suspiciously.

"Puff..." Lu Su's words attracted five beauties to cover their mouths and laugh...

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