Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 165 Immortal Jump

"Hehehe...Little brother! Your words are really humorous. If you don't choose one of these sisters, who will do special service for you?" The nun leading the way laughed.

She saw Lu Su's expression was a little nervous, he didn't dare to look directly at the girls, but he was still pretending to be sophisticated, and she guessed in her heart that this boy must still be a young chicken.

Hearing this, Lu Su began to look at the five beauties, and saw that the five female cultivators were all charming and graceful, and each of them was a beautiful woman.

Wearing light gauze robes of different colors, the obscene clothes inside are clearly visible, and some even scratch their heads and pose, very bold, which makes Lu Su a little embarrassed.

"Gudong!" Lu Su swallowed subconsciously, his face was slightly hot, his throat was dry, he didn't know what to do, but there was a very irritating feeling in his heart.

"Hehehe...Little brother, have you chosen it? How about this girl? Or this one?" The leading lady suggested with a smile.

"Hmm! Let her be the one!" Lu Su picked out the one with the bigger chest, and said in a low voice.

"Hehehe...Little brother! You really have a good eye. Miss Ruoxi has just entered the industry not long ago, and there are many things to be developed."

The nun who led the way laughed mysteriously, and then called the other four beauties to leave one after another.

"My lord, please wait a moment!" The girl called Ruoxi smiled, her voice was soft and gentle, she made a seal with both hands, and shot a light blue light beam towards the door, locking it.

Feeling the fluctuation of the other party's Spirit Power, I was slightly shocked by Miss Ruoxi's Cultivation Base, but I didn't expect that she was actually a cultivator of the Great Consummation of Qi Refining Period.

After sealing the door, Ruoxi looked back and smiled.

"My lord! Come here, please sit down!" Ruoxi pointed to the bed, then slowly took off the veil...

"Girl! What are you doing?" Lu Su couldn't bear to look straight at him and asked in surprise. The young man who was just as bloody, who had never seen such a scene before, quickly turned his head to one side.

"Hehehe... Young Master! Didn't you come here to have fun? Why are you still shy?

Son! come here! " Ruoxi called again in a delicate voice, with a touch of Spirit Power mixed in the voice, the voice seemed to have magical power, which made people's hearts tremble.

"Uh... good... good!" Lu Su seemed to

Hearing the call from the depths of the soul, his eyes became dazed, and he walked towards the bed unconsciously.

"Young master! I will take off your clothes for you!"...

At this time, Ruoxi's charming voice sounded in Lu Su's ear again,

But Lu Su nodded with a smirk, completely unaware of what happened in the room.

He felt like he had a dream. In the dream, he was on the verge of breakthrough. As long as he broke through the entrance in his body, he would breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage and become a generation of Power.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Lu Su is still absorbing the strong Spiritual Qi all over his body. Seeing that he is about to breakthrough, Lu Su is very excited.

However at this time...


A loud sound of breaking the door suddenly sounded, causing Lu Su to open his eyes suddenly in fright. Looking around, he saw a burly man rushing into the room with four people, looking at himself on the bed viciously.

"Ah..." Ruoxi exclaimed, pulling up the quilt with a panicked expression to prevent the spring from leaking out.

"Hmph... brat! You dare to touch daddy's Little Sister, today daddy will kill you!" The leader of the big man said viciously.

I saw that man, eight feet tall, with a powerful appearance, a mighty appearance, a thunderous voice, a tiger-like aura, and a profound cultivation base. This aura alone made Lu Su terrified.

"Yes! Kill him! Kill him!" The rest of the people who followed echoed loudly.

Lu Su looked at everything in front of him in horror, not knowing what happened at all, and then looked at Ruoxi lying beside him, half covered, her fragrant shoulders exposed, her skin smooth and delicate,

He lowered his head and lifted the quilt, and found that he and Ruoxi were not even close to each other, and they were close to each other. Even if he was indifferent to the world, he knew that something might have happened to Ruoxi.

There was no time to think about it, now that his big brother has come to his door, Lu Su hurriedly apologized in a panic:

"senior! I...I really don't know what happened, let alone know that she is your Little Sister, sorry senior!"

"Dage..." At this moment, Ruoxi shouted as if seeing a life-saving straw, and then wept heartbrokenly:

"Woooooo... Dage save me... I was ordered to deliver some food and drinks to this young master, but as soon as I entered the door, this young master started to touch me, and I immediately

swore to die

However, this son has a profound Cultivation Base, he sealed my Spirit Power, and as a result...he...defiled me...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Ruoxi cried hoarsely and told another version.

"What? are really... bloody, why did I touch you?" Lu Su was shocked when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Ruoxi would say such words that wronged him.

"Pa... papa..." Several slaps sounded.

It was the burly man who made the attack, that is, the big brother who called himself Ruoxi. Lu Su's face flushed instantly after being beaten, and five finger prints were clearly visible.

"Hmph... The facts are right in front of you, you brat, you dare to quibble, you really don't know what to do, someone, come and drag him out for slaughter." The big man ordered his subordinates.

"No, senior! I really didn't do anything! Please let me go, senior." Lu Su begged for mercy in horror.

The man's subordinates would not listen to him, they still walked towards the bed, intending to arrest Lu Su and kill him...

At the auction site, when the last lot was sold with more than 30 million middle-grade Spirit Stones, the scene once again attracted a wave of climax, which also marked the end of the auction.

On the high platform, Gongsun Sheng made his final statement:

"Hehehe... Thank you fellow daoists for your strong support for our Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and this auction event,

At the same time, I would also like to thank the fellow daoists of the ordinary seats for your understanding and support. I will open the teleportation array later, and you can leave on your own.

Now I announce that the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce's Southern Border Auction has come to a successful conclusion, thank you all. "

"Crack, click..." The white light stone in the venue lit up again, and the whole venue brightened up again.

Then one after another, cultivators disappeared into the venue.

When Lu Chen estimated that the time was almost up, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he took out the information jade tablet, and poured a piece of real energy into it,

In the next second, Lu Chen appeared in the formation groove area of ​​the lobby on the first floor of Changqing Building,

At this moment, many cultivators were sent out one after another. There were a large number of people, and it was very noisy. Lu Chen followed the footsteps of many cultivators and left the Evergreen Building.

Then throw out the Magical Item long sword, and fly directly to the temporary residence of the "Food Immortals" with the sword...

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