Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 166 Only Exhausted Cows

Previously, because Song Yushu didn't have enough Spirit Stones, after bidding four million mid-grade Spirit Stones, he saw another price increase on the 38th, and left angrily on the spot.

After coming out, Song Yushu went to the top floor of Changqing Building, which is equivalent to the backstage of the auction, and revealed his identity, saying that he wanted to see their leader.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the leader in charge of the auction decided to meet with Song Yushu after considering his identity.

Song Yushu proposed to send him to private room No. 38 during the auction, and the leader of the venue heard it, isn't this nonsense? Isn't the reason why private room tickets are so expensive is to provide customers with confidential services?

Therefore, the leader of the venue did not agree to Song Yushu's request. If it were not for the fact that he still has a considerable status, he would have been kicked out a long time ago.

Later, Song Yushu proposed to inquire about the information of the customers in the No. 38 private room, but was politely rejected. The two things did not come true, which made Song Yushu feel very faceless.

There was no other way, Song Yushu had no choice but to leave angrily again,

It is said that "fish has its way, and shrimp has its way." Song Yushu finally found his way.

That day, because he was in a bad mood, he invited a few friends to go together, and the Piaoxiang Building in Qianyang City was happy,

During the period, he talked about what happened in the auction, and his friend immediately stated that he wanted to help him get a memory crystal ball from the auction ticket office.

With the memory crystal ball at the ticket office, wouldn't it be easy to find out the information on No. 38, but you have to wait until the auction is over before you can go, so ask Song Yushu to wait for another day or two.

With the help of fox friends and dog friends, Song Yushu was naturally very happy, and immediately arranged for the brothers to eat and drink.

In Changqing Building, when the auction was coming to an end, Yin Cang disappeared into the private room.

At this moment, in the front square of Changqing Building, more than a dozen cultivators were sitting and chatting together in twos and threes. Such idle cultivators are not uncommon.

It's just that these people will stare at the exit of the lobby on the first floor of Changqing Building from time to time to see if there is a cultivator coming out.

At this time, a figure wearing a black robe suddenly appeared in front of these idle cultivators, and the person who came was none other than Dan Gui Yincang.

"My lord!" A Fatty cultivator with a round face, small eyes and a big belly said first.

It was a surprise, and after seeing who was coming, cupped hands said respectfully,

It was in Zhongba City that Fatty cultivator made friends with Hu Shilong, and followed him all the way to Zhenguanxi in Qianyang City. Before that, he went to the teleportation hall to pick up Dangui Yincang, so he naturally recognized this big guy.

"Did that cultivator come out halfway?" Yin Cang asked,

These members of the Tianyuan Pavilion were arranged here by him before, and they were always paying attention to the cultivator in the navy blue robe that carried the breath of Wulian's heart fire.

"Master! No trace of the cultivator has been found so far." Zhen Guanxi said respectfully.

Because he knew that Yin Cang was the master of the crown prince Hu Shilong, so he respected Yin Cang in every possible way.

"Tell your people to cheer up, the auction is about to end, so keep an eye on me." Yin Cang said lightly, and then left in a flash.

Concealed his body and kept an eye on the exit on the first floor of Changqing Building. After all, Tianhuowu Lianxinhuo was too important to him.

After Yin Cang left, Zhen Guanxi subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, because the imperceptible aura emanating from Yin Cang made him feel a lot of pressure.

However, when all the cultivators left the Evergreen Building, they didn't find any cultivators wearing navy blue robes, not even Yin Cang himself.

"Damn it! What a cunning cultivator!" Yin Cang, who was hiding near the square, muttered to himself, and then walked away,

Because there was no point in staying any longer, he guessed that the person must be a cunning and cautious person, he probably changed his clothes a long time ago, and fled away.

Qianyang City South District, "Food is Immortal" branch, Lu Chen returned to his own room, the sound of opening the door caused Yu Qian's reaction, and then ended the practice.

Seeing that it was Lu Chen who came back, Yu Qian jumped into his arms happily, as if she wanted to embed herself in Lu Chen's body.

Feeling the beauty's softness, Lu Chen caressed Yu Qian's delicate body and said, "Silly girl! What's the matter, haven't we seen each other for two days?"

"Hehehe...I miss you!" Yu Qian smiled shyly.

"Hehehe...I miss you too!" Lu Chen kissed Yu Qian's cheek, which made Yu Qian shy.

Then Lu Chen gave an overview of his two-day experience, including the relationship between himself and Chu Dingtian.

The source of hatred, and expressed helplessly that he might have to leave Qianyang City soon.

When Yu Qian heard that Lu Chen was leaving again, she immediately shed tears sadly, but she is a well-behaved and sensible girl, knowing that Lu Chen's enemy is now, she can't drag Lu Chen down, and she only blames Chu Dingtian of Shenshoushan in her heart.

As the saying goes: It is difficult to say goodbye when we meet, the east wind is weak and the flowers are gone.

Why is Lu Chen willing to separate from the beautiful woman, but the situation is so pressing that he has no choice but to send Yu Qian back to Yu Tongwei's side, and then take Lu Zhishen and Lu Su away.

Yu Qian kept silent and bid farewell to Lu Chen with practical actions, frantically demanding,

There is an old saying: Since ancient times, there are only exhausted cattle, and there is no plowed land.

Rao also felt a little powerless with Cultivation Base, which was in full swing during the Lu Chen Foundation Establishment period. Cultivation Base didn't seem to be able to control this thing. At the same time, Yu Qian's enthusiasm can also be seen.

Because Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi acted as sailors at the auction, everyone experienced the feeling of spending money like water, and they were about to go to Lu Chen to show off.

A few people came to the door of Lu Chen's room, and when they heard the familiar melody coming from the room, they immediately knew that Lu Chen was messing with Yu Qian again, and their faces darkened instantly.

"Oh...forget it, Lu Chen is busy again, let's pretend that we made friends carelessly, and let's go drinking by ourselves,"

Yang Yunfei sighed helplessly, and secretly decided to find a companion as well.

"Yunfei is right. We went to drink by ourselves. We wanted to share with him about the auction and let him gain some experience. Now I'm not in the mood." Zhao Chengzhi said angrily,

Qi Yutang shook his head helplessly, did not express his opinion, and followed them and turned to leave.

After Lu Zhishen finished training, he found that Little Brother Lu Su was not in the room, so he knew it was broken. This kid must have sneaked out to play while he was in meditation.

He scolded Lu Su for being ignorant in his heart. It would be terrible if he was arrested by the people of the City Lord's Mansion. When he came back, he must be taught a good lesson.

It is said that Wenrou Township is a tomb of heroes. Lu Chen never had the opportunity to experience it before.

Now that parting is imminent, with a beautiful woman by his side, under Yu Qian's frenzied demands, another day has passed...

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