Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 167 Plan Disruption

Wang Jingxuan has an admiration for Lu Chen, Zhang Haoyang is well aware of this.

So when he saw Lu Chen appearing in Qianyang City, Zhang Haoyang not only did not tell Wang Jingxuan the news, but also took the opportunity to pursue Wang Jingxuan crazily.

With her continuous efforts, Wang Jingxuan's heart was finally touched, and with the assist of her father Zhang Bingtian,

The engagement ceremony between Zhang Haoyang and Wang Jingxuan has been finalized and will be held on Wang Jingxuan's 20th birthday, a double happiness.

Because Zhang Bingtian and Wang Haocang were guests in the gambling competition between Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce six days later, and they were in Qianyang City, so Wang Haocang planned to keep the engagement ceremony as simple as possible.

Zhang Haoyang naturally had no objection when he heard the words. What he is worried about now is that Lu Chen is still in Qianyang City, and he has to find a way to take Wang Jingxuan away from Qianyang City. Otherwise, if the two meet, he will be beaten .

In the room of "Food is Immortal", Lu Chen and Yu Qian went crazy for a whole day, and finally they embraced each other and fell asleep regardless of the outcome.

Early the next morning, Lu Chen woke up early, looked at the beautiful woman sleeping in his arms, and only sighed that his own Cultivation Base was too low, otherwise he would not be afraid of Chu Dingtian, and if he met him, he would just shoot him to death.

During the period, Yu Qian mentioned asking her father Yu Tongwei to protect her, or going back to Shennongmen with her, but Lu Chen politely refused.

Because Lu Chen has his own Tao, he also wants to use his own efforts to climb the highest Realm,

In order to let Yu Qian not have to worry about her own safety, Lu Chen also briefly revealed that she has a Magic Treasures that can save her life, and Yu Qian was a little relieved after hearing about it.

"Alas..." Lu Chen sighed softly, kissed Yu Qian's lips with nostalgia, then tiptoed out of bed, and put on his clothes.

Lu Chen plans to take Lu Zhishen and Lu Su home first, and then go to Wuchuan Prefecture to find Yinfeng Valley for body training.

In fact, Lu Chen also thought about bringing Yu Qian by his side, but after careful consideration, he finally gave up on this idea.

Because if she was in danger, she could hide in the world of golden beads to save her life, so what would Yu Qian do.

Although the world of Jinzhu is magical, it is equivalent to another world, and you can pretend to be anything, but you can't bring other people into it


Lu Chen guessed that it should be related to his Cultivation Base being too low, maybe after he raised his Cultivation Base to a certain Realm, he could bring others into the world of Golden Beads.

Yu Tongwei has been free for the past few days. The time for the competition between the two chambers of commerce is approaching, and the specific content of the competition and the relevant details of the competition system have been finalized.

As one of the deputy referees invited by the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, Yu Tongwei has a good understanding of the strength of the two contestants.

Naturally, it would favor the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce's side in terms of setting the questions, and by the way, it also aimed at the other contestants, and the reverse was the same for the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

In the end, for the sake of fairness, the main referee Liang Chaobei chose one question, and the two assistant referees Yin Cang and Yu Tongwei each chose one question.

When Lu Chen sent Yu Qian to Yu Tongwei's residence and expressed his intention to come, Yu Tongwei immediately became furious.

"Bastard! You little bastard, what the hell do you want to do? Are you going to give up?" Yu Tongwei pointed at Lu Chen's nose and scolded.

If it wasn't for his daughter standing in front of Lu Chen, Yu Tongwei really wanted to abolish him. His daughter has been fooling around with Lu Chen these days. Now, this kid actually wants to eat everything and run away. As a father, how could Yu Tongwei bear .

"Hehehe...Uncle! I know you are doing it for Yu Qian's good, and also for my safety, but I have my own way, so I can't just hide in Shennongmen all the time!

Last time I made it very clear to you that I need some time to improve myself, didn't you agree to me then? You also gave me a pass to the Alchemy Tower, did you forget? "

Lu Chen smiled shyly, trying to maintain a respectful attitude when speaking, after all, he is also his own father-in-law now.

"Father..." Yu Qian stepped forward to help Lu Chen in a timely manner. Now Yu Qian has Lu Chen in her heart, and the appearance on her face has also been restored, and she has regained her confidence.

In addition, Lu Chen has been persuading her to have a good relationship with Yu Tongwei, so Yu Qian's resentment towards Yu Tongwei has disappeared, and she also wants to take the initiative to resolve the conflict with her father.

Sure enough, Yu Qian's "Dad" melted Yu Tongwei's heart in an instant. Isn't the debt of these decades just to hope that his daughter can live a happier life?

With the help of Yu Qian, the old

The father-in-law, Yu Tongwei, did not stop him, and told Lu Chen to pay attention to safety.

In the end, Lu Chen reluctantly bid farewell, and asked Yu Qian to practice the Cultivation Technique he gave her, and promised that he would visit her often at Shennongmen.

Yu Qian is now the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment late stage. After Lu Chen uses the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to help her perfect and derive the Cultivation Technique, I believe it can help Yu Qian quickly improve the Cultivation Base.

"Food is Immortal" Lu Zhishen saw that Little Brother Lu Su hadn't come back for a day and a night, so he realized that the situation was not good. Maybe something happened to Lu Su, and he was very anxious.

Immediately, he rushed to look for Lu Chen, but found that Lu Chen was not in the room, so he went to find Yang Yunfei and others.

"What? You said that Lu Su didn't come back all day and night? Then where could he go?" Yang Yunfei also frowned slightly after hearing what Lu Zhishen said.

"Where's Lu Chen? Did you tell Lu Chen about this?" Qi Yutang's expression was equally ugly when he heard this.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Yang Yunfei and others have already treated Lu Su as a brother, and now that there is no news of the brother, several people are very worried about his safety.

"No! I went to find Lu Chen just now. He is not here. He must have gone out. Now that Lu Su's life and death are unknown, and Qianyang City is so big, where can we find this bastard." Lu Zhishen asked anxiously.

"Lu Dage, don't panic. I have already sent a message to Lu Chen. I believe he will come back soon. Let's first analyze the places where Lu Su is most likely to go, and then make targeted inquiries." Zhao Chengzhi road.

"Chengzhi, you're right! Let's determine the direction of our search first, and then we'll split up to investigate. This way, the possibility of success will be greater." Yang Yunfei echoed.

" are all here! I happen to have something important to tell you." Lu Chen appeared at the door at this time and smiled.

He was going to bid farewell to Yang Yunfei and others. As for the gambling match between Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, he did not intend to participate in it anymore, after all, his life was more urgent.

"Lu Chen! You are finally back. Something is wrong. Lu Su is missing." The fast-talking Qi Yutang said eagerly when he saw Lu Chen come back.

"What? Lu Su is missing?" Lu Chen's expression darkened instantly when he heard that.

Because of Lu Su's disappearance, all his plans will be disrupted......

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