Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 169 See Also Buddha Palm

"Hehehe... Tianjian Mountain really lives up to its reputation. It really looks like a sharp sword piercing the earth." Lu Chen, who was flying with Yujian and stopped in the air, murmured with a smile.

Because the mountain peaks in front of you are slightly narrower on both sides and wider in the middle, resembling the blade of a sword, rising from the ground, and you can see thick clouds when you look up.

The top of the mountain cannot be seen with the naked eye, which is no different from the legends. It gives people a mysterious feeling. If it is not because there are important things to do, Lu Chen really wants to fly to the clouds to find out.

However, at the foot of Tianjian Mountain, there is a cloudy air, weeds are everywhere on the ground, and there is silence for a hundred miles. In addition, it is already day and night, and the surroundings are pitch black, making this place even more eerie and weird.

No one would have thought that there would be such a barren place within the bustling city of Qianyang.

At this moment, under a ruined wall, curled up a young cultivator with disheveled hair, a bruised nose, and frightened eyes, looking tremblingly at the two culprits with fierce faces.

Lu Su went to experience it alone because he was curious about what a special service was, but he suffered such a catastrophe and almost lost his life.

"Dage! Why hasn't anyone come yet? This kid is probably trying to trick us!" A tall cultivator with a mustache said impatiently.

As he said that, he walked towards Lu Su again, so frightened that Lu Su instinctively put his hands on his head and bowed his body. Now that his true energy is sealed, he can only be beaten passively.

The injuries on his body were hit by this tall cultivator, so Lu Su was very afraid of him.

"Okay! Third! There's a Foundation Establishment period cultivator coming, who should be the one we're waiting for." The big man cultivator shouted. Biqu library

Both are late stage Cultivation Bases, so they are responsible for the ransom.

Lu Chen Yujian landed on Tianjian Mountain, seeing the dark air all around, ruined buildings and broken walls everywhere, he also wondered why this place is in such a scene.

"Hahaha...boy! You are quite courageous. You really dare to come here alone. Are you ready for the 500,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones we want?"

At this time, two figures flashed in front of Lu Chen, holding a young man with disheveled hair and faint breath in his hand, one of them, a tall cultivator, laughed.

Seeing that Lu Chen is not the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen during the Foundation Establishment period, neither of them put Lu Chen To put in one’s eyes, let go of their own hands,

The young man in his hand fell to the ground with a muffled landing sound, followed by the young man's painful groans.

Divine Sense arrived and confirmed that the boy on the ground was Lu Su

After that, Lu Chen calmly looked at the two cultivators.

There was only one person, eight feet tall, with a powerful appearance, a mighty appearance, and a tiger-like imposing manner. He was about the same size as Lu Zhishen, with big arms and round waist.

The other was tall and thin, with erratic eyes and a mustache, which reminded Lu Chen of the thin head in the story of the deer and cauldron.

"Hehehe... two seniors! I brought Spirit Stones, a total of 500,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones, and please senior, after you receive the Spirit Stones,

For the sake of my inferior Cultivation Base, let us leave safely...haha..." Lu Chen pretended to be stupid and smirked.

Now that Lu Su was still at the opponent's feet, Lu Chen didn't dare to make a rash move, fearing that the opponent would jump over the wall and hurt Lu Su, so he kept his posture very low.

When those two heard the half a million mid-grade Spirit Stones, greedy expressions were evident in their eyes.

" are very good at talking, that's okay, we only ask for money, as long as the number of Spirit Stones is correct, we will naturally let you go safely." The big man cultivator laughed.

Then he kicked Lu Su over, the force was well controlled, and Lu Su's body just landed at Lu Chen's feet.

Lu Chen saw that the other party was so sure of him, so he saved a lot of tongue and checked Lu Su's condition. Fortunately, it was just a few superficial injuries.

At the same time, he shot out a piece of true energy to unlock the seal in his body, and took out a healing Medicine Pill for him to swallow.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen raised his hand and threw several formation flags, and arranged a third-level defensive formation to envelop Lu Su's body.

"Boy, what are you doing? Where's the storage bag? Hurry up and give it to me." The big man suddenly yelled.

In my heart, I felt that Lu Chen's behavior was very strange. Logically speaking, at this time, the other party should give me the storage bag, and then run for my life in desperation.

But the opponent threw out the formation flag to set up a formation, covering that kid, which is not normal.

"Hehehe... You are right, where are your storage bags? Hand over your storage bags, maybe I will consider letting you go." Lu Chen did everything, got up and smiled.

It is because they kidnapped Lu Su, delayed own time, disrupted own plan,

He even robbed himself, and asked for 500,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones. Is Spirit Stones really easy to earn? So Lu Chen also wanted to use his own way to treat his own body.

"Hahaha... Dage! I think this kid is really crazy, he dared to ask us for a storage bag," the tall cultivator seemed

Hearing a big joke, he laughed.

The figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of Lu Chen, "You brat! Go to hell!"

Lu Chen didn't expect that the other party was also a ruthless person. One second he was smiling and talking, but the next second he shot suddenly. The speed was so fast that he arrived in the blink of an eye.

I'm afraid that the cultivator who usually integrates the middle stage will also fall into his way under the carelessness.

"Huh..." The tall cultivator punched Lu Chen's face with a strong fist, making a sound of piercing through the air.

Just when he was proud, he found that own's fist directly scratched the opponent's head, which turned out to be an afterimage.

"How is it possible?" The tall cultivator asked in amazement, he didn't expect Lu Chen's speed to be so fast.

You must know that although I didn't use my full strength just now, I am also a Cultivation Base integrated with the late stage. How can he avoid the own attack as a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator.

How did he know that although Lu Chen is the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment period, the veins and Dantian in his body have been transformed by golden particles, which is different from ordinary people.

The strength of true energy is comparable to fusion late stage, Divine Sense is comparable to fusion stage Dzogchen, plus body refining art Cultivation Base, Magic Treasures body protection, otherwise Lu Chen would not have the courage to come forward .

"Hehehe... that's all it is!" Lu Chen steadied his figure and laughed after performing the Xuantian Nine Steps and turning his body into an afterimage to avoid the attack

Seeing the tall cultivator attacking again, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth slightly raised, and he raised his hand to make a standard gesture,

"Weng..." resounded through the sky.

The true essence instantly condensed into a huge palm print, Buddha Palm slapped the tall cultivator like a mosquito with the aura of destroying everything.

Due to the relatively close distance between the two, the tall cultivator flew towards Lu Chen again, just in time to meet Lu Chen's Buddha Palm, with huge palm prints and fast speed, unless the tall cultivator could teleport, he couldn't dodge it at all.

By the time the tall cultivator reacted, it was too late to dodge, at a critical juncture,

I saw a golden light suddenly appearing in front of him, quickly activated the protective energy, and sacrificed a defensive Magic Treasures. The defensive Magic Treasures suddenly became brighter, and condensed a shield the size of a city wall.

"Damn it!" The tall cultivator felt the power of Lu Chen's move, shouted and raised his shield to meet the huge palm print that was flying at a high speed.

"Boom..." The Buddha Palm slapped firmly on the light and shadow of the tall cultivator's shield, making a loud bang, and the surroundings were filled with flying sand and rocks.

All this happened in the blink of an eye...

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