Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 170 The Weird Sword Ray

"Ah... Dage..." The huge energy impact produced a strong explosion, and the tall cultivator let out a scream, calling out to the burly man longingly.

However, the big man didn't make a move, and watched all this with a slight frown, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Kach... Kacha Kacha..." The defensive Magic Treasures of the tall cultivator shattered, and his body flew upside down. He never expected that the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period would be so powerful.

What made him even more unexpected was that Dage didn't save him.

"Dage... Poof..." The tall cultivator who fell to the ground spat out a mouthful of blood, and shouted unwillingly.

He looked at Dage who was usually called a brother with puzzled eyes, as if asking him why he didn't save himself, otherwise he wouldn't be maimed and lose his combat effectiveness.

Without time to think about it, the tall cultivator quickly took out the healing Medicine Pill and took it, and sat in the Lotus Position to start healing.

However, what made him even more unbelievable was that a strong murderous intent suddenly enveloped him, and then a Sword Ray struck instantly, passing through his chest in a breath.

"" The tall cultivator stared wide-eyed, looking at the burly man in disbelief, and fell to the ground after speaking, unwilling to die.

Lu Chen looked at all this in astonishment, even he couldn't figure out why the big man would suddenly kill his subordinates.

"Hehehe...Little brother! You really surprised me! With the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment period, you can actually defeat the third child who is fused with the late stage. Presumably your Cultivation Technique should be extraordinary!

How about we make a deal? As long as you hand over the Cultivation Technique you have cultivated, I can swear that you will leave unharmed, how about it? "The big man said with a faint smile.

Lu Chen also frowned slightly when he heard the words. Since he is comparable to the Divine Sense of Dzogchen in the fusion period, he can naturally see that the other party's Cultivation Base is also fusion late stage.

But he has just disabled a late stage cultivator, why is he so calmly thinking about his own Cultivation Technique.

"Could it be that he has something to rely on? Otherwise, according to common sense, own strength is already here, and he should run away immediately," Lu Chen thought to himself.

Because I often do this kind of thing of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, if I am not absolutely sure,

How could he put himself in danger, so Lu Chen became extra cautious and vigilant.


Immediately, Lu Chen raised his hand and hit a Buddha Palm, and the huge palm print slapped the big man cultivator with an aura of destruction.

"Hmph! Since you don't believe in evil, then I will accompany you through two tricks, and when the time comes to arrest you and search for your soul, I can also get the Cultivation Technique." The big man sneered.

A huge black sword appeared in his hand. The sword was 1.5 meters long, wide and thick, with no front on both sides. It was more like a rowing oar than a sword.

It's too late, but it's fast.

I saw the big man holding the giant sword high, and under the infusion of true energy, the giant sword trembled slightly, facing the flying palm prints, slashing fiercely from top to bottom,

There was no strong momentum, nor brilliant energy brilliance, but Lu Chen's pupils shrank.

I saw the palm print formed by the condensed real essence, which was cut apart soundlessly by something, split into two, and the palm print collapsed and disappeared into the night.

"Is that giant sword the opponent's reliance?" Lu Chen guessed in his heart,

In the first confrontation, Lu Chen actually lost the upper hand, but worse things are yet to come.

That big man was not a good stump, Divine Sense locked Lu Chen firmly, his hands quickly formed seals, and the huge sword in his hand danced back and forth, seemingly ordinary.

However, Lu Chen instinctively sensed that the crisis was coming, and the Divine Sense quickly extended, and the black turtle shield appeared in his hand. At the same time, the protective energy wrapped Own's body, and the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in his body was operating to the extreme, and disappeared in place in the next second.


"Crack, click..." The black turtle shield shattered.

"Ah..." Lu Chen let out a scream, and fell to the ground from the air, with dozens of hideous wounds on his body, and blood gushed out instantly, dyeing his clothes red.

Just now, Lu Chen instinctively felt that the crisis was coming, and the Divine Sense, which was comparable to the Dzogchen in the fusion period, caught a trace of Sword Ray accompanying him without a shadow, and struck him from all directions like lightning.

Lu Chen didn't dare to think about it immediately, and tried to avoid these Sword Rays with various means, but the Sword Ray that accompanied him without a shadow was not only extremely fast, but also extremely destructive.

As soon as the black turtle shield touched those Sword Rays, it shattered and then passed through itself

The body-protecting qi struck Own's body, instantly drawing dozens of hideous wounds, showing the horror of those Sword Rays.

Fortunately, my body refining technique has already reached the spirit Realm, and I have a physical body at the level of Magic Treasures. Otherwise, according to Lu Chen's estimation, a random Sword Ray can cut him into two pieces.

"Damn it! What the hell is that? Why is it so powerful,"

Lu Chen, who fell to the ground, quickly got up from the ground, ate a healing Medicine Pill and secretly recovered,

Then staring at the big man cultivator vigilantly, Divine Sense communicated with the world of Jinzhu, ready to run away at any time.

There is no way, the opponent is too strong. As for Lu Su himself, he can only say sorry. It is better for one of them to escape than to die together. If there is a chance in the future, he will avenge him again.

"Lu Chen!" In the formation light curtain, Lu Su cried out worriedly when he saw that Lu Chen was covered in blood and lost to the big man cultivator.

He who has recovered his true energy, together with Lu Chen's healing Medicine Pill, who has almost recovered from his injuries at this moment, is sitting in the formation light curtain to observe the battle between the two.

"Hehehe...I didn't expect you to be a body cultivator. Now I really want to get your Cultivation Technique more and more, hahaha..." The big man cultivator smiled greedily.

Then he slashed at Lu Chen with his sword again, and several Sword Rays accompanying him without a trace attacked Lu Chen.

"Damn it!" Lu Chen roared, Divine Sense once again found several Sword Rays accompanying him without a shadow,

I was locked by the other party's Divine Sense again, and couldn't escape, so I looked helplessly at Lu Su in the formation light curtain.

next second......

In the northern district of Qianyang City, it is said that people are refreshed on happy occasions, and this sentence is most appropriate for Zhang Haoyang.

Today he was very happy and excited. He got up early to wash himself up. He looked energetic and handsome, with a happy smile on his face. He greeted everyone,

He didn't even leave the guy who put food first, which made the guy who put food first panicked and wondered if there was something wrong with him.

Since ancient times, low-level cultivators take the initiative to greet high-level cultivators. How can high-level cultivators take the initiative to say hello to low-level cultivators?

The reason why Zhang Haoyang behaves abnormally is because today is a special day...

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