Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 171 Sword Intent Transformation

Today is not only Wang Jingxuan's 20th birthday, but also the day when Zhang Haoyang and Wang Jingxuan held their engagement ceremony.

Because Zhang Bingtian and Wang Haocang were the guests of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce's gambling match three days later, and they were in Qianyang City, so Wang Haocang and Zhang Bingtian agreed to keep the engagement ceremony simple.

From being simple to just opening a private room at "Food for Immortals", the two parties each invited one or two old friends who are relatively close in Qianyang City, and those with a relatively ordinary relationship were not invited.

It stands to reason: "The rhyme of the piano is composed into the same dream language, and the lantern flower smiles at the shy person."

Wang Jingxuan should be happy about her birthday today, but her current mood is:

"Sitting and watching Luo Huakong sighing, her robes are wet and red with tears, how can there be a word of sorrow."

As far as Zhang Haoyang is concerned, no matter from his family background or personally, he is considered a rare young talent, but Wang Jingxuan has no admiration for him in his heart.

Although Zhang Haoyang would often make himself happy when he was sad, or do something that moved him, but his deepest thoughts did not change because of this.

If Uncle Zhang's old injury hadn't recurred that day, and he didn't have the courage to refuse in front of him, the matter would not have developed like this, so Wang Jingxuan was very distressed.

At noon, in a private room on the third floor of a branch of "Food is Immortal" in Beicheng District, Wang Haocang, Zhang Bingtian and several old friends gathered together.

For the celebration, Wang Haocang specially prepared a set of light red women's repair skirts for his daughter.

Not to mention, Wang Jingxuan, who has taken off her fine clothes and put on a skirt, is less heroic, but more feminine, even more charming like the Little Princess next door.

There was joy and laughter during the banquet, only Wang Jingxuan laughed unnaturally.

The orders of parents and the words of matchmakers have existed since ancient times. No matter how willful Wang Jingxuan is, she would not dare to violate the norms of human relations.

Zhang Bingtian promptly took out a storage bag and handed it to Wang Haocang as a dowry gift. Wang Haocang looked at it with Divine Sense and smiled, which shows that the gift is very valuable. Biqu library

The two sides said some courteous words, and set the date of their wedding as today, three months later, and the ceremony was considered a success.

At this point, Wang Jingxuan sighed inwardly, and had no choice but to accept his fate, telling himself that maybe time would change everything, maybe Zhang Haoyang is also a good choice!

On the way, Wang Jingxuan signaled to his father to come to Tiankui by himself, and go back to the room to rest first.

Rest assured, Wang Haocang naturally had no objection, and continued to exchange cups with everyone.

Song Yushu, with the help of his friends, successfully obtained the memory crystal ball from the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce auction ticket office, and immediately began to arrange his own revenge plan.

At the foot of Heavenly Sword Mountain, Lu Chen, who had a chance to win, did not expect that the burly man would have such a strong support.

The shadowless and unpredictable Sword Ray is really terrifying. If own Divine Sense is not strong enough, you may not be able to feel the existence of that Sword Ray.

When what Divine Sense saw were dozens of Sword Rays attacking him strangely, Lu Chen's eyes were fixed, and he said it was too late, but then it was soon.

I saw a huge black shadow suddenly appearing in front of Lu Chen, blocking the Sword Ray that was attacking at high speed.

"Ding, ding, ding..." The weird Sword Ray hit the black shadow, making a ding-ding sound, and Lu Chen hurriedly took advantage of this gap to recover from his injuries.

I sigh in my heart that the black stone that can breed bitter bamboo is really not ordinary. I saw it as hard as a fellow, and refined it in my spare time. I originally planned to use it to smash people, but I didn't expect it to play a key role today.

"Hahaha... what kind of treasure is this?" The big man smiled in surprise, and then greedy eyes appeared in his eyes.

He thought that the boy would be cut into pieces by his attack just now, but he never thought that a huge black stone would suddenly block the boy,

And the transformation of own Sword intent actually only left some white scratches on the surface of the stone.

You must know that own Sword intent can even smash Magic Treasures into pieces, so it can be seen that the unknown black stone is also a rare treasure.

"Hehehe... This time I really made a lot of money!" The big man smiled triumphantly, and then his body turned into an afterimage again and disappeared on the spot.

At this time, although Lu Chen's wound hadn't fully healed, he had recovered 70% to 80% of the injury, and he was thinking about the next countermeasures.

However, the big man didn't give Lu Chen a chance to think,

What Divine Sense saw was countless Sword Rays attacking him at high speed, and this time the opponent kept changing directions, and the black giant sword in his hand kept dancing.

Every time he swung it with fierce momentum, the invisible Sword Ray attacked Lu Chen from different angles,

Before he had time to think about it, Lu Chen quickly threw out the Magical Item long sword, Yu Jian ran away,

At the same time, Divine Sense controls the high-speed rotation of the black stone around itself,

It's a bit like Zhuge Liang's passive in the glory of the king,

It's just that the black stone spins much faster to block the shadowless Sword Ray.

"Boom boom boom boom..." Countless Sword Rays attacked, and the place where Lu Chen was just now exploded again and again. Fortunately, Lu Chen was prepared to run fast enough, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The big man didn't delay either, Yu Jianfei followed closely behind, the speed was so fast that he got closer to Lu Chen in the blink of an eye, swung his huge sword, and dozens of Sword Rays hit Lu Chen again.

"Ding ding ding..." Sword Ray hit the black stone, making a series of ding ding sounds again.

"Puff puff puff..." Even though Lu Chen tried his best to control the black stone to rotate at a high speed, several Sword Rays hit Lu Chen's body and legs through the gaps, causing him to almost fall from the air in pain, hurry up He ran away in another direction.

The reason why Lu Chen didn't hide in the Golden Pearl World to save his life was because during the process of recovering from his injuries just now,

Lu Chen used the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to find an unusual aura in the wound, this aura should be left by the weird Sword Ray,

Lu Chen keenly felt the extraordinaryness of this aura. If he could comprehend the mystery within it, his strength would definitely be greatly improved.

He didn't think about it before, and only cared about saving his life. Now that he has discovered it, Lu Chen certainly won't let go of such an opportunity to improve his strength.

Lu Chen multitasking, Divine Sense controls the black stone to rotate around the body to block the invisible Sword Ray,

The Chaotic Body Refining Technique is running to the extreme, and by the way, use the destructive power of that weird Sword Ray to refine the body.

At the same time, the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue continued to analyze the breath contained in the Sword Ray.

From time to time, the rotation speed of the black stone was deliberately slowed down, allowing Sword Ray to hit Own through the gap,

Although it hurts, the wound is not as grim as before, which means that under the effect of the Chaos Body Refining Technique, the strength of own body has been improved again.

"Damn it, why is that kid so fast?" The big man Yu Jian followed closely behind Lu Chen,

He just couldn't catch up to the opponent, and his own Sword intent was blocked by the weird black stone, so he couldn't hurt the opponent's vitals at all.

But the more this happened, the more excited the big man became, vowing to capture Lu Chen, then everything about him would belong to him,

Immediately, the big man's heart swelled, and he bit the tip of Own's tongue. The severe pain made his speed increase by a point...

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