"Gathering elites from all corners of the world, waiting for the evaluation of Wentao and Wushu.

Look at the swords and swords colliding, and ask who is the hero in the world. "

This poem is very appropriate to describe the gambling match between Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce three days later.

At this moment, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Since Dongfang Yuanhua came back from the auction, he took the initiative to persuade all the female cultivators in the house to leave. He has been practicing at Closed Door Training for the past few days, making final preparations for the upcoming competition.

As the saying goes: "If you grind your guns before the battle, you will be light if you are not quick."

After Hu Shilong heard the news, he couldn't help but cast a glance at Dongfang Yuan Huagao.

In Qianyang City, on the top floor of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce branch, Yan Zixia came to the door of Ximen Qinghong's residence alone.

Before Ximen Qinghong sent a message to Yan Zixia, telling her to come to the own room alone, saying that there was something important to discuss.

Yan Zixia didn't want to come, but considering that the competition will be held in three days, it is not easy to refute his face.

After a few knocks on the door, Ximen Qinghong opened the door. Seeing Yan Zixia, he showed a happy expression and said, "Zixia! Come! Please come in quickly, I happen to have an important matter with you."

"Hehehe...Senior Brother Ximen! Can you say something now? There are still many things waiting for me to attend to at the chamber of commerce." Yan Zixia smiled politely.

"How can I do that? This matter is very important to me. You should come in first and talk about it! Otherwise, I will be angry, brother.

Once I get angry, my brain will not work well. What if my performance is affected during the game, what should I do? Hehehe..."

Ximen Qinghong said pretending to be angry, and then turned around on his own, as if you can figure it out yourself.

Yan Zixia was secretly annoyed when she heard the words, but she still followed in, and said with a polite smile:

"Senior brother Ximen! If there is anything wrong, please just say it's okay, and please don't make jokes about the competition again, senior brother."

Ximen Qinghong didn't answer Yan Zixia's words directly, but pretended to smile mysteriously, raised his hand and shot a burst of true energy to close the door.

"Hehehe... Zixia! Just put your mind at ease about the competition! Dongfang Yuanhua, I don't want to put in one's eyes yet. You close your eyes first, and I'll show you something good." Ximen Qinghong He pretended to be mysterious with a smile.

Seeing that Yan Zixia was unmoved, Ximen Qinghong said again: "Oh! My good junior sister, I told you to close your eyes, so you should do so!

Otherwise, the senior brother will be angry, this anger, the competition..."

"Brother! What do you mean? Why are you talking about the competition again?" Yan Zixia said coldly, with a displeased expression on her face.

"Hehehe... I was just joking, don't be angry, come on! Close your eyes," Ximen Qinghong said with a smile.

Yan Zixia closed her eyes when she heard the words, she really regretted coming to see Ximen Qinghong.

Seeing Yan Zixia compromise, Ximen Qinghong raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a complacent expression.

Then when she raised her hand, the room suddenly became dark. Yan Zixia was about to open her eyes to see what happened, but was stopped by Ximen Qinghong's words.

Just about to cast Divine Sense, she was startled, because Divine Sense couldn't be cast. Realizing that something was wrong, Yan Zixia suddenly opened her eyes,

What came into view was a large area of ​​sixth-level Spiritual herbs pansy, which shone faintly in the dark, very beautiful, accompanied by a refreshing fragrance, which made people unable to help but be intoxicated.

At this time, Ximen Qinghong smiled and said:

"When a thousand pieces of gold look for a jade pestle, they will do it themselves.

If Yunying wants to, she will smash Xuanshuang herself. "

"Zixia! I really like you, please be my companion!" Ximen Qinghong said sincerely.

Yan Zixia frowned slightly when she heard this, pansy symbolizes love in Cultivation World, coupled with this poem expressing love, Yan Zixia still doesn't understand Ximen Qinghong's thoughts.

But Yan Zixia never liked Ximen Qinghong from the beginning to the end, and immediately, she didn't intend to stay and continue to entangle with him, so she turned around and wanted to leave.

At this moment, Yan Zixia suddenly felt weakness in her limbs, her mind was in a daze, and she was about to collapse on the ground, but Ximen Qinghong hugged her around the waist,

I secretly thought that it was not good, so I quickly circulated the real energy, but found that the real energy could not be raised at all.

"Ximen Qinghong, you are despicable, what do you want to do?"

Yan Zixia knew that she must have been drugged by Ximen Qinghong, she looked at Ximen Qinghong angrily, and stopped calling her senior brother.

"Hehehe... Ah! Zixia! What's wrong with you?" Ximen Qinghong put his arms around Yan Zixia's delicate body, felt the silkiness of her waist, and pretended to be surprised...

At the foot of Tianjian Mountain, Lu Chen felt the burly man suddenly speed up, and he estimated that he would catch up to him in a few breaths.

Lu Chen quickly landed on the ground, closed his eyes and sat in the Lotus Position, the black stones were still spinning around his body.

that big

Sure enough, Han arrived within a few breaths. Seeing that Lu Chen was no longer running away, although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't make too many guesses in the face of his absolute strength.

The real essence fused with the late stage was infused on the black giant sword, the giant sword buzzed, and several sword flowers were drawn back and forth with the arms, and the body suddenly disappeared,

Countless strange Sword Rays rushed towards Lu Chen like a storm.

At this time, Lu Chen slowly reduced the rotation speed of the black stone, allowing the shadowless Sword Ray to cut through Own's body, and the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue continuously analyzed and deduced the breath mixed in the Sword Ray.

If someone checks carefully, the wound caused by Sword Ray at this time is a little bit smaller for Lu Chen,

Then Lu Chen directly put the black stone into the golden bead world, and countless wounds appeared on his body in an instant.

"Hmph...go to hell!" Seeing that Lu Chen dared to put away the black stone, the big man continued to attack without mercy,


Lu Chen opened his eyes abruptly, a smug smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. Biqu library

Because under the analysis and deduction of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Lu Chen finally understood what that weird Sword Ray was.

It's a Sword intent! And it's a transformed Sword intent.

meaning! It is the unity of form, spirit, and reason, and the coordination of virtual reality and non-existence, which is not only born of accidents, but also contained in images.

is a very tall Realm.

Sword intent is the cultivator's comprehension of kendo, reaching an unprecedented Realm, and this Realm is called Sword intent.

For a cultivator, when he really understands what a sword is, and can give full play to the original characteristics of a sword, he will understand what it means to win without a move.

Everything comes from the heart, merged with the sword, the human and the sword become one, and integrates own comprehension into the sword, then the sword will come alive.

Because of meaning! It is invisible and invisible, without substance, just a manifestation of will, so Lu Chen feels that the sword ray of the big man is invisible and extremely terrifying.

It has to be said that this seemingly big and thick guy actually knows how to use Sword intent.

After figuring this out, Lu Chen used the powerful function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to fuse and derive the opponent's Sword intent, thus turning it into something of his own.

"Weng..." At this moment, Lu Chen's aura suddenly increased. There was nothing around him, but he always felt something floating in the air without a shadow,

"How is it possible?" The big man exclaimed, he didn't expect that the other party would

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