Her hands are like catkins, her skin is like creamy fat, her collar is like a grub, her teeth are like a gourd rhinoceros, her head is like a moth's eyebrows, even if she is angry, she is so beautiful.

Ximen Qinghong greedily looked at Yan Zixia in his arms. It was the first time for him to be in such close contact with a beautiful woman. The faint scent of a virgin made him mesmerized.

"Gudong..." Ximen Qinghong swallowed subconsciously, his heart agitated.

"Senior brother Ximen, what's wrong with you? In the past, you were personable and polite, why are you so reckless today?" After calming down, Yan Zixia said in a calm and authentic tone.

Although the other party's frivolous eyes made me very uncomfortable, but at this time the only way to stabilize the other party is the best policy.

He tried to get rid of Ximen Qinghong's clutches, but he couldn't because he had no strength all over his body, and he didn't know what kind of medicine Ximen Qinghong gave himself, so he could be so domineering.

"Uh...hehehe...Zixia! I don't understand, I'm so sincere to you, why are you so indifferent?" Ximen Qinghong was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled disdainfully.

Thinking about how I used to be nice to you, but you don't buy it.

"Hehehe...Senior brother! Why don't you let me go first, let's have a good talk, what do you think? It's really hard for her to be like this." Yan Zixia said shyly.

Putting on a pitiful expression, he deliberately avoided Ximen Qinghong's question, and secretly planned how to break the jade bracelet in his hand.

Ximen Qinghong laughed when he heard the words,

Immediately, he took out a wooden bed from the storage bag, laid Yan Zixia flat on the bed, and after admiring it, he said with a smile:

"Hehehe...it won't be uncomfortable after a while, and I'll be ecstatic, happy and happy, haha..." Biquku

Looking at Ximen Qinghong's malicious face, Yan Zixia naturally understood what Ximen Qinghong meant, and was secretly anxious.

"Senior Brother Ximen, if something unexpected happens to me, have you considered the consequences?" Yan Zixia's tone became calm, with the intention of reminding and warning.

Ximen Qinghong frowned when he heard the words, thinking of the terrifying identity behind Yan Zixia, he was also quite afraid.

After thinking for a while, the corners of Ximen Qinghong's mouth rose slightly, as if he was holding a winning ticket, and said with a smile:

"Hehehe... I will tell you what consequences the two love each other.

Come on!

In the competition three days later, if the Fei Yu Chamber of Commerce wants to win, you must agree to be my dao companion, and today we have to bridal chamber first,

After the bridal chamber, we will become a family. At that time, I will naturally go all out to work hard for my own business,

Otherwise...the result of the competition...is unknown. "

After finishing speaking, Ximen Qinghong looked at Yan Zixia carefully, waiting for her answer.

This competition is related to the ownership of the entire southern Xinjiang market, and it is of great significance to Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. He does not believe that Yan Zixia will refuse to own the request.

Otherwise, if I deliberately let water out during the competition, wouldn't it be easy for the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce to lose? Unless Yan Zixia replaces herself, Biquku

But is this possible? In such a short time, where can I find a pill refining master who is sure to defeat Dongfang Yuanhua? Is it really a Chinese cabbage for a ninth-rank alchemist? It's everywhere, and it's not worth the money.

So since Ximen Qinghong came to Qianyang City, he has been planning today's scene,

As for prescribing Yan Zixia, it was also for Yan Zixia to listen to her own words, so that she would have time to think about her own request.

Otherwise, with Yan Zixia's personality, she might turn against her on the spot, but this is not what Ximen Qinghong wants to see.

If Yan Zixia agreed to own's request, after the bridal chamber, she probably wouldn't care about own's methods.

Want to say that Yan Zixia was raped? Or rape first and then kill? To be honest, Ximen Qinghong really didn't have the guts. If he really did that, with the terrifying strength of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, it would be difficult for him to die.

"Hehehe...Ximen Qinghong! I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. I, Yan Zixia, was really blind to make friends with you. I used to treat you like an older brother.

Also, you should die of this heart! Even if I, Yan Zixia, die, I won't let your treacherous plan succeed. Yan Zixia scolded angrily with her face livid after hearing the words.

Then, with all the strength in his body, he rolled down from the bed suddenly, and smashed his wrist to the ground intentionally.

"Crack..." The jade bracelet on the wrist shattered, and a brilliance dissipated instantly.

Yan Zixia finally breathed a sigh of relief after finishing all this.

"You...you will regret it," Ximen Qinghong didn't expect Yan Zixia to reject him so decisively, and the reaction was so strong, which was exactly like the scene in own imagination.

totally different.

The brilliance dissipated when the jade bracelet shattered, Ximen Qinghong naturally noticed it, but because the incident happened suddenly and it was too late to stop it, I am afraid that someone will come here soon.

After Ximen Qinghong finished speaking harshly, he dodged and left the room.

Sure enough, in less than a moment, Wang Xiumei rushed into Ximen Qinghong's room with a few Gold Core masters in a murderous spirit.

Yan Zixia roughly explained what happened, and Wang Xiumei was furious immediately, threatening to kill Ximen Qinghong, but Yan Zixia stopped her.

After all, I have also been taught by the god of alchemy, Kong Qiu, and Ximen Qinghong is the registered disciple of the god of alchemy, Kong Qiu, so I have to look at the face of the Buddha even if I don't look at the face of the monk.

So Yan Zixia didn't order to chase and kill Ximen Qinghong.

At the foot of Tianjian Mountain, the burly man stared at Lu Chen dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that the kid on the opposite side, without the defense of the black stone, not only carried the own Sword intent transformation with his body, but also comprehended the own intention from it.

Isn't that erratic, inconspicuous thing around the body the comprehension of the mind?

I couldn't be more clear about intentions, and the other party's intentions are obviously much stronger than own intentions, it's just that the kid hasn't used them yet.

"Is that kid a monster? Isn't he an eight-line first-level miscellaneous Spiritual Roots? How could he have such a heaven-defying comprehension ability?" The big man thought in shock.

Immediately shouted loudly, desperately brandished the black giant sword in his hand,

If you don't kill that kid at this time, when he fully comprehends how to use it, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent anymore.

With the waving of the black giant sword, countless Sword Rays were sent out from the giant sword, and the accompanying Sword Ray, with the sword intent of transformation, shot towards Lu Chen like ten thousand swords returning to their ancestors, with a speed as fast as lightning .

Lu Chen Divine Sense noticed that countless strange Sword Rays were attacking him, and sacrificed the black stone again.

Under the control of Divine Sense, the black stone kept turning around Lu Chen's body, just like Zhuge Liang's passive in Glory of the King.

"Ding ding ding ding..." The sword intent of the big man hit the black stone and made a "ding ding" sound again. Biqu library

Immediately, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth rose slightly, his momentum was like a rainbow, he continued to sit in the Lotus Position, raised his hands high, palms facing the sky, and assumed a strange posture...

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