"Do you know my cousin?" Hua Manlou asked hesitantly, if so, then it's really hard for him to make a move, otherwise he wouldn't dare to offend Hua Guangyuan's ruthless means.

"Brother Hua, don't worry, don't listen to his nonsense, I can guarantee that this kid will never know Senior Brother Hua." Seeing that Hua Manlou hesitated, Liao Wei quickly explained.

Hua Manlou also thought it was impossible, but asked cautiously: "Are you really my cousin's friend?"

"I think you all misunderstood. I don't know Hua Guangyuan. I just killed a cultivator named Hua Guangyuan." Lu Chen said.

"Hmph! Absolutely impossible, oh... I see, the boy is not small-minded, and he actually wants to use the banner of my cousin to deceive me, go to hell." Hua Manlou suddenly realized, and sacrificed a long spear Magic Treasures is about to attack Lu Chen.

Liao Wei also poured Spirit Power into the bone whip again, and the bone whip became brighter.

"You like to bully people, don't you! Xiaojin, Xiaotian, beat him hard, but don't kill him!" Lu Chen shouted disdainfully, and pointed at Huamanlou with his finger.

Lu Chen's cry frightened Huamanlou and Liao Wei. They thought that Lu Chen had already ambushed two helpers, and they turned their heads to look, but there was nothing behind them.

"Hmph! You know how to bluff." Hua Manlou said disdainfully.

"Haha... the kid has a lot of tricks, is it useful? Go to hell!" Liao Wei poured Spirit Power into the Magic Treasures again and prepared to do it.

"Hey... young people, don't be impulsive, look at what is behind you." Lu Chen smiled and pouted, motioning for the two to turn around.

Hua Manlou looked dismissively, but to ensure safety, he still glanced behind him.

But it was this look that almost scared him to pee.

"Heaven... Sky Knife... Praying Mantis? Gold Devouring Toad? Where did it come from?" Hua Manlou said with a terrified and trembling expression, without the arrogance he had just now.

I saw the two-meter-high Tiandao Praying Mantis standing behind Hua Manlou, with two watermelon-sized eyes staring at him from top to bottom, and what's more, the two big knife-like front claws were shining sharply , which is less than ten centimeters away from his head, it seems that as long as he dares to move, his head will move in the next second.

Forget about a Demonic Beasts, squatting next to the key is a gold-eating toad the size of a millstone, with its mouth wide open, drooling, staring at him covetously.

Seeing this, Liao Wei's face was extremely gloomy. He could tell at a glance that the fighting power of these two Demonic Beasts was at least as good as the Qi refining period, and Lu Chen's own strength was not bad. Isn't this bullying?

"Senior brother, don't act recklessly. This is actually a misunderstanding. I have something else to do, why don't I go first?" Hua Manlou nodded and bowed, moving his body carefully.

"Ah..." Huamanlou screamed, Lu Chen's mind moved, and the two Demonic Beasts attacked together.

full of flowers

Lou didn't dare to resist yet, because Lu Chen said not to beat him to death, he thought that Lu Chen was just venting his anger on him, if he resisted, he might really die.

"Lu Chen! For the sake of my classmates, ah..." Liao Wei hadn't finished pleading when he was punched in the stomach by Lu Chen, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

Lu Chen's powerful Spirit Power imprisoned Liao Wei's Dantian with this punch.

"You... how could you imprison my Dantian? You are only on the ninth floor of the Qi refining stage, how can Spirit Power be stronger than me?" Liao Wei asked incredulously, Dantian cannot use Spirit Power if he is imprisoned, without Spirit Power's cultivator is no different from ordinary people.

Now Liao Wei panicked and looked at Lu Chen in horror.

"Same family? Hehe... Senior Brother Liao! Why don't we play a game, what do you think?" Lu Chen smiled, but his mind was filled with how Liao Wei treated Own in the woods. If it wasn't for Jin Zhu, he would I'm afraid it has already turned into loess by now.

"No! You can't do that to me, Lu Chen, I beg you to let me go!" Liao Wei cried out hoarsely, his body kept backing up and fell to the ground, his hands kept moving back and trying to get away from Lu. Stay away from Chen.

"Let you go? That's so boring! Our game hasn't started yet." Lu Chen said with a smile, then took out a small knife, and cut Liao Wei's wrist, blood dripped out.

"Ah...you little bastard, kill me if you have the ability!" Liao Wei shouted angrily, his right hand clutched his left wrist vigorously, his clothes were stained red with blood, and his face soon turned pale due to excessive blood loss .

Death is always frightening, and Liao Wei stopped being stubborn and began to beg for mercy.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen had mixed emotions in his heart. On the one hand, he had thought of countless ways to torture Liao Wei. No matter how bad it was, he had to use his own way to treat him. But now he has the ability to do it. time, but I don't want to do that.

If he really did that, wouldn't he belong to the same kind of person as Liao Wei?

Own originally wanted revenge, but he definitely wouldn't do it the way he thought before.

After thinking it over, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had broken free from a certain shackle, very relaxed, and the Cultivation Base on the ninth floor of the Qi refining period seemed to show signs of breakthrough.

After a Spirit Power knocked Liao Wei unconscious, Lu Chen put away his storage bag and sent Liao Wei to collect his lunch with a few fireballs.

Huamanlou had already been tortured by two Demonic Beasts to the brink of death, with wounds all over his body, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Lu Chen shook his head, and sent Xiaotian and Xiaodao into the world of Jinzhu, and sent Huamanlou to get a lunch box with several fireballs. Of course, his storage bag would definitely not be missed.

After doing this, Lu Chen Divine Sense sensed the Divine Sense marks he had left on Zhong Tao and Gu Feng, but there was no

Inductively, I thought they should be far away!

Lu Chen thought of the location of the Ruins Hall on the map, and after confirming a direction, he threw out the flying boat. A medium-grade Spirit Stones was inserted into the groove, and Divine Sense controlled the flying boat to prepare to take off, but the flying boat didn't move at all.

Lu Chen speculates that there may be air-forbidden Restrictions in the secret realm. It is estimated that even the cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period will not be able to fly with the sword. It seems that the Powers were more considerate ten thousand years ago.

Perhaps the Cang Lan secret realm was specially created for the cultivator in the Qi refining period, which can be seen from the level of Demonic Beasts.

At least for now, Lu Chen has not discovered high rank Demonic Beasts, and cannot use flying boats, so Lu Chen has no choice but to use Xuantian Nine Steps to hurry.

Gufeng's luck is relatively good. Just entering the secret realm information Jade Slip flashed a faint red light, which indicates that there are brothers from the same sect nearby. He was overjoyed and did not dare to delay using the Movement Technique to quickly move towards the nearest little red dot. run away.

Sure enough, at a distance of less than a thousand meters, I saw a graceful woman. When I saw the other person's face, I was even more excited. That woman was Xuantian Sect's glamorous goddess Ye Rushuang, the Cultivation Base of the Great Consummation of Qi Refining Period .

Ye Rushuang's toes were off the ground at this moment, and her body was moving backwards at a very high speed. A second-order Demonic Beasts bloodfang wild boar was fiercely rushing towards Ye Rushuang, with two blood-red tusks that were very ferocious.

Ye Rushuang's complexion was gloomy, her hands kept forming seals, and she waited to stabilize her figure.

There was a "boom..." from the ground, and an ice thorn more than ten meters long protruded out of thin air. The ice thorn directly pierced the blood-fanged wild boar, pushing it in mid-air. , slowly lost its vitality.

"Senior Sister Ye! I am Gu Feng, I hope to walk with my senior sister, and rely on my senior sister to take care of me." Gu Feng ran to cupped hands and said respectfully and dare not overdo it.

"Yeah!" Ye Rushuang glanced at Gu Feng and nodded slightly in agreement, retracting the Spirit Power, the icicles protruding from the ground disappeared instantly, and the blood-fanged wild boar's body fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Facing Ye Rushuang's cold and indifferent Gufeng, he didn't care, he just wanted to follow Ye Rushuang, and he was satisfied if he could get shelter.

Ye Rushuang took out the Magical Item long sword, and Divine Sense controlled the long sword to cut off the two tusks of the bloodfang wild boar, put it in the storage bag, then turned around and left.

"Hey... sister, don't you want the meat of this blood-toothed wild boar?" Gu Feng asked, you must know that this blood-toothed wild boar is not only valuable for two blood-fangs, but pork is also delicious, and if you sell it, you can exchange it for a lot Spirit Stones, he didn't expect Ye Rushuang to throw them away so generously.

Seeing that Ye Rushuang didn't pay attention to him, Gu Feng shook his head and happily put the bloodfang wild boar's meat into the storage bag, then chased Ye Rushuang and kept a certain distance to follow.

Ye Rushuang saw that Gu Feng didn't harass her, and kept her distance, and she also gained a lot of affection for this junior.

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