Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 18: The Legend Of The Beast Mountain

Lu Chen learned from the Master Chen of the Divine Beast Mountain that the Canglan secret realm was opened sixty years ago, and that there was a ninth-floor senior in the Qi Refining Stage of the Divine Beast Mountain who was teleported in the ruins.

The places he saw were dilapidated, and the fragments of Magic Treasures that could be seen everywhere told him that an ancient war should have been experienced here, but these fragments of Magic Treasures had no effect after so many years.

When he picked up a Magic Treasures that looked relatively complete, the moment he touched the Magic Treasures with his hand, the Magic Treasures instantly turned into dust, and it was the same after several attempts.

The senior brother could only continue to investigate further.

Finally, he found a dilapidated palace in the distance, and immediately ran to check it excitedly, but found something unusual in a side hall.

I saw a high platform in the middle of the side hall, and there was a giant egg on the high platform, which was probably the egg of an ancient divine beast. The senior was overjoyed and was about to rush into the side hall immediately.

However, there was actually a layer of transparent formation barrier in the side hall that bounced him away. The senior brother tried to forcefully break the formation but returned without success.

In the end, he could only write down the surrounding scenes and left with hatred. Later, the senior brother was lucky enough to walk out of the Canglan secret realm alive, and immediately informed Sect of the matter.

That's why Chu Yi, the master brother of Shenshou Mountain, took Lingbao to find the ruins hall this time.

Since he couldn't drive the flying boat, Lu Chen could only use Xuantian Nine Steps to hurry. During this period, he also encountered many disciples fighting each other, but Lu Chen didn't care.

Occasionally, Lu Chen would secretly help one or two disciples when they were killed.

Once Lu Chen saw a disciple on the ninth floor of the Hehuan Sect's Qi Refining Stage being chased and killed by a second-order Demonic Beasts Blood Devil spider. Lu Chen deliberately changed into black clothes and surrounded his face with a black cloth.

When the disciple was in danger, he rescued the disciple and slaughtered the Blood Devil spider. The disciple was extremely grateful to Lu Chen.

"Thank you, brother, for saving your life." The disciple said gratefully.

"Bring it!" Lu Chen used Spirit Power to control the voice, his voice hoarse.

"Take... what do you take?" the disciple asked in confusion.

"Of course it's a storage bag! I saved your life, should I just say thank you and be done? Or is your life worthless?" Lu Chen roared, startling the disciple, and quickly put Give the storage bag to Lu Chen.

"That's right, these are things outside your body. If you lose them, you can still search for them. If you lose your life, you will lose everything. You are still young and you have a long way to go, so don't be discouraged, you know?" Lu Chen persuaded that disciple earnestly, and after taking away the Spiritual herbs and materials in the storage bag with a smile, he returned the storage bag to the other party.

"Uh... ok... ok." The Hehuan Sect disciple was a little confused for a while, holding an empty storage bag until Lu Chen went away. He seemed to feel as if he had been robbed, but he seemed to be saved again own life, it seems that it is not a robbery.

In this way, Lu Chen seems to have discovered a new world. He specially went to find those disciples who were in distress, and then gave them help. Then he took away the resources in the other party's storage bag, and gave the other party sensible and emotional enlightenment, so that the other party would be convinced oral.

Especially for the disciples of the Hehuan Sect and the Divine Beast Mountain, who called their sin Lu Chen, and of course the disciples of other sects can't help but die.

Later, I really couldn't find a cultivator who needed help.

When Lu Chen saw people fighting for resources, Lu Chen came out to persuade them, told them the true meaning of life, and took away the resources in their storage bags along the way.

Neither of them could see Lu Chen's Cultivation Base, so they dared not speak out, and could only watch helplessly as Lu Chen emptied the storage bag, and then threw it to himself.

Of course, there were also resistances. Some Dzogchen disciples in the qi refining period refused to accept Lu Chen's kindness because of their high Cultivation Base.

As a result, Lu Chen released the Sky Knife Praying Mantis and the Gold-eating Toad to ask the other party if you want to fight alone or in groups?

If the other party doesn't understand, they will ask: "What is a one-on-one fight, and what is a group fight."

Lu Chen said with a smile: "One-on-one, it means you one-on-one against the three of us, and in a group fight, it means the three of us beat one of you."

As a result, Dzogchen also willingly handed over his own resources during the Qi refining period.

Later, with the passage of time, Lu Chen helped more and more people, and his reputation grew. Everyone spread the word that this "cultivator who is helpful and has a strong Cultivation Base is looking for targets everywhere."

For a moment, a harmonious and stable scene appeared in the Canglan secret realm. There was no dispute between the disciples over a single spiritual herbs, and no one fought. They all searched for resources on their own.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen could only stop with a wry smile, but he also got a lot of spiritual herbs and other precious resources. He looked at the direction and ran towards the ruins hall without further delay.

But what he didn't know was that because of Lu Chen's handwriting, Chu Yi, the senior brother of Shenshoushan, became famous instantly. Except for Shenshoushan and Xuantian Sect, the senior brothers of the other five sects were all looking for Chu Yi, planning to settle accounts with him.

"Damn it! Chu Yi from the Divine Beast Mountain is really deceiving people. He dared to rob our disciples of the Tianyan Sect. If you find him, report him immediately," Duan Tianyu, the elder brother of the Tianyan Sect, ordered with a gloomy expression.

Similar words also appeared in the mouths of senior brothers or senior sisters of Hehuan Sect, Shennongmen, Xuanqi Pavilion, and Jade Maiden Palace.

At this time, the disciples of the major sects found fellow sects one after another, some cooperated with one or two, and some formed a team of three or four.

Chu Yi is currently listening to a junior brother who is in the Qi refining period of Dzogchen report to him about the rumors that Lu Chen took Demonic Beasts to rob around.

"Xiao Liu! You mean someone brought two Demonic Beasts to rob people in the name of saving people? And the other Sects suspect that I did it?" The person who spoke was a tall man with a Chinese character face and wearing a fur shorts. The voice is rough and powerful, and the muscles of the whole body are full of explosive power, a bit like a foreign boxer

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It looks like a genuine Dzogchen cultivator in the Qi refining period, as is Chu Yi, the big brother of Shenshou Mountain.

Chu Yi's face was gloomy at this time, his copper bell-like eyes made the opponent's hair straighten, his fists were clenched and his veins were bulging, and he was very angry.

"Yes... yes, senior brother, that person can drive two second-order Demonic Beasts at the same time, one is a gold-eating toad and the other is a sky knife mantis, that person is covered in black, but I'm sure he is not our beast Disciple of Shan, even after I knew I was invincible and handed over all the resources, that person didn't make things difficult for me." Xiao Liu said carefully, for fear of being angered by Chu Yi.

"This matter is of great importance. You should contact your colleagues and tell them to pay more attention to this person's tracks, and then come to the ruins hall to find me," Chu Yi ordered. Biqu library

"Yes!" After speaking, Xiao Liu cast Movement Technique and left the edge of the ruins hall.

"Who the hell are you? My retired elder from the Nascent Soul stage of the Divine Beast Mountain can't drive two Demonic Beasts at the same time. How did you do it?" Chu Yi said to himself, with a flash of light in his eyes, and then turned towards the ruined palace. He ran to the depths, followed by two other Dzogchen disciples in the qi refining period.

Not long after Chu Yi and the others left, a handsome figure appeared on the spot, looking at the backs of Chu Yi and others with a smile.

As we all know, Divine Beast Mountain is famous in the Cultivation World for driving Demonic Beasts to fight. Based on its own Blood Essence, the cultivator signed a contract seal with the Demonic Beasts through the medium of the soul, so that the Demonic Beasts were bound and obeyed the command of the human cultivator.

So the smaller the Demonic Beasts, the better. For example, if you raise a dog from a young age, and raise a big dog halfway through, there must be a difference between them.

And there is only one human soul, so one cultivator bound to one Demonic Beast has become the law of the cultivation world, and no one can break this law.

For example, the national law stipulates monogamy, so it is impossible to have two wives under your name.

Otherwise, if a cultivator is bound to a thousand or eight hundred Demonic Beasts, and a person brings a bunch of Demonic Beasts, how can he play?

With this rule in place, cultivators who practice the Beast Control Art will try to choose high-level Demonic Beasts when choosing Demonic Beasts.

Beasts are divided into: Demonic Beasts, spirit beasts, mythical beasts, ancient spirit beasts, ancient mythical beasts, and chaotic beasts. Each level ranges from Tier 1, Tier 2 to Tier 9.

If the Demonic Beasts die during the battle, the human cultivator Cultivation Base will also be greatly damaged, provided they can escape alive.

Many cultivators are unwilling to choose this path because of the many restrictions on practicing the Beast Control Art.

The reason why Lu Chen was able to drive the two Demonic Beasts was because he practiced in the Golden Bead World by chance and used the contract seal. The Golden Bead World became a world of its own, blocking the power of the laws of the Cultivation World.

Of course, Lu Chen may also bind Demonic Beasts without limit, and the power of a person's soul is also limited.

Chu Yi took two disciples to search in the depths of the ruined palace, and it didn't take long to find the dilapidated palace. Because of the records of the previous senior brother, Chu Yi and others quickly found the side hall.

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