Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 19 The Flaming Lion

"It should be here!" Chu Yi said happily, and saw that there was indeed a high platform in a side hall the size of a conference room, and a giant egg was placed on the high platform. The whole palace didn't even have a roof, but this side hall was relatively complete.

Because he knew in advance that there was a formation barrier, Chu Yi slowly stretched out his right hand.


Sure enough, a transparent formation barrier blocked Chu Yi's palm.

Chu Yi showed a clear look, then gathered the Spirit Power in the palm of his hand, and pushed towards the formation barrier with more force.

With a sound of "hum...", Chu Yi's body was bounced away by the formation barrier, and he took a few steps back to stabilize his figure, and several footprints were sunken on the ground.

"Senior Brother! Are you alright?" The two accompanying disciples asked with concern, one named Chai Yu and the other named Xu Cong, both of whom were Cultivation Bases of the Dzogchen Qi Refining Period.

"Hehe... I'm fine. This formation enchantment is really powerful. After ten thousand years, it still has such power. I just tried it out of curiosity." Chu Yi smiled disapprovingly.

"Brother, do you think the big guy here is really the egg of an ancient beast?" Xu Cong asked.

"It shouldn't be wrong. When I break this layer of formation barrier and bring it back, we will have made a great contribution. Sect will definitely reward us with generous rewards. You stand back and I will break the formation." Chu Yi took a few steps forward and took out a mace from the storage bag.

"Is this the spirit treasure bestowed by Sect?" Chai Yu asked curiously.

"Well! You two stand back a little more." Chu Yi instructed, Spirit Power was poured into the mace, and a compelling aura emanated from the mace.

Lu Chen, who was hiding not far away, also felt this momentum, and said in shock: "Is this the Lingbao? It is really strong. If I face this Chu Yi, I am afraid that I am not his opponent."

"That's amazing!" Xu Cong and Chai Yu were forced back a few steps by this momentum, with shock and envy in their eyes.

I saw Chu Yi holding up the mace with both hands, shouted, and swung it at the formation barrier from top to bottom. A giant wolf formed by Spirit Power rushed towards the formation barrier like a 3D special effect.



Immediately, sand and rocks flew around the formation barrier, and the golden light of the formation barrier burst into the sky, and could not dissipate for a long time.

"Look! There is a vision over there, go! Go and have a look."

The disciples who saw this vision near the Ruin Hall rushed towards this direction one after another, including the outstanding disciples of the Seven Sects, and the Canglan secret realm was surging.

Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned slightly, and his figure flickered leaving an afterimage on the spot, and ran towards the outside of the ruined hall. He guessed that many people would come after a while, so he had to change to a place farther away to hide Yin , and then wait for the opportunity, anyway, his Divine Sense is powerful and far away, and it doesn't have much impact.

"Oops, senior brother! With such a big commotion, it may not be long before other Sect disciples will come, why?

manage? Chai Yu anxiously reminded that the formation barrier was not broken at this time, but instead sparked a golden light.

"What are you panicking about? With my strength, although I can only display one-third of the power of the Lingbao, whoever dares to compete with me is a cultivator below the Foundation Establishment middle stage. This formation barrier can be broken in three more strokes. I think Who dares to peep."

Chu Yi believed himself, and raised the Lingbao mace in his hand again, pouring Spirit Power into it, and a wolf condensed with Spirit Power rushed towards the formation barrier again.

The explosion once again attracted waves of flying sand and rocks.

"Hehe... Chu Yi! You are so mean, kid. If you don't notify me when you find the baby, and steal it here by yourself, aren't you afraid of diarrhea?"

The person who spoke was a fair-skinned, elegant temperament, with a folding fan in his hand, he looked like a scholar, but his speech was incompatible with a scholar. The person who came was the No. 1 flower on the Genius List of the Albizia Sect, and the Cultivation Base who had perfected the Qi refining period.

The seven sects are closely related and complicated, and they all know each other well. The territory of Shenshou Mountain is next to the Acacia sect, so Chu Yi and Hua Wuque often compete with each other, and they are very familiar with each other.

"Get out!" Chu Yi glanced at Hua Wuque, said only one word and ignored him, and was about to hurry up and break the barrier.

"Smelly lion! You've eaten gunpowder, and daddy is looking for you to settle accounts! It is said that you, Chu Yi, have robbed the resources of various Sect disciples, and there are quite a few people seeking accounts from you. Do you think daddy is afraid of you?" Hua Wuque saw Chu Yi Yi has a bad attitude towards Own and is very angry. Biqu library

"Haha... I thought it was someone who made such a big commotion. It turned out to be you, Chu Yi! I was looking for you everywhere. Should we settle the account that you robbed the resources of my Xuanqi Pavilion disciples?"

At this time, another voice of questioning came, and the person who came was also a big man, as tall as Chu Yi, wearing a dark red robe, with sharp eyes under his sword eyebrows, and a sonorous voice.

"Yo! Blacksmith, you came very quickly!" Hua Wuque joked.

"Hua Wuque, if you don't take care of your stinky mouth, be careful I will tear you up." Qiao Tieen frowned angrily.

Chu Yi looked at the visitor calmly, and shouted to the surroundings:

"Since they're all here, why bother to hide, let's all come out!" Chu Yi Spirit Power said in a controlled voice, seemingly in a low voice, but the voice echoed in the air like a radio shout.

While breathing, several people appeared around the field.

They are: Duan Tianyu of Tianyanzong, Xuantian Sect Qin Chuan, Shangguan Wan'er of the Jade Girl Palace, Mu Kexin of Shennongmen, and Ling Manyu.

There were also disciples coming one after another around, but they didn't come close, they just whispered in the distance.

"It's really interesting. The disciples who are number one in the seven sect genius lists are all here. It's unprecedented. It's fun now." Hua Wuque said with a smile.

"Chu Yi! Should you give us an explanation?" Tianyanzong Duan Tianyu took the lead

With a cold voice, other people looked at Chu Yi asking questions.

Chu Yi was not surprised to see these people appear, but instead showed a mysterious smile, and saw him yell:

"Come out! Flame Lion"

A Demonic Beast was released by him from the spirit beast bag.


The Demonic Beasts were tall, fiery red, and their bodies were covered by hard scales. Their eyes were fierce and sharp. With a low growl, a flame spewed out from their mouths.

"It's actually the third-order Demonic Beasts, the Flame Lion." There was a burst of exclamation from all around.

"No! That flaming mad lion is not yet an adult, and can only display the fighting power of the Foundation Establishment early stage." Another person said, but received the eyes of fools around him, that person quickly shut up and joked about Foundation Establishment early Isn't stage killing the Qi refining period Dzogchen the same as playing?

"Chu Yi! What do you mean, are you going to fight? Do you think I will be afraid of you?" Duan Tianyu of Tianyanzong said coldly, a big knife appeared in his hand, which was a mid-grade Magic Treasures.

"Senior Brother Duan, don't be impulsive!" Mu Kexin from Shennongmen warned.

Regardless of other people's eyes, Chu Yi poured Spirit Power on the mace again, and slashed towards the formation barrier. A powerful momentum spread, and everyone frowned.

"Boom..." There was another loud noise, and the light curtain of the formation enchantment faded a lot, and Chu Yi smiled when he saw this.

"Lingbao! That's actually a Lingbao!" someone around exclaimed.

"Do I need to explain? Although I don't know who did it, if you want to trouble me, just let me go. Do you really think that I am a bully?"

Chu Yi said calmly, holding a Lingbao-level mace in his hand, accompanied by a third-level Demonic Beasts flaming lion, facing many talented disciples without fear.

"Even if it wasn't for you, Chu Yi, that person can drive Demonic Beasts that are comparable to the Great Perfection in the Qi Refining Period to fight, and you can't escape the Divine Beast Mountain if you think about it." Hua Wuque shook the folding fan in his hand lightly, smiled lightly, and gave Divine Beast Mountain pull hatred.

Chu Yi glanced at Hua Wuque with a man-eating gaze. If he said that he was not afraid of everyone in a fight, but he couldn't kill everyone, right? There are at least a hundred people around him now.

If there is a massacre, one or two will inevitably escape. If they wait out the Canglan secret realm and face the remaining six Gold Core Elders who are in the Dzogchen period, it is estimated that the entire camp of Shenshou Mountain will be destroyed.

Although Chu Yi acted domineeringly, he was not brain-dead. After weighing the pros and cons in his heart, he said loudly: "From the top to the bottom of My Beast Mountain, I can only drive one Demonic Beasts to fight. This is also the law of Cultivation World. Fighting Demonic Beasts, this is one.

Second, half of my disciples in Divine Beast Mountain were also robbed and suffered heavy losses.

Third, this person is dressed in black and masked, it must have been premeditated, and my Sect's two juniors, Zhou Guangsheng and Chen Kang, have already fallen, and their Demonic Beasts are the Sky Knife Mantis and the Golden Toad.

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