Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 175 The Way Of Ruthlessness

Lu Chen was trapped in the underground cave in the endless forest before, using the underground magma to practice the chaotic body refining technique, and completed the first stage of body refining: skin refining, meat refining, and tendon refining;

The Body Refining Realm has also successfully broken through to the Spiritual Body Realm, and its overall strength has been greatly improved.

Coupled with the thick real essence, and the Divine Sense far beyond ordinary people, Lu Chen's comprehensive strength can kill the Foundation Establishment stage in seconds, beat the early stage of fusion, not afraid of the middle stage of fusion, can fight the late stage of fusion, and run away when he sees the completion of the fusion period .

But now that Lu Chen has comprehended the "meaning", coupled with the breakthrough of Cultivation Base to the Great Consummation of the Foundation Establishment stage, the overall strength can basically kill the fusion early stage, hang the fusion middle stage, and complete the abuse fusion late stage. The fusion period is large. Consummate without falling behind.

As the strength improved again, Lu Chen was naturally very happy in his heart. After releasing Lu Su from the defensive formation, Lu Chen took out the flying boat and carried Lu Su to their temporary residence "Food is Immortal" .

During the period, when Lu Chen asked Lu Su why he was kidnapped, Lu Su did not mention that he was arrested because he was curious to experience some special service.

Instead, he came up with a pre-prepared rhetoric, no way! After all, the real experience is really too embarrassing, and he still needs to show some face.

Lu Chen didn't think too much when he heard the words, he only thought that the law and order in Qianyang City was relatively poor, and since everyone had been rescued, it was useless to ask so many questions, he still had a lot of things to do.

Because he was worried that Chu Dingtian would find him, Lu Chen planned to take Lu Zhishen and Lu Su away from Qianyang City, first go home to visit his parents, and then go to Wuchuan Prefecture to find Yinfeng Valley for body training.

On the top floor of the branch of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, in Yan Zixia's own room, after treatment, Yan Zixia has returned to a normal state.

As soon as she recovered, she devoted herself to her daily work, as if nothing had happened.

Because of Ximen Qinghong's incident, Wang Xiumei, who was Yan Zixia's bodyguard, blamed herself very much. Fortunately, nothing went wrong, otherwise she would have to bear the blame.

Looking at Yan Zixia who was busy with her work, Wang Xiumei hesitated to speak for several times, not knowing how to speak.

"Aunt! If you have anything to say, just say it! Seeing you want to say it and endure it, don't you feel bad?" Yan Zixia put down the Jade Slip in her hand and asked.


Zixia! I'm really sorry for you, because of my negligence, you were in danger and almost..." Wang Xiumei apologized with self-blame.

"Hehehe... Auntie! Aren't I doing well? You don't have to blame yourself too much." Yan Zixia comforted with a smile.

Wang Xiumei felt a little better when she heard this.

" long as you don't get angry with Auntie, that's fine. I never thought that Ximen Qinghong was such a person. I was really blind back then, and I kept helping him speak good words to bring the two of you together. Fortunately, you have Foresight, otherwise you will suffer in the days to come.

But now there are only three days left in the competition between the two chambers of commerce, and Ximen Qinghong is so damn it, so what should we do about the competition? "

Wang Xiumei expressed her worries.

"Hehehe...Don't worry, auntie! I have made my own arrangements for the candidates for the competition, and after many verifications, that person's pill refining attainments are not inferior to Ximen Qinghong's."

Yan Zixia smiled, as if everything was under her control.

"You're not talking about Lu Chen, are you? But have you ever thought about what if Lu Chen doesn't want to represent our Feiyu Chamber of Commerce?" Wang Xiumei raised her doubts.

Since Yan Zixia first issued the order to use the intelligence system in southern Xinjiang to pay attention to Lu Chen, Wang Xiumei has been in charge of sorting out all the news about Lu Chen.

At first, Wang Xiumei didn't understand Yan Zixia's actions, and felt that she was making a fuss out of a molehill, but as news about Lu Chen continued to spread, she became more and more curious about this cultivator named Lu Chen.

Especially in terms of pill refining, every time I don't see him buying Spiritual herbs, he can sell a large number of high-quality Medicine Pills from time to time, and through their various verifications, Lu Chen's pill refining attainments are indeed very high.

If he can be invited to play, there is also hope of winning, but according to news analysis, Lu Chen belongs to the kind of cultivator who is relatively low-key and cautious. Generally, this kind of cultivator does not like to show off.

Yan Zixia was taken aback when she heard Wang Xiumei's question, because she really hadn't thought about it.

As the actual operator of Beichen Prefecture's No. 1 Chamber of Commerce, she has always been a supporter, and she preconceived that no one would refuse the invitation of own.

Wang Xiumei almost watched Yan Zixia grow up.

Xia's temperament is well known, and now, looking at her expression, one can tell that Yan Zixia has not considered these ways of the world.

"Hehehe... Auntie, you are right. If you go to him rashly, there is a possibility that he will refuse, but if..." Yan Zixia turned her beautiful eyes, and spoke out her thoughts with a confident smile .

"Hehehe...Since that's the case, I think it's okay." After hearing Yan Zixia's attention, Wang Xiumei also felt that it was very feasible.

Then the two started discussing other news about Lu Chen.

On Zhang Haoyang's side, because he wanted to forcefully perform Zhou Gong's ceremony with his fiancée Wang Jingxuan after drinking, but was met by his father-in-law Wang Haocang, which made him very depressed.

This incident was soon passed on to his father Zhang Bingtian, Zhang Bingtian just said a few words lightly, and warned him to put the big things first, and the matter was left alone.

When Zhang Haoyang came to Wang Jingxuan again and wanted to apologize to her, he found that the old man Wang Haocang opened the door instead of Wang Jingxuan.

Seeing that the father-in-law Wang Haocang's expression was a bit strange, and when he was about to ask where Wang Jingxuan had gone, Wang Haocang embarrassedly handed Zhang Haoyang a message Jade Slip.

After reading the message Jade Slip, Zhang Haoyang's face instantly became gloomy, but he didn't dare to make a mistake. After politely saying goodbye, he left straight to "Piaoxianglou".

"Piaoxiang Building" is known as: "A paradise for men, a gold mine for women."

All the enjoyment and joy that men can't experience at home can be realized here.

Women who want to earn Spirit Stones in a simple and quick way can also come here, basically lying down and counting Spirit Stones.

In a large private room in "Piaoxiang Building", Zhang Haoyang threw 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, and ordered two young and beautiful female cultivators. Don't care about anything, let's fire two shots first.

The reason why Zhang Haoyang has such a big change in temperament is because the message Jade Slip that Wang Haocang showed him is actually a letter left by Wang Jingxuan without saying goodbye.

The general meaning of the letter is that Wang Jingxuan suddenly understood the true meaning of the way of ruthlessness, and wanted to cut off all the threads of love in the world, and practice the way of ruthlessness from then on.

I hope that Zhang Haoyang and his father will understand and will not come back here......

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