After reading the message Jade Slip, Zhang Haoyang was very angry, and suddenly realized the way of ruthlessness. Biqu library

Don't I just want to touch her big breasts, don't I just want to do Zhougong's ceremony with her?

Besides, you are already your own fiancée, isn't it normal for you to have such thoughts?

Does this make you comprehend the way of ruthlessness? Zhang Haoyang couldn't understand it. Of course he understood the reason for the so-called ruthless way.

So Zhang Haoyang, in order to retaliate and vent his anger, went directly to "Piaoxiang Building" and ordered two beautiful female nuns to gallop.

He wanted to do what he wanted to do, and he wanted to get double the joy he couldn't get from Wang Jingxuan from other women, but the result was the same.

Xuantian Sect branch in Anlin Prefecture, on Xiaozhu Peak, because of Lu Chen's departure, this place is now the residence of Zhong Tao, Gu Feng and Tong Wei.

It has been more than a few months since Zhongbacheng and Lu Chen parted ways. Under the ample Foundation Establishment gifted by Lu Chen, the three of them broke through to the Foundation Establishment early stage one after another, and became the seniors among the disciples of the Qi Refining Period.

After the three of them spent some time consolidating the Cultivation Base, they found that the Spirit Stones consumed during the Foundation Establishment period were several times higher than before, and the monthly benefits received by Sect alone were not enough, let alone another breakthrough.

Even if Sect requires Foundation Establishment disciples to accept some tasks every month, they still do some low-level tasks. These tasks are relatively safe, but the Spirit Stones they get are also very limited.

"Hey... Gufeng! I'm afraid it won't work if this continues. Several months have passed, and my Cultivation Base still hasn't made any progress. It's really hard to breakthrough again just relying on the Spirit Stones sent by Sect.

You see, Lu Chen is having a great time outside, why don't we go out for a break too! If it doesn't work then we can go back to Xuantian Sect. "

In the yard, Zhong Tao sighed while lying on the recliner left by Lu Chen.

Gufeng is also the Spiritual Qi that sits next to Zhong Tao in Lotus Position and closes his eyes to absorb the air.

After hearing the words, Gu Feng slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a foul breath, and frowned slightly.

He has long been aware of the problem Zhong Tao mentioned, and it is not the first time that Zhong Tao has proposed to go out and seek opportunities.

It’s just that Gu Feng’s personality is relatively conservative, and he is well aware of the dangers outside. He has never agreed with Zhong Tao’s idea. He thought that he would wait until he had saved enough Spirit Stones, breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment late stage, and then go out to look for opportunities.


"Gufeng! I...I think what Zhong Tao said makes sense, why don't you think about it." At this time, Tong Wei came out of the room and smiled.

Since getting married with Gu Feng, Tong Wei's attitude towards Gu Feng is completely different from before, and she even takes Gu Feng's feelings into consideration when speaking.

"Sigh... what you said, I don't know, it's just that our cultivation base is still too low. I thought about saving up some Spirit Stones before breaking through some Realms, but this Foundation Establishment period is far more difficult than the Qi Refining period... "

Gu Feng sighed helplessly, before being interrupted by Zhong Tao.

"Hahaha... In that case, why don't we go out and look for opportunities. Sect's control over Foundation Establishment disciples is not so strict. As long as we don't take the initiative to take risks, safety should not be a big problem."

Seeing that Gu Feng was also moved, Zhong Tao interrupted Gu Feng's words with a smile.

"Gu Feng!" Tong Wei also looked at Gu Feng expectantly, hoping that he would make a decision.

"Hehehe...Okay! Then the three of us will go out for a while, Zhong Fatty, where do you think we are going?" After thinking about it, Gufeng suddenly became enlightened and asked with a smile.

He knew that Zhong Tao had been inquiring about news from the outside world, and he had also refined a lot of talismans to prepare for going out to find opportunities.

" finally figured it out. After my painstaking efforts and painstaking research, let's go to Wuchuan Prefecture! I heard that there..."

Zhong Tao jumped up excitedly from the reclining chair and laughed loudly, and then analyzed the Karma before and after in detail, and Gu Feng's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

Immediately, several people decided to set off tomorrow to Wuchuan Prefecture...

In the southern city of Qianyang City, the branch of "Food is Immortal", after Lu Chen rescued Lu Su successfully, Lu Zhishen, Yang Yunfei and others were naturally overjoyed.

During the period, Qi Yutang asked Lu Su what happened to lead to his kidnapping. Naturally, Lu Su did not tell the truth, and he still used the same rhetoric as he had told Lu Chen before.

Everyone sighed when they heard the words, and scolded that the law and order in Qianyang City was really bad, and even the city lord scolded him.

Lu Chen said goodbye to Yang Yunfei and others at the right time, saying that he suddenly had a dream, dreaming that his parents were sick in bed, and he might die soon.

So I want to go home and have a look. After all, I have been away from home for more than three years and I still don't know the physical condition of my parents, so I am very worried.

Although it's just a dream, "Hundreds of goodness and filial piety come first!"

Yang Yunfei and others heard the words

I also understand Lu Chen very well, and make an appointment to see you again, remember to keep in touch with the communication beads.

After Lu Chen, Lu Zhishen and Lu Su left, Zhao Chengzhi smiled bitterly and said, "Yes! Another ticket wasted!"

As a result, he was despised by Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang, who accused Zhao Chengzhi of being petty.

In order to thank Lu Chen before, Zhao Chengzhi specially bought him a ticket for the auction from a scalper.

As a result, Lu Chen and Yu Qian only cared about their lives and didn't go to the auction, so wouldn't Zhao Chengzhi's tickets be voided?

Now the betting match between Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce is about to start, but Lu Chen has something to leave again, so the tickets that his father managed to get are not wasted again?

After Lu Chen, Lu Zhishen and Lu Su bid farewell to Yang Yunfei and others, they went directly to the teleportation hall in Qianyang City, but something went wrong when they bought the teleportation jade token.

There was a problem with Lu Chen's identity information jade token, and the teleportation hall did not recognize own identity information, so he refused to apply for a teleportation jade token for himself.

The identity information jade badge is equivalent to the cultivator's ID card. Before that, Lu Chen had been using the identity information jade badge issued by Xuantian Sect.

There is no way, all the teleportation halls in southern Xinjiang are in the hands of the seven sects. If the cultivator wants to ride the teleportation array, he must have the corresponding identity information jade card. The obtained Spirit Stones are also owned by the seven sects. As for how to distribute them Then Lu Chen couldn't help it.

It was fine before, but now the own identity information jade card suddenly can't be used, which made Lu Chen realize that things might be very bad.

Immediately anxiously led Lu Zhishen and Lu Su out of the teleportation hall, and left directly through the city gate.

Fortunately, there was no obstacle at the gate of the city. After leaving the city, Lu Chen took out his flying boat and hurried on his way desperately.

Lu Zhishen and Lu Su looked at Lu Chen's serious expression and realized the problem, but they didn't ask any more questions.

Half an hour later, Lu Chen saw that nothing happened. Although he was puzzled, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before Lu Chen could let go of his vigilance, a flying shuttle quickly passed the flying boat that Lu Chen was driving.

The cultivator on the flying shuttle directly attacked Lu Chen and the others without saying a word.

Lu Chen and the others had no choice but to give up the flying boat and dodge with the sword. At this time, ten figures flew from the flying shuttle with the sword and quickly surrounded Lu Chen and the others.

The situation is very critical...

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