Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 177 Fellow Daoist! What Do You Mean?

"Big... Dage!" Lu Su looked at Lu Zhishen subconsciously, and shouted with horror on his face, Yu Jian unconsciously moved closer to Dage.

Now the three of us are surrounded by eleven cultivators. Judging by the posture of the other party, it is obvious that the comer is not kind.

What's more terrible is that he can't see everyone's Cultivation Base. If this fights, needless to say, he knows what the ending will be.

Lu Zhi took a deep look at Lu Chen, and the Magic Treasures long sword in his hand was ready to go under the infusion of true energy, showing a desperate posture.

"Don't panic! Just wait and see!" Lu Chen said calmly, signaling Lu Zhishen not to act rashly.

On the other hand, he looked around and saw unfamiliar faces, so he was puzzled, why did these people stop him and the others? Could it be that they were robbing?

Moreover, the opponent did not directly attack, and he did not dare to act rashly.

Because after a quick look, Lu Chen found that the other party had a total of eleven people, one in the Dzogchen fusion period, two in the late stage of fusion, two in the middle stage of fusion, five in the early stage of fusion, and one in the Dzogchen period of Foundation Establishment. Young cultivator.

Such a lineup can be said to be strong, and it is not something the three of them can handle.

Besides, Lu Su's safety had to be taken into consideration. After all, he only had the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment early stage. If he was not careful, he might die on the spot.

"Hahaha...boy! Didn't expect that, guess who I am?" The young cultivator who spoke was in his twenties, with a teasing smile on his face.

Lu Chen didn't expect that the young cultivator who was in the Foundation Establishment period would be the first to speak. It seems that the identity of the other party is not simple, so many cultivators in the integration period are headed by him.

I saw him, dressed in a white black robe, with a handsome appearance, with sword-like eyebrows on his temples, and a dusty temperament, standing in front of the wind, when the breeze blows, his clothes are flowing like a fairy, it's okay if he doesn't speak, this opening, the second generation ancestor's dandy image, can be seen at a glance .

Hearing this, Lu Chen looked at the other party in astonishment. He didn't expect him to ask such an unrefined question. He really wanted to answer him: " guess me, guess or not?"

However, in view of the large number of people on the other side, Lu Chen still cupped hands and smiled embarrassingly:

"Hehehe... Please forgive me for being stupid, but I can't guess the identity of the fellow daoist. I don't know... Why did the fellow daoist block my way?

If there is nothing else, I will not delay fellow daoist's time, just leave it alone, if there is a chance in the future, I will invite you

Fellow daoist eats haha. "

After speaking, Lu Chen motioned to Lu Zhishen and Lu Su, and they lowered their flight altitude and prepared to evacuate.

But the other party also reacted quickly, and surrounded the three of them relentlessly.

"Fellow daoist! What do you mean?" Lu Chen said coldly.

In line with the principle that peace is the most important thing, I have already lowered my posture very low, but the other party still insists on entanglement, Lu Chen suddenly felt angry.

"Heh? How dare you put on a face for me? You really don't know how to live or die, come on! Abolish their Cultivation Base first, remember not to kill them, I will slowly torture that kid,"

The young cultivator looked at Lu Chen with disdain and ordered.

Two middle-aged cultivators who merged into the late stage, Yu Jian flew to Lu Chen and the three, one went straight to Lu Zhishen, and the other to Lu Chen and Lu Su.

In their opinion, this is enough. After all, among the three, even Lu Zhishen, who has the highest Cultivation Base, has only integrated the Cultivation Base of the middle stage.

It's too late, but it's fast.

"Go! Go to the ground first." Lu Chen shouted, relying on the speed of Chaos Sword Control,

He came to Lu Su's side in a breath, took his arm and flew towards the ground at a high speed, pulling away a distance from everyone in the blink of an eye.

Hearing this, Lu Zhishen's speed was not slow. While flying upside down, he swung several swords directly at the two late stage cultivators.

The true essence instantly condensed several tens of meters long golden Sword Rays, intertwined and flew towards the two fused late stage cultivators like crescent moons.

Suddenly, a sound of "嗡..." resounded through the sky, and almost at the same moment, Lu Chen played a Buddha Palm.

The huge palm prints condensed from the true essence, with the aura of destroying everything, slapped the two late stage cultivators flying towards them like mosquitoes.

"How is it possible?" The two cultivators fused with the late stage screamed almost at the same time, and then desperately flew to the two sides with Yujian.

Lu Zhishen's several Sword Rays and they haven't put in one's eyes yet, but the huge palm prints that are as real as they are, with terrifying power in them, made them instinctively feel the danger, and they were all shocked that this was actually the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period. s method.

If you look at it from a distance, a huge palm print flies from bottom to top at a high speed, and the two fused late stage cultivator swords escape to both sides, and then continue to fly straight down from the air, chasing and killing Lu Chen and others,

The other nine cultivators also dispersed one after another, and they also felt the extraordinaryness of the huge palm print. Biqu library

These are almost in the blink of an eye

happened between,

Fortunately, everyone else reacted quickly enough, except for the non-stop swaying of the clothes in the air, there was no serious problem.

Only the young cultivator looked a little embarrassed. If it wasn't for the cultivator who was in the integration period and the great perfection to save him, he would have been cold by now.

Everyone looked at the sky in shock, only to see that the thick clouds in the sky were directly pierced through, revealing a clear palm print, highlighting the extraordinaryness of that seal.

Several people subconsciously looked at the palm of own's right hand, guessing in their hearts how the cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period did it.

You must know that when the cultivator shoots Sword Ray, it determines the attack distance according to the thickness of the true energy.

Because there are too many obstacles in the air, after a ray of true energy is sent out through the medium of Magical Item, it will dissipate outside a certain range.

However, their visual inspection of the distance of Lu Chen's palm prints seems to have exceeded their imagination, which shows that the boy's strength is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface.

"Bah! Fuck them all! Kill them!" The young cultivator steadied his body and roared angrily.

The cold sweat broke out on his face, it can be seen that he was really frightened,

"You guys stay and protect the young master," the cultivator of the integration period Dzogchen ordered to the remaining few people,

After speaking, his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the air. With a strong fighting intent in his eyes, he looked at the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period below.

After Lu Chen sent out the Buddha Palm, he flew desperately to the ground, regardless of Lu Su's shocked expression.

Time was running out, and after landing, Lu Chen threw several array flags around Lu Su. Dozens of purple brilliance disappeared on the ground, and a lavender formation light curtain enveloped Lu Su.

There was no way, only by putting Lu Su in the defensive formation, he and Lu Zhishen could face the enemy with peace of mind, which was why Lu Chen asked Lu Zhishen to retreat to the ground first.

"Thank you!" Lu Zhi, who came over, said gratefully.

He naturally understood what Lu Chen meant, and also knew how powerful Lu Chen's formation method was.

He was also worried about Little Brother Lu Su's safety. Now that he had no worries, Lu Zhishen's momentum changed, and he was full of fighting spirit.

At this time, the three Daoist shadows were approaching quickly, especially the Daoist shadow at the back, which came first after the first, showing its great strength.

"You deal with one fusion late stage, and I'll take care of the rest." Lu Chen said flatly.

After speaking, Yu Jian rushed to the sky...

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