Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 179 Two-Headed Demonic Beasts

Lin Tian naturally also saw Lu Chen's flaws. After all, he and his Realm are here. Even if the opponent's explosive power is very strong, even if he is a Dzogchen in the fusion period, he dare not be too big.

But the other party's follow-up true energy is not as long-lasting as his own, so it is only a matter of time before he kills the other party.

I saw that Lin Tian flew towards Lu Chen at a very high speed, holding up a long streamer behind him, Divine Sense locked on Lu Chen, and the Magic Treasures spear in his hand was condensed into a pole as thick as an electric pole and 100 years long under the perfusion of real essence. Domi's giant spear.

The high-speed rotation of the gun body drove Zhou Wei's airflow, flashing golden brilliance, like a giant electric rotor poking at Lu Chen with a terrifying aura.

Lu Zhishen's confidence increased greatly after getting the Lingbao, and he poured his true energy into the Lingbao mace, and kept waving it at the two late stage cultivators.

Every time he swung, there were five giant wolves formed by condensed true essence, pounced on the two cultivators like a 3D special effect.

As we all know, Cultivation World weapons are divided into: Magical Item, Magic Treasures, Lingbao, Houtian Lingbao, Innate Lingbao, Dongtian Lingbao, and Ancient Xuanbao.

I didn’t explain the specific reason for the division before, that’s because Lu Chen just joined Cultivation World not long ago, and he himself doesn’t know the specific situation, only a general distinction.

It wasn't until later that he specifically asked Zhao Chengzhi, who was well-known and strong, that he was able to know the mystery.

First of all, in terms of materials, all refining materials are divided into spiritual grades and divine grades, and each is divided in detail from first-level to ninth-level.

For example, if you get a first-level refining material, you can only refine Magical Items, and second-level spiritual materials can only refine Magic Treasures, and so on.

Of course, this also depends on the level of the craftsman. If the level is not high, maybe you can give him a piece of third-level spirit refining material, which can originally refine a spirit treasure.

However, he only refined a Magical Item for you, who can you blame? This situation is not uncommon.

Secondly, in terms of function, each level of Magic Treasures is divided into attack, defense, savings, flight, and many other functions.

For example, the cooking pots used by some chefs may be Houtian Lingbao cauldrons, and they can be equipped with Innate Lingbao spatulas.

Finally, in terms of effects and attributes, the higher the level of the weapon

Higher, it proves that the more expensive the refining material used, the more powerful its connotation attribute will be.

For example, ordinary Magic Treasures can only attack mechanically when they condense true essence.

However, the true energy condensed by the Lingbao has some spirituality, which can automatically attack and dodge the opponent's attack, and the longer it lasts.

Moreover, high-level Magic Treasures, some have spirits, or have the power of laws, etc.

Therefore, if an ordinary cultivator can possess a high-level Magic Treasures, that would be a dream.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the howling sound of wolves resounded.

Every time Lu Zhishen swung it, there were five giant wolves formed by condensed true energy, rushing towards the two late stage cultivators like a 3D special effect.

The more times of waving, a pack of wolves is formed.

"Damn it!" One of the cultivators cursed as he watched the pack of wolves as big as lions condensed with true energy attacking him.

But their hands and feet were not too slow, they poured their true energy into their own Magic Treasures long swords, fought back desperately, and suddenly a colorful Sword Ray flew all over the sky.

Lu Zhishen was out of breath at this moment, and his true energy was also consumed too much.

Lu Zhishen quickly poured a whole bottle of Huizhen Dan into his mouth, and used the formula to restore his true essence, which was given by Lu Chen before.

Immediately, he glanced sideways at Lu Chen's direction, and what he saw made his heart almost hit his throat.

Lu Chen felt that he had been locked by the opponent's Divine Sense, even if he fled far away, it would not help. Now there are only two choices, either hide in the golden bead world, or fight head-on with the opponent.

Seeing Lin Tian controlling the huge gun body with high-speed rotation, it was like a large electric turning to poke at him.

Lu Chen didn't dare to delay, and took out the black stone that bred bitter bamboo.

The black stone, which was as big as a brick, instantly became the size of a thirty-story building under the infusion of Lu Chen's true essence.

Under Lu Chen's control, it flew directly towards the attacking Lin Tian.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The black stones the size of the entire building collided with Lin Tian's long spear Magic Treasures, and another wave of devastating energy spread to the surroundings.

Lu Chen and Lin Tian retreated respectively, but Lu Chen forcibly turned around and rushed into the range of the energy explosion


"Damn it! Damn it, this kid from the Foundation Establishment period is really damned!" The young cultivator hiding in the distance cursed with envy in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the cultivator during the Foundation Establishment period would be so difficult to deal with, not only with strong strength, but also with frequent tricks.

This mountain-like rock is not ordinary at first glance.

"What does he want to do?" Lin Tian Divine Sense felt that Lu Chen rushed towards him regardless of the destructive power of the energy fluctuations of both sides, and wondered in his heart.

Logically speaking, the opponent should retreat at this moment, and then wait for the energy to dissipate before launching an attack again.

Before he had time to think about it, Lin Tian didn't show any weakness, and also activated his body protection energy to meet Lu Chen.

But as soon as Lin Tian rushed into the energy explosion area, he regretted it, the protective energy burst and dissipated almost instantly,

It can be seen how strong the destructive power produced by the impact of their respective true energy is, Lin Tian hurriedly flew backwards upon seeing this.

Lu Chen is not feeling well at the moment. The energy fluctuations and destructive power generated by the impact explosion are no less than resisting the simultaneous attacks of two fusion stage Dzogchen cultivators.

A few fine lines had been cracked in many places on the body, and blood flowed out from the fine lines, which looked terrifying.

On Lu Zhishen's side, there was also a sudden change. The two cultivators who merged into the late stage originally thought that the two of them would be able to kill each other easily by joining forces.

But he didn't expect that the other party's spiritual treasure was very powerful. The key was that the other party seemed to have inexhaustible real energy, and he kept stimulating the spiritual treasure.

Facing the pack of wolves formed by the condensed true energy, the two of them couldn't get close to Lu Zhishen for a while, and they suddenly became frustrated.

The two looked at each other and exchanged their own spirit beast bags one after another.

"Ho Ho Ho..." Two Demonic Beasts roared suddenly,

A fourth-level sixth-level Demonic Beasts blue-winged dragon and a fourth-level fifth-level Demonic Beasts flying bat appeared in the field out of thin air.

Each Demonic Beasts is huge in size, very bluffing, and its strength is comparable to a fusion middle stage. Under the control of the two cultivators, they rushed directly to the wolves formed by the condensed essence of Lu Zhishen.

"Dage!" Seeing this, Lu Su in the defensive formation exclaimed loudly, his face full of worry.

Hearing the sound deeply, Lu Zhi turned his head with a wry smile, and glanced at Little Brother in the formation light curtain, with a determined expression on his face, as if saying goodbye to Little Brother Lu Su...

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